Saturday, February 3, 2018

Climate change as a matter of fact: Four years and counting in Lodi, Wisconsin

Related reading
The planet just had its hottest 4 years in recorded history. Trump is dismantling efforts to fight climate change.  (Washington Post, 1/18/2018)
Before 2017, the years 2014, 2015, and 2016 had set new all-time temperature records in stepwise fashion — culminating in a dramatic new high in 2016 — and NASA and NOAA had both agreed on their rankings as they occurred. 2017, in contrast, merely stayed within the elevated temperature range these prior years had already established.

Coming soon!

One of the best albums ever, in my estimation, David Bowie's The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars debuted on the Billboard Top 200 Albums chart for the week ending June 17, 1972.  It spent an impressive 72 weeks on the chart, the longest run for any of his albums, but reached a not-so-impressive peak of #75.

Previous climate change as a matter of fact posts:
Cape Town, South Africa.  (1/31/2018)
Kenya.  (7/23/2017)

Rising seas + draining underground aquifers = Jakarta disaster.  (12/22/2017)

Australia and Pacific
Green sea turtles of the Great Barrier Reef.  (1/11/2018)
Kiribati.  (7/6/2016)

Portugal.  (6/19/2017)
The Netherlands.  (6/19/2017)

North America
Maine shrimp season.  (12/27/2017)
U.S. Department of Defense.  (12/16/2017)
California fires.  (12/8/2017)
Wisconsin.  (11/16/2017)
Hampton Roads, Virginia.  (11/4/2017)
U.S. military bases.  (9/22/2017)
Georgia peach orchards.  (9/18/2017)
Northeast U.S. pine forests.  (8/29/2017)
Tangier Island, Virginia.  (8/25/2017)
South of the Arctic Circle in Alaska. (8/25/2017)
New Orleans.  (8/12/2017)
Mexico City.  (2/19/2017)
Kansas.  (1/29/2017)
Moose of Maine.  (1/21/2017)
Florida Keys.  (1/14/2017)
California wine country.  (1/11/2017)
Kaktovik, Alaska.  (12/20/2016)
Alaska's Glacier Bay National Park.  (7/7/2016)

Polar regions
Beavers migrate to Arctic.  (12/24 /2017)
Shrinking sea ice in the Arctic Ocean.  (12/14/2017)
Emaciated polar bear.  (12/9/2017)

South America
Peru.  (11/26/2017)
Brazil.  (6/8/2017)
Bolivia.  (7/11/2016)
Peru,  (5/21/2016)

U.S. military bases around the world.  (1/8/2018)

Friday, February 2, 2018

Wisconsin Dells dormitory fire in Trump's America: A simple case of arson or an act of domestic terrorism?

From Retiring Guy's postcard collection

$5 million Wisconsin Dells dorm fire determined to be arson.  (, 2/1/2018)
The dorm was being built to house foreign students through the J-1 visa program. Typically in recent years more than 3,000 such students work at Dells-area tourist attractions, hotels and restaurants. The building was a complete loss, estimated at $5 million, according to a Delton Fire Department press release.

(red bar added)

Related reading:
J-1 students fill key niche in Dells economy.  (Wisconsin Dells Events, 9/4/2015)
Czuprynko said the impact of J-1 students is tremendous in Wisconsin Dells and Lake Delton. He estimates that the local tourism industry needs approximately 10 percent of the population of the four-county area to fill summer jobs and that is not going to happen only using local help — and even help from U.S. workers outside of the Dells area and Wisconsin.  [emphasis added]

Dorothy Ann Gibson Rossell (1929-2017) Warren High School class of 1946

1948 Dragon yearbook

Betty's high-school activities:
Spanish Club (2, 3)

1967 Warren City Directory
  • Olney Richd W (Elaine) supvr State Bur of Employment Security r1303 5th av
1983 Warren City Directory
  • Olney Richd W & Elaine; sec-treas Teddy's r 1303 5th Av Extn
  • Rossell Dorothy A Mrs; waitress Brandywine Restr r502 Pennsylvania Av E 
  • Rossell Frank J & Dorothy A; field rep Wm Clinger h502 Pennsylvania Av E

The popularity of Dorothy is graphed here.  Let's take a look at son Jonathan.  He has spent the past 55 years in the top 100, peaking at #15 in 1988.

