Saturday, April 16, 2016

Had never heard this song by the Orlons until today

While doing yard work this afternoon, I listened to Luxuria Music DJ Sheryl Farber on her "Splendor in the Grass" program.  Because this selection was played in the middle of a commercial-free cluster of songs, I used SoundHound to learn who was performing this wonderful rarity.

Actually, I was expecting this answer.

"Envy (in my Eyes)" was released in late 1965, more than 2 years past the Orlons' prime, as the 'B' side of "No Love But Your Love".  The single didn't even 'bubble under' the Billboard Hot 100.

Clinton pads her lead in latest New York primary poll

But Sander has cut into Clinton's once-lofty poll average.

Clinton's Lead in New York Grows.  (NBC News, 4/14/2016)
In this most recent poll, Clinton leads among both women (60 percent to 37 percent) and men (53 percent to 44 percent), those 45 or older (67 percent to 29 percent) and non-whites (58 percent to 39 percent).

Dear Robert Aderholt, Millions of hardworking Americans want YOU to pee in a cup

Source:  YouGov

As quoted in Aderholt Bill Will Make it Easier for States to Drug Test SNAP Recipients.   (Press release, 2/12/2016)

Other Aderholt posts:
Planned Parenthood videos altered? Makes no never mind.  (11/28/2015)
Meet the Members of the Republican Study Committee.  (6/30/2015)
No friend to the environment.  (11/14/2015)

The case of the disappearing banks in small-town Iowa

As rural population dwindles, so do small-town banks. (Des Moines Register, 4/16/2016)
The Lucas bank is just one of many in Iowa shuttered in recent years, particularly in the state's rural areas. As more Iowans move to the state's urban areas, bankers say, more rural branches are closing. Mergers and consolidations in the banking industry are also having an effect.

A closer look at Wisconsin's population loss: Juneau County

The population of Juneau County initially peaked in 1900.  During the first three decades of the 20th century, its population shrank by 16%.  The county experienced a period of steady growth from 1960 until 2010 -- a 52% increase in population.  Since 2010, though, it has lost an estimated 442 residents.

Source:  Wikipedia + U.S. Census Bureau (2015)

As of July 1, 2014, 19.0% of Juneau County's population is 65 and over compared to a state average of 15.2%.  Its 0-to-4 demographic is 5.5% compared to Wisconsin's 5.9%.  

Related posts:
A closer look at Iron County.  (4/15/2016)
A closer look at Green Lake County.  (4/14/2016)
A closer look at Forest County.  (4/13/2016)
A closer look at Douglas County.  (4/12/2016)
A closer look at Door County.  (4/11/2016)
A closer look at Dodge County.  (4/10/2016)
A closer look at Crawford County.  (4/8/2016)
A closer look at Columbia County.  (4/7/2016)
A closer look at Clark County.  (4/6/2016)
A closer look at Buffalo County.  (4/5/2016)
A closer look at Bayfield County.  (4/4/2016)
A closer look at Barron County.   (4/4/2016)
A closer look at Ashland County.  (4/3/2016)
A closer look at Adams County.  (4/3/2015)
The majority of Wisconsin counties have lost population since 2010.  (3/28/2016)
Where Wisconsin's population growth is taking place (2010-2015).  (3/27/2016)
Dane County: Wisconsin's population growth engine. (3/27/2016)
 U.S. Census Bureau population estimates: Nearly half of Wisconsin counties lose population.  (3/27/2016)
Wisconsin population projections, 2010-2040: Top 10 counties by % decline and growth.  (5/14/2015)
Top 10 Wisconsin Counties by Percentage of Population Growth, Loss (2010-2014).  (3/27/2015)
Wisconsin counties:  Population 65 and older.  (10/24/2014)
Wisconsin trivia: What was Wisconsin's 2nd-largest city in 1910?  (/9/1/2014)
Dane County tallies 39% of state's population growth since 2010.  (3/27/2014)
2012 U.S. Census population estimates: More gains than losses among Wisconsin's largest communities.  (5/28/2013)

Friday, April 15, 2016

Beyond CES 2016: Robot empowers staff to focus on customer service

Or so it sez in this 42-second video.

Supermarket Robot Makes Sure Your Favorite Snacks Are in Stock.  (Mental Floss, 4/15/2016)
Tally has yet to become a supermarket staple, but according to PC Mag, Simbe conducted a secret test-run at an unnamed American store earlier this year. The machine is meant to roam the aisles during normal store hours, so making sure human customers are comfortable shopping alongside robots will be key to the product's success.

Promises, promises.  I have a feeling some grocery chains might see this and similar tech developments as ways to increase their already thin profit margins.   (Ever try to find someone to assist you at Woodman's?)

