Saturday, December 7, 2024

GET ME REWRITE: In its 29th day of release, "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever" racks up a mediocre $33,400,000 at the box office

Headline:  Screen Rant, 12/2/2024

Hannah Gearan bends and stretches and reaches for the stars.
Per Box Office Mojo, The Best Christmas Pageant Ever has now made it past a new box office milestone. Upon bringing in an additional $4.85 million over Thanksgiving weekend [compared to $225,441,826 for "{Moana 2" and $118,270,155 for "Wicked"), the festive film has now been brought past the $30 million mark in terms of its domestic box office. At the time of writing, it now boasts a worldwide box office total of $32.1 million.  
Even four weekends into its release, this is a pretty notable milestone for The Best Christmas Pageant Ever. While the film was made on a budget of $20 million, a fairly sizable total for its scale, its release could have easily been eclipsed by the likes of Moana 2, Wicked, Gladiator II, and Heretic. Films usually need around two-and-a-half times their budget to break even, so the movie still has a little ways to go, but its new milestone has given it a strong start.

Around Town Middleton: Dollar Tree is a mess inside

Photos by Retiring Guy

Other University Avenue Middleton corridor posts:
July-December 2024

January-June 2024
Keeping tabs on Middleton's University Avenue corridor: Cariad Apartments at 6230 University Avenue.  (5/27)


What was once Sonic is now NAPA in Middleton WI (the final shot).  (5/9)


Like your salary, pension, travel allowance and other perks, Tom Tiffany?

Headline:  Just the News Noise, 12/6/2024
“I hope they use every means in their arsenal in terms of public relations to expose this terrible, wasteful spending that’s going on,” he says. “Because they’re going to be able to identify things big and small and perhaps even force lawmakers to defend some of the ridiculousness that’s going on there.”

Related posts:
July-December 2024

January-June 2024
The company Freedom Caucus Crazy Tom Tiffany keeps  (Marjorie Taylor Greene edition).  (6/11)

October 2023

September 2023
How looney is Wisconsin embarrassment and gymnophobe Tom Tiffany?  He wants to waste U.S. Department of Justice resources on an investigation of Madison's Naked Bike Ride! (9/22)

August 2023

July 2023

Wisconsin Supreme Embarrassment Glenn Grothman: "What difference does it make if I'm 100% idiot?"

Headline:   YouTube
At yesterday's House Oversight Committee hearing, Rep. Glenn Grothman (R-WI) questioned U.S. Census Bureau Director Robert Santos about miscounts that benefited blue states.
It is, of course, a phony GOP issue.
The U.S. Census Bureau today released more results from its 2020 Post-Enumeration Survey (PES), showing population undercounts and overcounts by state and the District of Columbia. 
The PES estimated that counts for 36 states and the District of Columbia did not have a statistically significant undercount or overcount in the 2020 Census and that there were undercounts in six states and overcounts in eight.  [emphasis added]

More than a decade of inanities 

His brain as immovable as a boulder, Glenn Grothman confesses hes stuck in the past when it comes to same-sex marriage.  (12/22/2022)
After January 6, 2021, GOP shows off its 'soft on crime' side (Glenn Grothman of Wisconsin edition).  (10/12/2022)

Ripon newspapers calls out Wisconsin Embarrassment Glenn Grothman.  (8/24/2021)

Might hurt in the short term? Wisconsin has led the U.S. in farm bankruptcies three years running.  (9/3)
Ripon Commonwealth Press editorial writer tells us what we already know about Glenn Grothman.  (8/29)
Government welfare for me but not for thee (the updated edition).  (8/19)
"We're all minorities in America".  (7/22)
How hard up do you have to be to ask Glenn Grothman to be your commencement speaker? (5/22)
Glenn Grothman falls on his knees after Trump State of the Union bloviating.  (2/7)
Trump fanboy Glenn Grothman pimps for Mexico border wall.  (1/25)
Meet the 7 House critters who voted against back pay for federal workers.  (1/13)
Glenn Grothman starts the 116th Congress where he left off in the 115th: Enhancing his clown bona fides.  (1/5)
Back in the news with more inanities.  (1/4)