Jonathan finally hit his stride right after World War II

Other class of '46 graduates:
Betty Smith Berry.  (11/4/2017)
Robert Gerardi.  (10/15/2017)
Edwin Streich.  (9/3/2017)
Mary Larsen Pierce Foley.  (4/24/2017)
Ruth Figliuzzi.  (11/5/2016)
Donna Mack Schuler.  (3/19/2016)
Carol Jean Niver Hampson.  (10/22/2015)
Frank Marlett.  (9/13/2015)
John Giltinan.  (7/76/2015)
Lela Nichols Akeley.  (6/24/2015)
Ella Atwell Blum.  (12/24/2014)
Betty Carlson Johnson.  (10/26/2014)
H. Kent Peterson.  (10/1/2014)
Kenneth Lundahl.  (9/21/2014)
Carl Leave.  (12/26/2013)

Dear Scott Walker, Under the last governor, the United States entered the Great Recession

Some states  have done even better than Wisconsin.

SourceThese 13 States Have Hit an Historically Low Unemployment Rate.  (Fortune, 12/20/2017)

In other words, Scott, Wisconsin is not unique here.

Campaigning like it's 2010:  Still blaming Jim Doyle after all these years

UPDATE. Scott Walker keeps repeating his big lie on transportation funding....and remembering Jim Doyle.  (1/4/2018)

Scott Walker Dick blames Jim Doyle.  (9/23/2016)
Panicked over low approval ratings, fearing another scandal, Scott Walker plays Doyle card again. (8/31/2016)
In his 6th year as Governor, Scott Walker still finds time to blame Jim Doyle.  (6/9/2016)
Wait a minute! Did Laurel Patrick just blame Jim Doyle? (12/18/2015)
Headline News: Dishing out blame is a Scott Walker specialty.  (5/6/2015)
Alberta Darling and John Nygren, co-chairs of the 'powerful' Joint Finance Committee, join Scott Walker in a chorus of 'Blame Jim Doyle'.  (4/30/2015)
The Blame Game: With nothing to show in his 5th year as Governor, Scott Walker continues to claim, "It's Jim Doyle's fault!" (4/24/2015)
After taking the advice of Iowa conservatives, Scott Walker blames Jim Doyle for casino decision.  (1/24/2015)
Scott Walker in so many words: Jim Doyle responsible for 1.5% of U.S. job loss during Great Recession.  (9/2/2014)
Can't helping himself, Scott Walker thinks running against Jim Doyle is the best strategy. (8/31/2014)
The Facts Are: Scott Walker has nothing to run on.  (8/24/2014)
What a whiner! With no accomplishments of his own to trumpet, Scott Walker runs against Jim Doyle ...again.  (6/20/2014)
Four years later and Scott Walker is still running against Jim Doyle.  (3/4/2014)
Another John Doe Shocker: Scott Walker doesn't blame Jim Doyle  (2/21/2014)
Blame Doyle: Republican Governors Association pimp for Scott Walker like it's 2010.  (2/13/2014)
After taking the advice of Iowa conservatives, Scott Walker blames Jim Doyle for casino decision.  (1/24/2014)

UPDATE. Once again, Jesse Kremer does not approve this message

Front page New York Times photo by subscriber Retiring Guy

8/14/2017 update starts here.

Reported in
 When DinosaursRuled the Earth,Mammals Took to the Skies.  (The New York Times, 8/9/2017)

7/16/2017 update starts here.

When Dinosaurs Roamed North Dakota.  (The New York Times, 7/11/2017)

Original 7/11/2017 post, "And here in Wisconsin, we have a legislator who wants to emphasize the strength of support for creationism ", starts here.

