Friday, September 7, 2012
Change is Still Inevitable @ the James Prendergast Library
Excerpt: According to Thomas Price, president of the board of trustees for James Prendergast Library Association, the two boards had a joint meeting on Aug. 30. He called the meeting the "culmination of an extensive evaluation process," at which point the boards decided to make a change.
Mielke started her duties in late 2011.
Related article:
Change is inevitable at the library. (4/22/2012)
Excerpt: One of the most difficult issues facing your Prendergast Library is the perception that a climate of fear and intimidation now permeates the staff of the Prendergast Library (and System).
Everyone on the board of trustees has received anonymous, as well as signed, letters and emails. We are working diligently to assess the situation and carefully sort the legitimate causes for concern from the rumors that are circulating. Ms. Mielke has a different management style than that of her predecessor and we recognize that leadership transitions are difficult for all parties.
Jennifer Rubin is Shooting Blanks
Source: Photobucket
Bill Clinton’s long, long speech about the meanie Republicans. (Washington Post, 9/5/2012)
Excerpt: Mostly, however, Clinton did what he always does: Get lost in the weeds of policies, mixing in facts with half-truths and downright goofy arguments. [See "The Conservative Clinton Conundrum", Media Matters, 9/6/2012, for background.]
When Fact Checkers Get Trigger Happy. (Columbia Journalism Review, 9/6/2012)
Excerpt: Is there such a thing as too much factchecking? described former President Bill Clinton’s speech to the Democratic convention Wednesday evening as a “fact-checker’s nightmare” in part because, “with few exceptions… his stats checked out.”
Who's Running for State Office in Wisconsin 2012: 12th Assembly District (General Election Edition)
Public libraries in the 12th Assembly District:
Milwaukee Public Library (service area)
Wauwatosa Public Library (service area)
Biography Born Milwaukee, January 11, 1940; married; 2 children.
Graduate Milwaukee Lutheran H.S. and Capitol Page School 1957; B.A. U. of Wisconsin-Madison 1962; L.L.B. U. of Wisconsin-Madison 1966.
Labor arbitrator.
Member: Goethe House (vice pres., former pres.); Milwaukee Chap. ACLU (bd. mbr., former pres.); World Affairs Council of Milwaukee (bd. mbr.); Wis. Bar Assn.; Industrial Relations Research Assn. (advisory com. mbr.); Democratic Party; DANK (German-American National Congress), Milwaukee chap. (former vice pres.); Milwaukee Donauschwaben; Amnesty International Group 107 (former chairman); Milwaukee Turners; NAACP.
County court judge (Milw. Co.) 1972-78; Circuit court judge (Milw. Co.) 1978-81, 1986-88.
On January 11, 1961, his 21st birthday, he became the youngest person, up to that time, ever to serve in the legislature.
Elected to Assembly 1960, 1964-70; reelected since 2004.
Assembly District 1.
Assembly District 2.
Assembly District 3.
Assembly District 4.
Assembly District 5.
Assembly District 6.
Assembly District 7.
Assembly District 8.
Assembly District 9.
Assembly District 10.
Assembly District 11.
Who's Running for State Office in Wisconsin 2012: 11th Assembly District (General Election Edition)
Public libraries in the 11th District
Milwaukee Public Library (Mill Road Library)
In the Democratic primary, Mandela Barnes defeats the incumbent Jason Fields by a 2-to-1 margin. Unless someone launches a write-in campaign, Barnes will be unopposed in the general election.
Longtime state legislators Fields, Krusick lose in primaries. (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 8/14/2012
The pro-voucher American Federation for Children sent out mailers backing Fields and blasting Republicans, despite the group's history of supporting GOP candidates. In all, the group spent over $100,000 in primaries in Milwaukee, but none of its candidates won Tuesday.
Mandela Barnes
Mandela Barnes announces candidacy for State Assembly 11th District. (Milwaukee Courier, 4/14/2012)
Excerpt: Barnes also spoke about his passion for a better Milwaukee, he stated that he would go to serve on the State Assembly and represent the interests of the 11th district, not others’ interests.