July-Dec 2018
Glenn Grothman, dedicated follower of political fashion, fills us in.  (11/10)
"Good guy' Greg Gianforte sends Glenn Grothman a check.  (11/2)
When you know you're at the bottom of the GOP food chain: Eric Trump headlines Glenn Grothman rally.  (10/31)
Stamp to a letter, birds of a feather clown show: Gushing over Greg Gianforte, both Donald Trump and Glenn Grothman say "that's my kind of guy".  (10/19)
As the election approaches, Glenn Grothman's babbling intensifies.  (10/6)
Dear voters of Wisconsin's 6th congressional district, this gibberish should convince you this clown should be kicked out of office.  (9/27)
Get me rewrite. More than just tweets: Everything about Trump encourages Democrats and independents to sweep gomers like Glenn Grothman out of office.  (8/9)
Dear Glenn Grothman, Repeat after me: YALTA.  (7/23)
Dear Glenn Grothman, Does this mean you don't support Donald Trump's military parade?  (7/19)

Jan-Jun 2018
Could we please, please, get rid of this clown?  (6/21)
Glenn Grothman in so many words:  The ruination of America is people with darker skin tones.  (1/27)
Glenn Grothman shares etiquette advice on KFIZ.  (1/19)
Memo to Glenn Grothman: Next time you see Donald Trump, give him a great big kiss, mwah!  (1/18)
UPDATE: The demented clown, otherwise known as Glenn Grothman, returns to the topic of Al Sharpton at MLK event.  (1/18)
Newspaper editorial calls out Glenn Grothman for his (a) mispresentation or (b) lie.  (1/11) 
Glenn Grothman cries on the shoulder of his favorite KFIZ deejay. (1/9)

Jul-Dec 2017
Our resident clown Glenn Grothman tells just half of the story.  (12/24)
Like Vermin Supreme, Glenn Grothman believes that there should be free ponies for all Americans.  (12/15)
A letter sent without fear of retribution.  (12/3)
The insightful Glenn Grothman was talking to a gal.  (11/22)
Dear Dan Kohl, If you substitute 'clownish' for 'partisan', the arrow moves hard right.  (11/9)
The malevolent conservatism and clownish inhumanity of Glenn Grothman.  (10/25)
Glenn Grothman sets a ridiculously low bar regarding hurricane aid to Puerto Rico.  (10/24)
Glenn Grothman demands that a border wall be built.  (8/31)
Here's something on which Glenn Grothman and I agree.  (8/10)
Glenn Grothman wants us all to die.  Or not to fly.  (7/20)
Short-term memory loss and The Glenn Grothman 24/7 Clown Show.  (7/15) 
Steady drip-drip-drip inside Glenn Grothman's head vs. steady drip-drip-drip of evidence Russian collusion.  (7/13)

Apr-Jun 2017
Glenn Grothman gives a big thumbs up to Pennsylvania's congressional districts.  (6/22)
Glenn Grothman on the Paris Accord:  The blithering goes on.  (6/7)
Dear Glenn Grothman, Not that anyone is listening to you.  (6/5)
Oh, yeah, I just bet he does.   (6/1)
It's bromance time for Glenn Grothman, sez Greg Gianforte seems like a good guy.  (5/26/2017)
At Glenn Grothman's groan-inducing town hall.  (5/2)
51 U.S. House members implore Trump to legalize LGBT discrimination.  (4/27)
At KFIZ, everybody loves a clown.  (4/17)
Wishful thinking: Glenn Grothman does a little Mick Jagger at the podium during Sheboygan listening session.  (4/11/.