Other Kremer posts:
Dear Jesse, The word you are looking for is 'ideologue'.  (1/23/2018) 
Good luck with that: Rosendale farmers ask creepiest, most conservative WI legislators for help.  (8/23/2017) 
Kremer wets his pants over Foxconn vote.  (8/21/2017)
UPDATE.  Jesse Kremer and the company he keeps (The Mike Pence edition).  (6/12/2017)
UPDATE. Dear gun obsessed Jesse, Most folks are lobbying against, not promoting, your once-dismissed bill.  (1/3/2017)
Jesse Kremer in so many words: LGBT children need not apply.  (12/23/2016)
Thank you, Robin Vos, for snubbing these 3 nutburgers for committee chair assignments.  (12/9/2016)
The Theocracy Chronicles: The nutty judicial worldview of Jesse Kremer.  (9/16/2016)
3 GOP Wisconsin State Assembly frosh running unopposed for re-election.  (7/27/2016)
Abortion pill politics: Jesse Kremer likes what he sees in Arizona and Arkansas.  (7/2/2016)
Kremer offers his words of healing in aftermath of Orlando massacre.  (6/15/2016)
NC-17 (at least): Inside the bizarre, twisted mind of Jesse Kremer.  (4/27/2016)
UPDATE: GOP Assembly leaders bail on "guns in school" bill, to disappointment of cluster of usual suspects.  (2/21/2016)
In so many words, Rep. Jesse Kremer sez he'll sleep better with more guns in Wisconsin schools.  (1/14/2016)
Cartoon conservative principles, the Christmas edition: Rep. Kremer accuses fire officials of 'relieving themselves'.  (12/23/2015)
Bathroom bill update: Julaine Appling must have inadvertently loosened her grip on Jesse Kremer's leash.  (12/16/2015)
Out of (local) control: When it comes to anything resembling a train, Republicans just can't help themselves.  (12/1/2015)  
The 'bathroom bill' marriage of Jesse Kremer and Julaine Appling.  (11/21/2015)
ALEC/NRA waterboy Jesse Kremer blames the media.  (10/23/2015)
Waterboys for the NRA and ALEC: Rep. Jesse Kremer (R-Kewaskum) and Sen. Devin LeMahieu (R-Oostburg)  (10/13/2015)
Wisconsin Republicans continue their laser-like focus on jobs and the economy.  (10/7/2015)
Wisconsin Assembly candidate denounces tax breaks for wind energy but conveniently overlooks what big oil receives.  (8/7/2014)
Just what the Wisconsin legislature needs: Another ALEC disciple.  (8/7/2014)

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Generational turnover and religious affiliation

Are White Evangelicals Sacrificing The Future In Search Of The Past?  (FiveThirtyEight, 1/24/2018)
The driver behind much of this change is “generational turnover.” And so a chasm has emerged between the views of these young people and white evangelical Protestants. A PRRI survey found that 83 percent of the latter believe that sex is morally acceptable only between a man and a woman who are married, but this view is held among only 30 percent of all young adults. For many young people, white evangelical Protestants in the 21st century appear to be advocating a mid-20th century approach to sex, relationships and marriage, even as American society resembles life during this period less and less.


Irony-free reporting at the New York Times

Trump administration too distracted to conduct an effective vetting process.

Reported in Dr. Brenda Fitzgerald, C.D.C. Director, Resigns Over Tobacco and Other Investments.  (The New York Times, 1/31/2018)

Related reading:
Will Azar Practice 'Art Of The Deal' Capitalism At Trump's HHS?  (Forbes, 1/29/2018)
That was then, this is now. But challenged over the doubling of the price of insulin and several other important Eli Lilly & Co. drugs during his tenure there, Azar did say he’d pursue leverage down other paths. At Lilly, he suggested, his job was profit maximization, but as HHS chief his task would be getting the best deal for the public. The key was creating the right incentives.

CES 2018: Colgate smart toothbrush provides you with a 3D brushing coach

Yours for $99.95.

Colgate Unveiled AI-Enabled Toothbrush at CES 2018. (Coherent News, 2/1/2018)
The new AI enabled smart electronic toothbrush E1 employs Bluetooth connectivity and sonic vibrating technology. The device works in conjunction with a Colgate Connect mobile app, which provide users with real-time feedback about brushing activity to improve their habits and prevent future problems. According to a media release product introduction, the device is designed with the help of dentists and it uses real-time sensors and artificial intelligence algorithms to determine brushing effectiveness in 16 zones of the mouth.

Once upon a time, life was much simpler. 