“The state cannot move forward with a broken Milwaukee. Milwaukee is broken, and that is where my focus would be, fixing Milwaukee. There is a huge problem that exists, when we have a $600 million construction project going on in our community (Westlawn) and we do not have any local construction workers working on it. We have no access, and no one can tell us why…that is a problem. And those are the type of solutions that I would work toward.” Barnes said.
Related posts (General Election Edition).
Assembly District 1.
Assembly District 2.
Assembly District 3.
Assembly District 4.
Assembly District 5.
Assembly District 6.
Assembly District 7.
Assembly District 8.
Assembly District 9.
Assembly District 10.
Who's Running for State Office in Wisconsin 2012: 10th Assembly District (General Election Edition)
Public libraries in the 10th District
Milwaukee Public Library
From the previous edition of this post.
Sandy Pasch as the Kinda/Sorta Democratic Incumbent.
Strictly speaking, there is no incumbent in the 10th Assembly District, just 4 Democratic candidates vying for this open seat.
However, you can make a case for Sandy Pasch as the incumbent as she currently represents the [pre-2011 Wisconsin Act 43] 22nd Assembly District. She was first elected to this seat in 2008. As the Shorewood Patch notes, however, legislative redistricting turned the district's color scheme from purple to red. Pasch says she will move to Milwaukee or Shorewood if she wins the election. According to Media Trackers, minorities comprise nearly 75% of the population of the newly redrawn 10th District.
Primary election update.
And win she did. Convincingly. With more than 60% of the vote. She will run unopposed in the general election.
Racial politics among dirty tricks marring primary. (Milwaukee Area Labor Council, 8/9/2012)
Pasch wins in new 10th Assembly district. (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 8/14/2012)
Madison Politiscope: Scott Jensen, voucher schools lose in Wisconsin primary. (Capital Times, 8/16/2012)
Graduate Bay View H.S. 1972; B.S. Nursing UW-Madison 1976; M.S. Psychiatric nursing U. of Rochester (NY) 1981; M.A. Bioethics Medical Coll. of Wisconsin 1999.
Full-time legislator. Former assistant professor Columbia College of Nursing; clinical nurse specialist; community health nurse. Member: American Public Health Assn.; Wis. Nurses Assn.; National Alliance on Mental Illness (fmr. pres.); American Society for Bioethics and Humanities; National Conference of State Legislatures Health Com.; Midwest CSG Health and Human Services Com.; Wis. Women’s Council; UW Population Health Institute Advisory Bd.; City of Milw. Flooding Study Task Force; Milwaukee Legislative Caucus (chp.). Former member: Hope House (bd. mbr., secy.); American Red Cross – Southeastern Wis.
Elected to Assembly 2008; reelected 2010.
Assembly District 1.
Assembly District 2.
Assembly District 3.
Assembly District 4.
Assembly District 5.
Assembly District 6.
Assembly District 7.
Assembly District 8.
Assembly District 9.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Welcome to the Renovated Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh-South Side
South Side library reopens after a year of renovations. (Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 9/6/2012)
Among the improvements:
- State-of-the-art geothermal heating and cooling system
- Reconditioning of existing windows
- Insulation
- Slate roof
- New elevator to make all three levels fully accessible
- Meeting room for up to 100 in the basement
- Second-floor seminar room
- New front entrance stairs
Entry-level floor plan.
The Sky Does Not Fall After Omaha Passes Restaurant Tax
Restaurant tax has helped fill big hole in city budget. (Omaha World-Herald, 9/6/2012)
Excerpt: Despite the dire predictions that the new tax would cut into Omaha's restaurant traffic, business for the nearly $1 billion Omaha restaurant industry is up.
State records show that restaurants in Council Bluffs, which many people predicted would get a windfall, saw sales drop when Omaha's tax went into effect.
(according to readers of Omaha Magazine)
The tax survives a challenge.
Court upholds occupation tax on restaurants. (Omaha World-Herald, 5/19/2012)
The article notes that a similar tax, pegged at 2%, raised $11,000,000 in Lincoln in 2011.