Jan-Mar 2017
What DO they think of Glenn Grothman on Capitol Hill?  (1/31/2017)
Not a Muslim ban, Glenn Grothman? The numbers indicate otherwise.  (1/31/2017)
Glenn also loves to run into the reassuring arms of Vicki McKenna; she normalizes his nuttiness.  (3/28)

The conservative values of Glenn Grothman, straight shooter and exemplary public servant.  (10/30)
GOP donor and Neenah realtor pens letter to editor, praises Glenn Grothman.  (10/28)
Well, Glenn Grothman, looks as though Donald Trump and Paul Ryan won't accompany Mr. Gumpy on his outing.  (10/20)
Meet the 3 Stooges who introduced Donald Trump at yesterday's rally in Green Bay.  (10/18)
Likely to be other reasons why Trump and Glenn Grothman's relationship might be "less than perfect".  (10/13)
Glenn Grothman raises GOP specter of black bogeyman Al Sharpton.  (7/14)
Recommended reading from Glenn Grothman.  (3/3)
Once again, Grothman does the blah blah blah.  (1/13)

Tea Party alert: Glenn Grothman supports increase in federal gas tax.  (12/29)
Glenn Grothman's moving service.  (11/16/2015)
Glenn Grothman: Still trying to get to 'yes' with Paul Ryan.  (10/18/2015) 
Dear Glenn Grothman, Breaking up is hard to do.  (10/17/2015) 
He's a guy, and has access to 'all machines that one would need'.  (9/29/2015) 
Meet the Members of the Republican Study Committee: Glenn Grothman (R-WI, 6th District).  (8/18/2015)
What about seeing the light, Representative Grothman?  (8/11/2015)
Glenn Grothman's gibberish in full flower.  (7/1/2015)
Rep. Glenn Grothman puts corporate personhood first.  (6/23/2015)
Glenn Grothman Finds His Voice in Washington, D.C. (6/19/2015)
Glenn Grothman goes seriously bland on us.  (5/12/2015)
Glenn Grothman's lips are zipped.  (4/9/2015)
Glenn Grothman Speaks the Language of the Godfather of states' rights.  (1/13/2015)

Glenn Grothman, Quiet Man.  (10/12/2014)
Tom Petri returns the favor to Glenn Grothman.  (9/5/2014)
Wisconsin's 6th Congressional District primary: Less than 12% of voters paid attention.  (8/24/2014)
Hey guys and gals, Scott Walker is not 100% convinced that Glenn Grothman can win the 6th CD. (8/23/2014)
Career politician Glenn Grothman moves one step closer to Wisconsin's 6th Congressional District general election.  (8/22/2014)
To the tune of $692,000.   (8/14/2014)

Wisconsin shows what happens when you eliminate GOP gerrymandering and put into place fair maps

Headline: In These Times, 12/6/2024
Anyone who might question the decisive influence of gerrymandering need look no further than the dramatic 2024 down-ballot election results from the eternal battle-ground state of Wisconsin. 
In 2022, Wisconsinites elected a Democratic governor, attorney general and secretary of state, yet Republicans retained a 64-35 advantage in the Assembly and a 22-11 majority in the Senate. This happened because Wisconsin Republicans, more than a decade earlier — after hyper-partisan, extreme right-wing Gov. Scott Walker swept to power in the Republican wave of 2010 — had gerrymandered legislative district lines in a way that ensured GOP candidates could not lose the majority of districts. 
In the 2024 election, President-elect Donald Trump won Wisconsin by the narrowest of margins: 49.7% to Kamala Harris’ 48.9%. In the race for U.S. Senate, Democrat Tammy Baldwin won reelection by an equally narrow margin: 49.4% to Republican banker Eric Hovde’s 48.5%. Yet, state legislative con-tests produced significantly stronger results for Democrats, who picked up 10 seats in the state Assembly and four in the Senate. The Republican advantages collapsed to 18-15 in the Senate and 54-45 in the Assembly. That means Senate Republicans lost their previous super-major ity and, with it, their ability to override vetoes by Democratic Gov. Tony Evers.