Other CES 2018 posts:
Meet Laika, a gadget that rolls around the house and keeps you connected to your dog all day long.  (2/1/2018)
Bloomberg reviewer definitely not impressed with this $400 window cleaning robot.  (1/30/2018)
Cinema snowglobe.  (1/28/2018)
Hip airbag for seniors leaves knees and elbows unprotected in a fall.  (1/27/2018)
Meet ElliQ, the active aging companion. (1/2 4/2018)
CLOi, robot touted as 'ultimate in simplicity' gets a case of stage fright.  (1/23/2018)
Robots, robots, and more robots.  (1/23/2018)
Rollable OLED TV.  (1/21/2018)
Meet Forpheus, the ping-pong playing robot.  (1/20/2018)
You'll need Keecker-ready walls and ceilings to get the most use out of this robot.  (1/19/2018)
At a list price of $8700, you have plenty of time to procrastinate about this umbrella purchase,  (1/18/2018)
For just under a thousand bucks, Foldimate will save you from the tyranny of folding laundry.  (1/17/2018)
Softcore toilet porn from Kohler.  (1/16/2018)
Smart mirror could use more of a human touch.  (1/16/2018)
Meet Aibo, the robot dog.  (1/15/2018)
File this Modius Health headset under 'absurd'.  (1/15/2018)
The creepy underbelly of CES 2018. Robot strippers.  (1/14/2018)  
Toyota introduces e-Patette, autonomous vehicle, modular store.  (1/14/2018)
Meet AvatarMind's iPal.  (1/12/2018)
Security robot Nimbo scares away the bad guys.  (1/12/2018)
Concept robots designed to eliminate service sector jobs.  (1/5/2018)
Travelmate Robotics suitcase.  (1/5/2018)
Samsung's GoBreath.  (1/3/2018)
A robot that plays Scrabble without making a mess.  (1/1/2018)
Keratase hair coach.  (12/23/2017)
Travis the Translator.  (12/20/2017)
Pro-Protection toothbrush holder.  (12/19/2017)
PetMio smart technology.  (12/18/2017)
Rinspeed Snap concept vehicle.  (12/17/2017)
SignAll, an automated sign language translator.  (12/13/2017) 
Homni sleep solution.  (12/11/2017)
Guz 2 electronic dartboard connects you to the world.  (11/22/2017)
I assume the SureFly will also be able to carry women.  (11/21/2017)
Now you can party every day and rock all night at any age.  (11/17/2017)
Pointivo.  (11/17/2017)
Jibo, the social robot, makes the cover of TIME.  (11/17/2017)

UPDATE. Mercer Family plush toy regurgitates his masters' climate change talking points

Good doggy!!

Contributions figure verified at Open Secrets

Reported in Trump's Piers Morgan Interview Pushes the Same Climate Denial Backed by his Mercer Family Benefactors,  (DeSmog Blog, 1/28/2018)

Related links:

Original 1/27/2018 post, "World leaders at Davos:  Trump bark worse than bite", starts here.

Trump Arrived in Davos as a Party Wrecker. He Leaves Praised as a Pragmatist.  (The New York Times, 1/26/2018)

CES 2018: Meet Laika, a gadget that rolls around the house and keeps you connected to your dog all day long

Makes you wonder how dogs managed to survive in the pre-gadget age.

17 cool gadgets that tease the future.  (CNN Tech, 1/16/2018)
The company claims it can keep pups from feeling lonely when their owners are away. With a camera and microphone, it acts like pet surveillance. The device detects barks and sends notifies you via a smartphone alert. It also comes with a LAÏKA collar so you can drag the dog's whereabouts.  
The device is expected to launch this summer and cost $500.

Related reading:
What are the best dog toys?  (Canine Journal, 11/20/2017)

You can buy everything on the top 10 list for much less than $500.