Proposed Changes Lead to Some Patron Panic, Misinformation @ the Columbus Metropolitan Library
Flat-rate library fine irks residents. (Columbus Dispatch, 9/5/2012)
But wait a minute, Jerome, there's a 14-day grace period.
And that's not all.
The proposal also reduces the maximum fine that can accumulate per item -- from $15 to $5. ($1 for juvenile cardholders.)
Daily fines are eliminated. Under the current policy, for example, a person would owe $17.25 for a video or DVD that is 14 days overdue.
Library materials may be renewed up to 10 times, twice the current limit. That means it's possible to keep some items for as long as 10 months!
Not to mention the fact that the CML would like to offer an integrated library system that automatically renews overdue items.
With the use of a library card comes personal responsibility.
In order to receive a borrower's card from the Columbus Metropolitan library, the applicant must agree to the following statements:
You'll find similar language on all library card application forms, such as the one at the Middleton Public Library
Some folks aren't fully embracing these responsibilities.
Currently, 206,000 cardholders, or 40 percent of all cardholders, can’t use the library because their fines exceed $10.
Who's Running for State Office in Wisconsin 2012: 9th Assembly District (General Election Edition)
Public library in the 9th Assembly District
Milwaukee Public Library (no physical branches)
Zepnick defeated Jose Guzman in the August 14 Democratic primary and is running unopposed in the November general election.
The Democratic Incumbent
M. A. Public Administration U. of Minnesota 1998. Research associate with the Center for Democracy and Citizenship. Helped staff the Governor’s transition when Jesse Ventura was elected.
Former congressional aide to Dave Obey; project consultant to the Milwaukee Jobs Initiative, the Milwaukee Community Service Corps, the Urban Economic Development Association of Wisconsin. Helped launch Public Allies, a Milwaukee organization for leadership and civic participation among young adults.
Elected to the Assembly in 2002. Minority Caucus Sergeant at Arms.
Ran unopposed in the 2010 primary and general elections.
Related posts (General Election Edition).
Assembly District 1.
Assembly District 2.
Assembly District 3.
Assembly District 4.
Assembly District 5.
Assembly District 6.
Assembly District 7.
Assembly District 8.
Who's Running for State Office in Wisconsin 2012: 8th Assembly District (General Election Edition)
Milwaukee Public Library Forest Home Branch.
In a very light voter turnout, Zamarripa defeated Laura Manriquez in the August 14th primary. She is unopposed in the general election.
Biography. Born Milwaukee, March 8, 1976; single.
Graduate St. Joan Antida H.S. (Milwaukee) 1994; BFA UW-Milwaukee 2005.
Full-time legislator. Former Educator and Community Outreach Coordinator at Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin.
Member: 9 to 5 National Assn. of Working Women; 9 to 5 Milwaukee (fmr. bd. secy.); Equality Wisconsin (fmr. bd. mbr.).
Elected to Assembly 2010.
From JoCasta's 2010 campaign website. She is a lifelong and voracious reader, with a passion for books that stir up \strong emotions -- such as the The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Diaz.
The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel endorsed Zamarripa in 2010.
Wisconsin Eye interview.
Assembly District 1.
Assembly District 2.
Assembly District 3.
Assembly District 4.
Assembly District 5.
Assembly District 6.
Assembly District 7.
Who's Running for State Office in Wisconsin 2012: 7th Assembly District (General Election Edition)
Public libraries in the 7th Assembly District
Greenfield Public Library (service area; library itself is not located in the district)
West Allis Public Library (service area; library itself is not located in the district)
Academic library
In the August 14th primary, Daniel Riemer beat 29-year incumbent Peggy Krusick with two-thirds of the vote.
Part of the problem for Krusick.
Excerpt: In the previous 7th District, Krusick established herself with voters through direct, door-to-door connections built up over her 29 years in the Assembly. In the new district, which now includes parts of Milwaukee's south side and more of West Allis and Greenfield, she must re-establish her constituent base, having retained only a third of her original district after redistricting.