Related gerrymandering posts:

What's the matter with Iowa? Brenna Bird is totally in thrall to Donald Trump

HeadlineDes Moines Register, 12/6/2024
Iowa Attorney General Brenna Bird penned a column in the conservative website Breitbart urging the Senate to confirm Trump's Cabinet nominees. Although it doesn't call out Ernst by name, she castigates the "D.C. politicians" who "think they can ignore the voices of their constituents and entertain smears from the same outlets that have pushed out lies for years."
Related posts
Kimmi the Clown leads the troops in the GOP War on Women.  (4/12)


Sexual assault in the Name of the Lord (#67 in a series)

Case #67 

Photo and headline: WCTV, 12/5/2024
Hunter Eubanks, 30, is accused of sexually assaulting a 16-year-old churchgoer multiple times on church grounds, according to a press release sent Thursday by LCSO spokesperson Shonda Knight. 
Tallahassee police officer fired, arrested for misconduct with minor Morningside Church officials confirmed to WCTV that Eubanks was a former employee there and that law enforcement believes the alleged crimes happened at their campus along Pedrick Road in Tallahassee while he worked there. 
The assaults allegedly happened between June and October, and they were reported to police on October 9, the LCSO press release said.

"For I know how many are your transgressions and how great are your sins— you who afflict the righteous, who take a bribe, and turn aside the needy in the gate."  (Amos 5:12) 

Other miscreant posts:
December 2024
Roy Shoop.  (12/5)

November 2024
James McMillan.  (11/30)
Stephen Melton. (11/29)
Charles Sulivant.  (11/24)
Geoffrey Carter.  (11/22)
John Radcliff.  (11/21)
Garrett Harmon.  (11/20)
Edward R. Monk.  (11/16)
George Bell.  (11/14)
Jose Mora.  (11/13)
William Pounds.  (11/12)
Charles Randall.  (11/9)
Jackson Gatlin.  (11/7)
Charles Goff.  (11/1)

October 2024
Stephen Johnson.  (10/27)
Josh Howerton.  (10/26)
Craig Stone.  (10/26/2024)
Steven Lawson. (10/25).  
Scott Crenshaw.  (10/25)
Byron Copeland.  (10/25)
Josiah Anthony.  (10/25)
Ronald Goines.  (10/24)
Tony Cammarota.  (10/24)
Robert Morris.  (10/24)
Mike Buster.  (10/23)
Tony Evans.  (10/23)
Terren Dames.  (10/23)
James Randolph.  (10/23)
Matt Queen.  (10/18)
Roy Shoop.  (10/12)
Gabriel Mills.  (10/3)

September 2024
John Raymond.  (9/27)
Juan Barrios.  (9/23)
Demiro Johnson.  (9/22)
Glen Dean McCoy.  (9/22)
James Swanson.  (9/21)
William Dunfee.  (9/21)
Steven Lawson.  (9/20)
Rocky Goodwin.  (9/19)
William Johnson.  (9/17)
Tim Ballard.  (9/13)

Just 1432 days to go until Election Day 2028: The primary calendar jockeying begins!

Hey, how about a NATIONAL primary?  
Instead of the current fucked-up and long-drawn-out media circus we have now.

 Headline:  Nevada Independent, 12/5/2024
As in 2022, state Democrats argue that Nevada is the only state that meets the DNC’s professed preferences for a state that is racially and economically diverse, politically competitive and feasible for candidates and the party, both from a cost and technical competence perspective. Given Democratic losses in 2024 with Latino voters and working class voters, state party Chair Daniele Monroe-Moreno wrote that the DNC should elevate a state that possesses those kinds of voters in droves.

Countdown to 2028:
November 2024
Day 1460.  Philadelphia Inquirer launches 2028 presidential election guessing game campaign.  (11/8)
Day 1456.  (11/12)
Day 1455.  (11/15)
Day 1453.  (11/16)
Day 1452.  Sports metaphor malpractice in journalism at NBC News edition.  (11/17)
Day 1451.  (11/18)
Day 1449.   And here's the first of many useless 2028 presidential polls(11/20)
Day 1448.  "It's a done deal!" proclaims Newsweek (11/21)
Day 1447.  Dear Western Journal, it's the polling silly season (11/22/
Day 1443.  Fentanylizing of the pollsters(11/26)
Day 1440.  Return of the post-election silly season for pollsters. (11/29)
Day 1439.  Adding AOC to the mix.  (11/30)

December 2024
Day 1438.  NewsNation limits the field.  (12/1)
Day 1437.  More AOC buzz.  (12/2)
Day 1435.  NPR makes sure Andy Beshear  gets into the mix  (12/4)
Day 1433.  Time for some folks to get a life!