Other CES 2018 posts:
Bloomberg reviewer definitely not impressed with this $400 window cleaning robot.  (1/30/2018)
Cinema snowglobe.  (1/28/2018)
Hip airbag for seniors leaves knees and elbows unprotected in a fall.  (1/27/2018)
Meet ElliQ, the active aging companion. (1/2 4/2018)
CLOi, robot touted as 'ultimate in simplicity' gets a case of stage fright.  (1/23/2018)
Robots, robots, and more robots.  (1/23/2018)
Rollable OLED TV.  (1/21/2018)
Meet Forpheus, the ping-pong playing robot.  (1/20/2018)
You'll need Keecker-ready walls and ceilings to get the most use out of this robot.  (1/19/2018)
At a list price of $8700, you have plenty of time to procrastinate about this umbrella purchase,  (1/18/2018)
For just under a thousand bucks, Foldimate will save you from the tyranny of folding laundry.  (1/17/2018)
Softcore toilet porn from Kohler.  (1/16/2018)
Smart mirror could use more of a human touch.  (1/16/2018)
Meet Aibo, the robot dog.  (1/15/2018)
File this Modius Health headset under 'absurd'.  (1/15/2018)
The creepy underbelly of CES 2018. Robot strippers.  (1/14/2018)  
Toyota introduces e-Patette, autonomous vehicle, modular store.  (1/14/2018)
Meet AvatarMind's iPal.  (1/12/2018)
Security robot Nimbo scares away the bad guys.  (1/12/2018)
Concept robots designed to eliminate service sector jobs.  (1/5/2018)
Travelmate Robotics suitcase.  (1/5/2018)
Samsung's GoBreath.  (1/3/2018)
A robot that plays Scrabble without making a mess.  (1/1/2018)
Keratase hair coach.  (12/23/2017)
Travis the Translator.  (12/20/2017)
Pro-Protection toothbrush holder.  (12/19/2017)
PetMio smart technology.  (12/18/2017)
Rinspeed Snap concept vehicle.  (12/17/2017)
SignAll, an automated sign language translator.  (12/13/2017) 
Homni sleep solution.  (12/11/2017)
Guz 2 electronic dartboard connects you to the world.  (11/22/2017)
I assume the SureFly will also be able to carry women.  (11/21/2017)
Now you can party every day and rock all night at any age.  (11/17/2017)
Pointivo.  (11/17/2017)
Jibo, the social robot, makes the cover of TIME.  (11/17/2017)

UPDATE. Two weeks later, Scott Walker's "Big Government Union Bosses" remains in heavy rotation

Apparently, Walker is still running scared despite union's reduced state in Wisconsin.

Original 1/17/2018 post, "The day after a stunning humiliation in SD10 --  not to mention the loss of a perfectly good pair of pants -- Scott Walker replays one of his greatest hits from 2011:  "Big Government Union Bosses", starts here.

I'm surprised he didn't blame Jim Doyle for this debacle.

St. Croix County has always been a 'gimme' for the GOP.  Some grassroots!

Welcome to Walkerland.

"Living in the Past" debuted at #76 on the Billboard Hot 100 for the week ending November 4, 1972.  It spent 14 weeks on the chart, peaking at #11, its best performance.  Jethro Tull was never much of a singles band, its songs appearing on the Hot 100 just 7 times, only 2 charting higher than #59.

 Related posts:
Wearing a clean pair of trousers today, Scott Walker exhibits symptoms of denial.  (1/17/2018)
Scott Walker can run but he can't hide from Donald Trump.  (1/17/2018)
Shitting his pants last night, Scott Walker tweets a series of WAKE UP CALLS.  (1/17/2018)
The Trump effect in the Wisconsin 10th State Senate District special election.  (1/17/2018)

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Kimberly-Clark: Big executive pay, big profits, big layoff plans


Kimberly-Clark closing two Wisconsin plants, cutting 600 jobs.  (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 1/31/2018)
Kimberly-Clark previously announced a plan to cut as many as 5,000 jobs and to close or sell 10 plants globally. The job cuts represent about 12% to 13% of the company’s workforce.

No employee bonuses here.
Kimberly-Clark, which makes Kleenex, Huggies, Scott and Cottonelle, has about 1,100 employees in Georgia, mostly in the Roswell area as well as some at a plant in LaGrange. No word yet on whether many of them will be hit by the “restructuring” ax. 
Maria Henry, the company’s chief financial officer, said in a recent call with analysts that benefits from tax reform provide “flexibility to continue to allocate significant capital to shareholders, while we also fund increased capital spending and our restructuring program over the next few years.”
(Atlanta Journal Constitution, 1/30/2018)

But don't cry for Thomas J. Falk, America.

The Guantanamo Bay Prison price tag is probably way more than you think

Reported in Trump Signs Order To Keep Prison At Guantanamo Bay Open.  (NPR, 1/31/2018)

$3.25 million buys you this 6-bedroom mansion in the Prospect Park neighborhood of Brooklyn.