On the other hand, a number of incumbents -- Sondy Pope-Roberts and Sandy Pasch immediately come to mind -- won their primary elections thanks to the votes of a majority of "new" constituents.
Some -- OK, at least one progressive Democrat expressed glee in Krusick's defeat, calling it "the sweetest moment" of the primary election day.
Meet the new Democratic representative of the 7th Assembly District.
Unless a write-in candidate emerges, Riemer has no opposition in the general election.
Riemer's series of reports for The Guardian.
Related posts (General Election Edition).
Assembly District 1.
Assembly District 2.
Assembly District 3.
Assembly District 4.
Assembly District 5.
Assembly District 6.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Wisconsin Leads the Cuts to Education
New School Year Brings More Cuts in State Funding for Schools. (Center on Policy and Budget Priorities, 9/4/2012)
No, Indiana hasn't seceded from the Union. According to the report, Indiana and Hawaii publish education funding data in ways that make it difficult to make accurate historical comparisons.
Pomona Public Library Back in Business after 2 1/2 Week Closure
Pomona Public Library reopens. (Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, 9/4/2012)
Excerpt: In June, a budget shortfall threatened to temporarily close the library for a year.
The city was able to allocate $400,000 to keep the library operating during the 2012-13 fiscal year, but a city-wide task force consisting of residents, business people and others are working to raise money to augment library services.
As a scaled down staff assisted patrons Tuesday, library supporters, elected officials and others gathered in front of the building for a short ceremony.
The ceremony was meant to commemorate the library's reopening but also to remind the public of the library's financial predicament.
Related posts:
Library adjusts to new normal. (8/25/2012)
Library parcel tax on November 6 ballot. (8/9/2012)
You'll see less. (8/5/2012)
What a way to celebrate 100 years of service. (7/23/2012)
Keeping up with the Pomona Public Library. (7/8/2012)
The Pomona Public Library gets a reprieve from the city council. 6/27/2012)
Best blog name ever (?) and more on the Pomona Public Library. (6/22/2012)
David Allen is now a card-carrying Pomona Public Library supporter. 6/22/2012)
Vote to close Pomona library postponed to June 25. (6/22/2012)
Pomona library bears brunt of layoffs. (6/14/2012)
Who's Running for State Office in Wisconsin 2012: 5th Assembly District (General Election Edition)
Public libraries in the 5th Assembly District
- Black Creek Village Library
- Kaukauna Public Library
- Kimberly-Little Chute Public Library (portion of Little Chute only)
- Muehl Public Library, Seymour
The Republican Incumbent
Born Milwaukee, November 23, 1970; married. Graduate Wauwatosa West HS 1989; attended UW-Milwaukee and UW-Oshkosh. Regional manager.Former realtor, salesman.
Former member: Realtors Assn. of Northeast Wis.; Wis. Realtors Assn. Town supervisor, Town of Vandenbroeck, 2005-07; town chp. 2007-11. Outagamie Co. supervisor, 2006-11.
Elected to Assembly 2010.
Jim Steineke announces re-election bid to Assembly. (Appleton Post-Crescent, 3/16/2012)
The Democratic Challenger
Jeff McCabe beat Ryan Ferguson in the August 14th primary.
Related posts (the Fall 2012 edition).
Assembly District 1.
Assembly District 2.
Assembly District 3.
Assembly District 4.
Who's Running for State Office in Wisconsin 2012: 4th Assembly District (General Election Edition)
Public libraries in the 4th Assembly District:
Brown County Public
The Republican Incumbent
His public service includes working for State Senator Robert Cowles, serving as the Deputy Chief of Staff for Congressman Mark Green, working as the Chief of Staff for Mayor Jim Schmitt, serving in the Foreign Service in Africa, working as an international election observer, and serving as City Clerk for the City of Green Bay.
First elected to the Assembly in 2010, Weininger received 58% of the votes in 2010.
The Democratic Challenger
Michael Malcheski was elected to Ashwaubenon Village Board on April 3, 2012.

Michael Malcheski on Facebook.
Related posts (the Fall 2012 edition).
Assembly District 1.
Assembly District 2.
Assembly District 3.
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