Day 1497 of GOP election denier hysteria (Trump Big Lie Clown Show Circus Dinesh D'Souza Looney Tunes edition)

the endless parade 
of clown show zombies
 Starring conspiracy theorist
Dinesh D'Souza
Headline: New York Times12/2/2024
Despite being swiftly debunked by both Republican and Democratic election officials, the film garnered more than a million views online in less than two weeks after its release in 2022 and eventually grossed more than $1.4 million. A glitzy premiere at Mar-a-Lago drew Donald J. Trump, the once and future president, as well as Republican luminaries and influential figures in the movement to discredit the 2020 election. 
The surveillance videos used in the film were obtained by True the Vote, a right-wing election organization that was a partner in producing the film. In a statement on its website on Monday, the group said the film’s central premise "remains accurate" despite the apology.
Day 938 (Doug McLinko)
Day 942 (Glenn Youngkin)
Day 944  (Janel Brandtjen)
Day 945 (Jeff Serdy)
Day 946 (Todd Graybill)
Day 947 (Kyle Ardoin)
Day 949 (Frank LaRose)
Day 951 (Garland Favorito)
Day 952 (Doug Logan)
Day 954 (Brian Pritchard)
Day 955 (David Cross)
Day 956 (Suzi Voyles)
Day 957 (Josh McKoon)
Day 958 (David Whipple)
Day 960 (Joe Oltmann)
Day 961  (Theresa Manzella)
Day 962 (Sandra Merchant)
Day 964 (Stuart Hadlund)
Day 965  (Kari Lake)
Day 966   (Andro Lerario)
Day 971 (Jason Snead)
Day 982   (Joseph Mastroianni)
Day 983 (Mike Lindell)
Day 984 (Robert Sutherland)
Day 985 (Charlie Kirk)
Day 992   (Stan Grot)
Day 996  (Tim O'Hare)
Day 998   (Shawnna Bolick)
Day 999  (Dave Williams)
Day 1000 (Mike Lindell)
Day 1003   (Janel Brandtjen)
Day 1004 (Dinesh D'Souza)
Day 1005   (Sonny Borrelli)
Day 1006 (Daire Rendon)
Day 1007 (70% of GOP voters)
Day 1011 (Peter Bernegger)
Day 1013 (Sidney Powell)
Day 1015 (Matt Maddock)
Day 1016 (Nick Sherman)
Day 1017   (Boris Epshteyn)
Day 1019 (Rudy Giuliani)
Day 1020 (Eric Burlison)
Day 1025  (Mark Finchem)
Day 1026 (Brian Schimming)
Day 1027 (Jenna Ellis)
Day 1030 (David Whipple)
Day 1031 (Jeffrey Clark, John Eastman) 
Day 1032 (Joe Oltmann)
Day 1033  (Kari Lake)
Day 1035 (Abe Hamadeh)
Day 1037 (Douglas Frank)
Day 1039 (Warren Daniel)
Day 1040 (Craig Berland)
Day 1041 (Jason Frazier)
Day 1042 (Tina Peters)
Day 1044 (Meshawn Maddock)
Day 1046  (Jim Womack)
Day 1049 (Devin LeMahieu)
Day 1051 (Shawn Still)
Day 1053 (Ron DeSantis)
Day 1054   (Kristina Karamo)
Day 1055 (Cathy Latham)
Day 1056  (Kari Lake)
Day 1057   (Janel Brandtjen)
Day 1059 (Warren Daniel)
Day 1064 (Mike Thompson)
Day 1065 (Scott Hall)