After 8 years in the U.S. House, South Carolina Republican Trey Gowdy is retiring

Source:  Ballotpedia (2014 Libertarian opponent)

Trey Gowdy announces retirement from Congress.  (The Hill, 1/31/2018)

Trump received 60.2% of the vote in 2016 compared to 62.6% for Romney in 2012 and 60.6% for McCain in 2008.

Clinton received 34.5% of the vote in 2016 compared to 36.3% for Obama in 2012 and 37.7% for Obama in 2008. 

A solid-red district, SC 4 will be a tough nut for the Democrats to crack.


Related Congress retirement/resignation/misbehaving posts:
AZ CD-8.  Trent Franks. (12/7/2017)
CA CD-39.  Ed Royce.  (11/10/2018)
CA CD-59Darrell Issa (1/11/2018)
FL CD-18.  Ileana Ros-Lehtinen.  (10/27/2017)
KS CD-2.
  Lynn Jenkins.  (11/6/2017)
MI CD-11.  Dave Trott.  (10/23/2017)
NJ CD-2.  Frank LoBiondo.  (11/9/2017)
NJ CD-11.  Rodney Frelinghuysen.  (1/30/2018)
OH CD-12.  Patrick Tiberi.  (10/22/2017)
PA CD 7.  Patrick Meehan.  (1/28/2018)
PA CD-15.  Charlie Dent.  (10/24/2017)
PA CD-18.  Bill Shuster.  (1/3/2018)
TN. CD-6.  Diane Black.  (11/6/2017)
TX CD-2.  Ted Poe.  (11/9/2017)
TX CD-5.  Jeb Hensarling.  (10/31/2017)
TX CD-5.  Joe Barton.  (12/4/2017)
TX CD-21. Lamar Smith.  (11/3/2017)
VA CD-6.  Bob Goodlatte.  (11/10/2017)

Tax Cuts and Jobs Cuts Act (The BMO Harris minimum wage edition)

Source:  Morningstar

BMO Harris Bank raises hourly minimum wage to $15, increases community giving.  (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 1/30/2018)
BMO Harris Bank has joined an increasing number of financial institutions in raising its minimum hourly wage to $15. The bank cited the recent federal tax reform, which lowered the corporate income tax rate, in its decision to boost employee compensation.

To the equivalent of $31,200 annually.

Meanwhile, here's what BMO has been doing of late to spur job growth.

BMO Harris to close Rockford call center, cut 21 jobs.  (Rockford Register-Star, 8/30/2011)
BMO Harris cuts 157 Milwaukee jobs.  (Milwaukee Business Journal, 1/18/2012)
BMO Harris to cut 74 jobs in Cedarburg, Sun Prairie.  (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 9/13/2012)
BMO Harris banks cuts jobs in Minneapolis.  (Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal, 12/6/2013)
BMO Harris bracing for [1800] job cuts.  (Crain's Chicago  Business, 5/26/2016)

Related tax cuts and bonuses and whatnot posts:
American Family Insurance.  (1/26/2017)
Sinclair Broadcasting.  (12/25/2017
AT&T.  (12/24/2017) 
Bank of America (12/22/2017)

Detached from Wisconsin? It appears that Paul Ryan is running for re-election in New York's 10th congressional district

Paul Ryan challenger defends ads running outside Wisconsin.  (AP, 1/30/2018)
Union ironworker Randy Bryce has an ad slated to run nationwide before Tuesday’s State of the Union address, with a special emphasis on San Francisco and Seattle. The move is being blasted by Republicans who say it shows Bryce is detached from Wisconsin and more interested in attracting out-of-state donors.  [emphasis added]

Close-up of NY 10 CD map.  (arrow added)

Source:  govtrack

Scott Walker gets low marks as a salesman for Harley-Davidson

Persons of color in above video seen at 0:17 (obscured), 0:18, 0:32, and 0:44.

Walker Rides Harley, Jogs in New Video Touting Record. (U.S. News and World Report, 10/18/2017)
The new video features Walker talking about his record of creating jobs, lowering taxes, investing in schools, freezing tuition at the University of Wisconsin and increasing health care accessibility during his years as governor.

