Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Reference Question of the Day: Is there an extradition treaty between the U.S. and Taiwan

And, if so, does it cover long-overdue library materials?

Link to September 14 Daily Record article, "Cops:  Ex-Randolph, NJ, man failed to return $2,500 in books, DVDs to library

Excerpt:   An arrest warrant has been issued for a man now believed to be living in his native Taiwan for failing to return or pay for $2,499 worth of DVDs, videocassettes and music books he borrowed in 2008 from the Randolph Township Public Library.

Five weeks ago, Randolph Patrolman Daniel Novoa spoke to the library director, who reported that Hsian Kao
[what?  no physical description?] signed out DVDs, VHS cassettes and musical instruction books on April 29, May 3, and May 12, 2008. The $2,499 value of the books does not include late fees.

Kao never returned the items nor responded to a certified letter from the library inquiring as to their whereabouts. The library director contacted police after she spotted Kao in the facility with a young child this past Aug. 4. He left after making eye contact with the director.

And immediately bought a plane ticket to Taiwan? Whoa! Talk about the evil eye.

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