Day 1069   (Janel Brandtjen)
Day 1072 (Mike Lindell)
Day 1074 (Sharon Hewitt)
Day 1081 (Mike Lindell)
Day 1082 (Amanda Jennings Smith)
Day 1083  (Kari Lake)
Day 1084 (Bob Bachenberg)
Day 1085 (Sidney Powell)
Day 1086 (Kenneth Chesebro)
Day 1087 (Gym Jordan)
Day 1088 (Mike Lindell)
Day 1089 (Tom Emmer)
Day 1090 (Mike Johnson)
Day 1091 (Jenna Ellis)
Day 1094 (Jim Marchant)
Day 1095 (Donald Trump)
Day 1096 (Mike Johnson)
Day 1097  (Seth Keshel)
Day 1098 (Doug Basler)
Day 1099 (Amy Kremer)
Day 1100 (Gabrielle Hanson)
Day 1101 (Mike Lindell) 
Day 1102 (Harrison Flo\yd)
Day 1103 (Steve Scalise)
Day 1104  (Kari Lake)
Day 1105 (Deborah Flora)
Day 1107 (Rick Weible) 
Day 1110 (Jenna Ellis)
Day 1112   (Dan Scorvino)
Day 1114 (Mark Zuckerberg)
Day 1115 (Patrick Henry)
Day 1116   (Jim DeMint)
Day 1117 (Peg Cage)
Day 1118   (Sonny Borrelli)
Day 1119  (Kristina Karamo)
Day 1121 (Ron Hanks)
Day 1122 (Tom Crosby, Peggy Judd)
Day 1123 (Nancy Landry)
Day 1124 (Ken Buck)
Day 1125 (Burt Jones)
Day 1128  (Kari Lake)
Day 1129 (Cleta Mitchell)
Day 1132 (Klete Keller)
Day 1133 (Andrew Hitt)
Day 1135 (Alan Hostetter)
Day 1136 (Robert Spindell)
Day 1137 (Donald Trump)
Day 1158 (Leah Anderson)
Day 1160 (John Eastman)
Day 1161 (Rob Natelson)
Day 1162 (Earl Wright)
Day 1163 (Dave Williams)
Day 1165 (Liz Harrington)
Day 1166 (Mike Lindell)
Day 1167 (Kris Kobach)
Day 1168 (Elise Stefanik)
Day 1171  (Gilbert Fonticoba)\
Day 1172 (Bob Bartlesmeyer)
Day 1173 (Robert E. Norton II)
Day 1174 (Sandra Merchant)
Day 1176 (Carlos Ayala)
Day 1177 (Mark Robinson)
Day 1178 (Iowa GOP caucusgoers)
Day 1179 (Laura Loomer)
Day 1180  (Kristina Karamo)
Day 1181 (Stefanie Lambert)
Day 1182 (Debbie Kouzounas)
Day 1183  (Marylyn Todd)
Day 1185 (Jim O'Connor)
Day 1186 (Max Burns)
Day 1187 (Brandon Beach)
Day 1188  (Gina Swoboda)
Day 1189 (Peter Navarro)
Day 1190 (Calvin Hayden)
Day 1191 (Terpsehore Maras)
Day 1192 (Anthony Kern)
Day 1193 (Russ Andrews)
Day 1194 (Ron Hanks)
Day 1195 (James Little)
Day 1196 (Wendy Rogers)
Day 1197  (Michael Whatley)
Day 1198 (Mike Lindell)
Day 1199 (Wes Allen) 
Day 1200 (Robert Spindell)
Day 1201 (Lynn Fitch)
Day 1202 (Heather Honey)
Day 1206 (Chuck Gray)
Day 1207 (Wendy Rogers)
Day 1208 (Raul Labrador)
Day 1210 (Jim Marchant)
Day 1211 (Max Burns)
Day 1213 (Jeffrey Clark)
Day 1214 (William Hyde)
Day 1215 (Terry Brand)
Day 1218 (Michael Sparks)
Day 1219 (Justin Heap)
Day 1220 (Lisa Michaud)
Day 1221 (Jake Hoffman)
Day 1222 (Tina Peters)
Day 1223 (Jim Troupis/Kenneth Chesebro)
Day 1224 (Mike Lindell)
Day 1225 (Tina Peters)
Day 1226 (Daire Rendon)