In related news.

Harley-Davidson Inc.'s U.S. motorcycle sales fell sharply in 2017 and will likely remain weak this year, the company says, as it plans to close an assembly plant in Kansas City that employs 800 people. 
The world's largest maker of heavyweight motorcycles has struggled to reverse a four-year sales slide, with growth overseas helping to offset a decline in the U.S. bike market somewhat. 
Tuesday, the Milwaukee-based company said its net income fell 82% in its fourth quarter of 2017, to $8.3 million from $47.18 million in the same quarter a year earlier.

Climate change as a matter of fact: Cape Town, South Africa

Dangerously Low on Water, Cape Town Now Faces ‘Day Zero’.  (The New York Times, 1/30/2018)
But after a three-year drought, considered the worst in over a century, South African officials say Cape Town is now at serious risk of becoming one of the few major cities in the world to lose piped water to homes and most businesses. Continue reading the main story 
Hospitals, schools and other vital institutions will still get water, officials say, but the scale of the shut-off will be severe. 
Cape Town’s problems embody one of the big dangers of climate change: the growing risk of powerful, recurrent droughts. In Africa, a continent particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change, those problems serve as a potent warning to other governments, which typically don’t have this city’s resources and have done little to adapt.

Source:  Wikipedia

Previous climate change as a matter of fact posts:
Kenya.  (7/23/2017)

Rising seas + draining underground aquifers = Jakarta disaster.  (12/22/2017)

Australia and Pacific
Green sea turtles of the Great Barrier Reef.  (1/11/2018)
Kiribati.  (7/6/2016)

Portugal.  (6/19/2017)
The Netherlands.  (6/19/2017)

North America
Maine shrimp season.  (12/27/2017)
U.S. Department of Defense.  (12/16/2017)
California fires.  (12/8/2017)
Wisconsin.  (11/16/2017)
Hampton Roads, Virginia.  (11/4/2017)
U.S. military bases.  (9/22/2017)
Georgia peach orchards.  (9/18/2017)
Northeast U.S. pine forests.  (8/29/2017)
Tangier Island, Virginia.  (8/25/2017)
South of the Arctic Circle in Alaska. (8/25/2017)
New Orleans.  (8/12/2017)
Mexico City.  (2/19/2017)
Kansas.  (1/29/2017)
Moose of Maine.  (1/21/2017)
Florida Keys.  (1/14/2017)
California wine country.  (1/11/2017)
Kaktovik, Alaska.  (12/20/2016)
Alaska's Glacier Bay National Park.  (7/7/2016)

Polar regions
Beavers migrate to Arctic.  (12/24 /2017)
Shrinking sea ice in the Arctic Ocean.  (12/14/2017)
Emaciated polar bear.  (12/9/2017)

South America
Peru.  (11/26/2017)
Brazil.  (6/8/2017)
Bolivia.  (7/11/2016)
Peru,  (5/21/2016)

U.S. military bases around the world.  (1/8/2018)

UPDATE: Front-page photo shows what's really wrong with Congress

Photo of today's NYT delivery by Retiring Guy

Original 11/30/2017 post, "Racial and ethnic makeup of the 115th Congress", starts here.

Source: Membership of the 115th Congress: A Profile.  (Congressional Research Service, 11/13/2017)

The last time whites comprised 93.9% of population was in the 1680s, before there was a United States of America.

Apparently, the GOP wants to Make America a Colony Again!  MACA!

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Meet the Borrowers: Donald and Melania Trump

So it should come as no surprise that Scott Walker is also turning Democratic!

Sources:  Washington Post, 7/19/2016,  New York Post, 1/30/2018

Blowhard-in-charge UPDATE. Get ready for some major BS in tonight's State of the Union address (The Bank of America $1000 bonus edition)

Quoted in Trump's State of the Union address: Read the excerpts.  (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 1/30/2018)

Bank of America.  145,000 workers -- a.k.a. 'teammates' -- each receive a $1,000 bonus.  No more.

145,000 Bank of America employees (coulda been more, as you'll see below)
200,000 AT&T employees (coulda been more, as you'll here)
    9,000 Sinclair employees (coulda been more, as you'll here)
+11,000 Am Fam employees
365,000 TOTAL

Original 12/22/2017 post, "Whoa, count your blessings.  In some cases, Bank of America employees will receive a one-time bonus equal to 0.67% of their annual salary", starts here.