Day 1227 (Matt and Meshawn Maddock)
Day 1228 (Michael Whatley and Lara Trump)
Day 1229 (Matt Snorek)
Day 1231 (Mike Lindell)
Day 1232  (Jessica Pollema)
Day 1233 (Dawn Keefer)
Day 1234 (Brandon Gill)
Day 1235 (Peter Navarro)
Day 1236 (Christina Bobb)
Day 1237 (Christina Bobb)
Day 1238 (Stephanie Lambert)
Day 1239  (Mark Kampf
Day 1242 (Shawn Still)
Day 1243 (Leah Anderson)
Day 1244 (Ronna McDaniel)
Day 1248 (John Eastman)
Day 1249 (Doug Ringler)
Day 1250  (Kari Lake)
Day 1251 (Justin Heap)
Day 1252 (Donald Trump)
Day 1256 (Dave McCormick, Doug Mastriano)
Day 1258 (Laura Hobbs)
Day 1259 (Donald Trump)
Day 1261 (Shawn Smith)
Day 1262 (Peggy Judd)
Day 1263 (Mike Johnson)
Day 1266  (Otto Kauss)
Day 1267 (Rudy Giuliani)
Day 1269  (Tom Hamner)
Day 1272  (Kari Lake)
Day 1274 (Mark Meadows, Rudy Giuliani)
Day 1275 (Jenna Ellis)
Day 1276 (Scott Perry)
Day 1277  (Peter Bernegger)
Day 1278 (Christina Bobb)
Day 1279 (Liz Harris)
Day 1280 (Jake Hoffman)
Day 1281 (Anthony Kern)
Day 1282 (Donald Trump)
Day 1283 (Scott Mussi)
Day 1284 (Bill Conrad)
Day 1285 (Ronda Kennedy)
Day 1286 (Stephanie Phillips)
Day 1287 (Barry Lindemann)
Day 1288 (Vincent Rego)
Day 1289 (Stephanie Scott, Stefanie Lambert)
Day 1290 (Cyndia Haggard)
Day 1291 (Tim Scott)
Day 1292 (Rudy Giuliani)
Day 1293 (Mac Werner)
Day 1294 (Patrick Morrisey)
Day 1295 (Mac Werner)
Day 1298 (John Eastman)
Day 1299 (Rudy Giuliani)
Day 1300 (Ron Johnson)
Day 1301  (Marco Rubio)
Day 1302 (Cole Heisey)
Day 1305 (Derrick Evans)
Day 1306 (Ted Cruz)
Day 1309 (Patrick Colbeck)
Day 1310 (Dennis Linthicum)
Day 1311 (Samuel Alito)
Day 1315 (Lara Trump)
Day 1316 (Kenneth Chesebro)
Day 1317 (Julie Adams) 
Day 1318 (Jim Troupis)
Day 1319 (Beverly Pop)
Day 1320 (Robert Beadles)
Day 1322 (Michael Roman)
Day 1327 (Jenna Ellis, Cleta Mitchell)
Day 1330 (Bill Canda)
Day 1331 (Scott Deacon)
Day 1332  (Boris Epshteyn)
Day 1333 (John J. McGuire)
Day 1334 (Dave Williams)
Day 1335 (Patrick Byrne) 
Day 1336 (Justin Heap)
Day 1337 (Donald Trump)
Day 1338  (Shelby Busch)
Day 1340  (Ron Hanks)
Day 1350 (Pam Travis)
Day 1352 (Amy Kremer)
Day 1353  (Carla Andriola)
Day 1354 (Stefanie Lambert)
Day 1355 (Ashe Epp)
Day 1356 (Holly Kasun)
Day 1357 (Shawn Smith)
Day 1358  (Gina Swoboda)
Day 1359 (J. D. Vance)
Day 1360 (Patrick Byrne)
Day 1362 (Nancy Landry)
Day 1364 (Tina Peters)
Day 1365 )Garland Favorito)
Day 1366 (David Lara)
Day 1367 (Josh Barnett)
Day 1368 (Michelle Ugenti-Rita)
Day 1369 (Tina Peters)
Day 1370 (Victoria Bishop)
Day 1371 (Justin Hap)
Day 1373 (John McGuire
Day 1374 (Dave Williams)
Day 1376 (Valentina Gomez)
Day 1377 (Denny Hoskins)