Quoted in Bank of America cites GOP tax bill in memo about employee bonuses.  (Axios, 12/21/2017)

Headline from the Wall Street Journal, February 17, 2017

A $4,000,000 dollar raise!!  How many bonuses is that?

No doubt awarded in anticipation of Trump's tax reform.

Not everyone was so lucky.

Blowhard-in-charge UPDATE. Get ready for some major BS in tonight's State of the Union address (The AT&T $1000 bonus edition)

Quoted in Trump's State of the Union address: Read the excerpts.  (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 1/30/2018)

AT&T.  200,000 workers each receive a $1,000 bonus.  No more.

200,000 AT&T employees (coulda been more, as you'll see below)
    9,000 Sinclair employees (coulda been more, as you'll here)
+11,000 Am Fam employees
220,000 TOTAL

Original 12/24/2017 post, "Company talking about reducing its workforce by one-third gives $1000 bonuses to its employees", starts here.

2016 salary compensation info found at

AT&T hands out bonuses to 200,000 workers, pink slips to 600 others.  (Chicago Tribune, 12/22/2017)
In other words, job creation is not a part of their game plan.  The Dallas-based telecommunications giant would not confirm the scope of the layoffs, but it acknowledged in an emailed statement Friday that it was making “workforce adjustments” in its declining legacy services.

Related reading:
AT&T looking to cut 80,000 jobs in 5 years.  (FastCut, undated)
Gearing Up for the Cloud, AT&T Tells Its Workers: Adapt, or Else.  (The New York Times, 2/13/2016)
If you don’t develop the new skills, you won’t be fired — at least AT&T won’t say as much — but you won’t have much of a future. The company isn’t too worried about people leaving, since executives estimate that eventually AT&T could get by with one-third fewer workers. 
Mr. Stephenson declined to project how many workers he might have by 2020, when the cloud-based system is supposed to be fully in place. One thing about cutting people in an aging work force, he noted, is that “demography is on our side.” Other senior executives say shrinking the work force by 30 percent is not out of the question.

Related post:
Whoa, count your blessings. In some cases, Bank of America employees will receive a one-time bonus equal to 0.67% of their annual salary.  (12/22/2017)

Blowhard-in-charge UPDATE. Get ready for some major BS in tonight's State of the Union address (The Sinclair Broadcasting $1000 bonus edition)

Quoted in Trump's State of the Union address: Read the excerpts.  (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 1/30/2018)

Sinclair Broadcasting.  9,000 workers each receive a $1,000 bonus.  No more.

    9,000 Sinclair employees (coulda been more, as you'll see below)
+11,000 Am Fam employees
  20,000 TOTAL

Original 12/25/2017 post, "Tax Cuts and Jobs Act bonus round at Sinclair Broadcasting, where big payoffs for execs and layoffs for workers are the norm", starts here.

2016 salary compensation info found at

Sinclair gives bonuses to employees after tax bill.  (Axios, 12/22/2017)
9,000 employees receive a 'special' $1,000 bonus.

Related reading:
Sinclair Broadcast Likely to Get Another Gift From Trump's FCC.  (The Street, 10/23/2017)
Huge payday awaits Tribune Media execs after Sinclair merger.  (Robert Feder, 7/7/2017)
Longtime D.C. TV anchor Maureen Bunyan is latest casualty of Sinclair’s cuts.  (Washington Post, 1/7/2017)
KOMO cuts positions in news room.  (Seattle Times, 1/5/2017)
The job cuts, which include the TV station’s investigative reporting team, are believed to part of layoffs that KOMO’s owner, Sinclair Broadcasting Group, is instituting at its stations. 
Sinclair laying off employees, forbids managers from talking.  (TV News Talk, 10/22/2013)
More layoffs at Sinclair.  (Broadcasting Cable, 1/2/2002)

Related posts:
Company talking about reducing its workforce by one-third gives bonuses to its employees.  (12/24/2017) 
Whoa, count your blessings. In some cases, Bank of America employees will receive a one-time bonus equal to 0.67% of their annual salary.  (12/22/2017)