Day 1379 (Janice Johnston)
Day 1380 (Julie Adams)
Day 1381 (Tina Peters) 
Day 1383 (Marjorie Taylor Greene)
Day 1384 (Tina Peters)
Day 1385  (Janel Brandtjen)
Day 1386 (Timothy Ramthun)
Day 1387 (Meshawn Maddock)
Day 1388 (David Hanna)
Day 1389  (Jeff Good Morning)
Day 1390 (Josh McKoon)
Day 1392 (Alfie Oakes)
Day 1393 (David Kalin)
Day 1394 (Bridget Thorne)
Day 1395  (Patricia Poprik)
Day 1398 (Janelle King)
Day 1399 (Hans von Spakovsky)
Day 1400 (Himself)
Day 1401 (Wes Allen)
Day 1404 (Stuart Ulsh and Randy Bunch)
Day 1405 (Peggy Judd)
Day 1406 (Jefferson Davis)
Day 1409 (Jon Burns)
Day 1410 (Kim Monson)
Day 1411 (Scott Perry
Day 1412 (JD Vance)
Day 1414 (Himself)
Day 1415 (David Schweikert)
Day 1416 (Jeff Zink)
Day 1417 (Kelly Coopr)
Day 1418 (Andy Biggs)
Day 1419 (Paul Gosar)
Day 1420 (Tom Crosby)
Day 1421 (Steve Christensen)
Day 1422 (Hildy Angius)
Day 1423 (Ron Gould)
Day 1424 (Travis Lingenfelter)
Day 1427 (Steve Christy) 
Day 1428 (Kevin Cavanaugh)
Day 1429 (Jeff Serdy)
Day 1430 (Harry Oberg)
Day 1431 (Darren Simmons)
Day 1432 (Gary Morris)
Day 1433 (JD Vance)
Day 1434 (Eric Hovde)
Day 1435 (Bryan Steil)
Day 1436 (Drunk Van Orden)
Day 1437 (Scott Fitzgerald)
Day 1438 (Tom Tiffany)
Day 1439 (Tom Wied)
Day 1440 (Helmut Fritz)
Day 1441 (Kathy Kiernan)
Day 1442 (Van Wanggaard)
Day 1444 (Bill Feehan)
Day 1445 (Richard Kucksdorf)
Day 1446 (David McCormick)
Day 1447 (Aaron Bashir)
Day 1448 (JD Vance)
Day 1449 (Ryan Mackenzie)
Day 1450 (Dan Meuser)
Day 1451 (Scott Perry)
Day 1452 (Guy Reschenthaler)
Day 1453 (Lloyd Smucker)
Day 1454 (John Joyce)
Day 1455 (Glenn Thompson)
Day 1456 (Mike Kelly) 
Day 1457 (Sam DeMarco III)
Day 1458 (Christian Leinbach)
Day 1459 (Michael Rivera)
Day 1460 (Cochise County AZ Board of Supervisors)
Day 1461 (Mohave County AZ Board of Supervisors)
Day 1462 (Washoe County Commission)
Day 1463 (Bradford County PA  Commission)
Day 1465 (Fayette County PA Commission)
Day 1466 (Lancaster County PA Commission)
Day 1467 (Nye County NV Commission)
Day 1469 (Sonny Borelli)
Day 1470 (Dennis Linthicum)493
Day 1471 (Victoria Bishop)
Day 1472 (Cleta Mitchell)
Day 1473 (Kari Lake)
Day 1474 (Eric Hovde)
Day 1475 (Eric Hovde)
Day 1477 (Kari Lake)
Day 1478 (Rudy Giuliani)
Day 1479 (Dave Williams)
Day 1480 (Shawn Smith)
Day 1481 (Joe Oltmann)
Day 1483 (Pam Bondi)
Day 1484 (Peggy Judd)
Day 1485 (Janae Shamp)
Day 1489 (Patty Plumb)
Day 1490 (Jack Cashill)
Day 1491 (Shawn Smith, Mark Cook and Joe Oltmann.
Day 1492 (Kari Lake)
Day 1493 (Mark Finchem)
Day 1494 (Phil Berger)
Day 1495 (Karoline Leavitt)
Day 1496 (Jefferson Griffin)