Related reading:
The Psychology Behind a Grocery Store’s Layout.  (Notre Dame Online, 1/4/2013)
Other Beyond CES posts: 
Bentley reveals the future of luxury driving -- a holographic assistant.  (4/8/2016)
Don't expect Olive Oyl while wearing this virtual reality sex suit.  (4/6/2016)
Yamaha RMAX unmanned helicopter. (4/2/3016)
The Rowbot: The newest way to flush Roger Thornhill out of a cornfield.  (3/30/2016)
Vivint doorbell camera. (3/30/2016)
The SevenHugs Smart Remote: Control everything but your kids.  (3/29/2016)
Cocoon cam.  (3/13/2016)
Brita Infinity pitcher.  (3/11/2016)
Meet the smartwatch of the day, the Garmin Vivoactive HR.  (2/21/2016)
Can the LG Rolling Bot locate a hairball hidden under the bed?  (2/21/2016)

Link to most recent CES 2016 post (with links to the rest of the series).

Donald Trump: A person that resembles a politician and is made solely from hot air and celebrity power

With apologies to Merriam-Webster

As trumpeted in The Post endorses Donald Trump.  (New York Post, 4/14/2016)
Trump has electrified the public, drawing millions of new voters to the polls and inspiring people who’d given up on ever again having a candidate who’d fight for them.

Indeed he is!

The Fast and the Furious 10: Trump falls below 50% in latest GOP New York presidential primary poll

Probably just as blip.  (14% 'undecided' much higher than other April polls.)

Other state polls:
Donald Trump's Joe Paterno meltdown moment in Pittsburgh.  (4/14/2016) 
The Fast and the Furious 9.  (4/13/2016)
The Fast and the Furious 8.  (4/12/2016)
Kasich, Cruz continue to duke it out for 2nd, Clinton maintains double-digit lead in NY.  (4/11/2016)
Trump, Clinton lead in New York Presidential primary polls.  (4/10/2016)
Presidential primary focus moves East: A look at latest polls from NY and PA.  (4/7/2016)
Trump continues to hold onto a slim lead in GOP California primary polls.  (4/5/2016)
Trump all but untouchable in New York GOP Presidential primary polls.  (3/31/2016)
Latest GOP Pennsylvania primary poll shows tight race between Trump and Kasich.  (3/24/2016)
Everybody gets a boost in latest Arizona presidential primary poll.  (3/22/2016)
Chris Christie no favorite son in New Jersey; Donald Trump rules for now.  (11/18/2015)

Scott Walker on Wisconsin's growing tax gap: Mission accomplished!

If you live by the adage, "Actions speaks louder than words."  (And I suspect he has more actions in store for us.)

Bar graph found at Wisconsin’s Tax System Exacerbates Growing Gap between Rich and Everyone Else.  (Wisconsin Budget Project, 4/14/2016)

Related reading:
Wealthy would benefit more under Walker tax cut plan.  (Capital Times, 1/26/2014)
Governor Walker’s Tax Shift Plan Would Raise Taxes for Most .  (Wisconsin Budget Project, 12/13/2013)

A closer look at Wisconsin's population loss: Iron County

Like its neighbors to the west -- Ashland, Bayfield, and Douglas counties -- Iron County initially experienced rapid growth thanks to the timber and mining industries.  Its population peaked in 1920 and then stabilized for two decades.  Since then, it has declined 42%

Source:  Wikipedia + U.S. Census Bureau (2015)

As of July 1, 2014, 28.2% of Iron County's population is 65 and over compared to a state average of 15.2%.  Its 0-to-4 demographic is 3.8% compared to Wisconsin's 5.9%.  A projected population loss of 8.4% between 2010 to 2040 puts it in the top 10 among Wisconsin counties. 

Related posts:
A closer look at Green Lake County.  (4/14/2016)
A closer look at Forest County.  (4/13/2016)
A closer look at Douglas County.  (4/12/2016)
A closer look at Door County.  (4/11/2016)
A closer look at Dodge County.  (4/10/2016)
A closer look at Crawford County.  (4/8/2016)
A closer look at Columbia County.  (4/7/2016)
A closer look at Clark County.  (4/6/2016)
A closer look at Buffalo County.  (4/5/2016)
A closer look at Bayfield County.  (4/4/2016)
A closer look at Barron County.   (4/4/2016)
A closer look at Ashland County.  (4/3/2016)
A closer look at Adams County.  (4/3/2015)
The majority of Wisconsin counties have lost population since 2010.  (3/28/2016)
Where Wisconsin's population growth is taking place (2010-2015).  (3/27/2016)
Dane County: Wisconsin's population growth engine. (3/27/2016)
 U.S. Census Bureau population estimates: Nearly half of Wisconsin counties lose population.  (3/27/2016)
Wisconsin population projections, 2010-2040: Top 10 counties by % decline and growth.  (5/14/2015)
Top 10 Wisconsin Counties by Percentage of Population Growth, Loss (2010-2014).  (3/27/2015)
Wisconsin counties:  Population 65 and older.  (10/24/2014)
Wisconsin trivia: What was Wisconsin's 2nd-largest city in 1910?  (/9/1/2014)
Dane County tallies 39% of state's population growth since 2010.  (3/27/2014)
2012 U.S. Census population estimates: More gains than losses among Wisconsin's largest communities.  (5/28/2013)

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Donald Trump's Joe Paterno meltdown moment in Pittsburgh

As we well know by now, it doesn't matter where it counts what kind of nonsense this guy spouts.

Related reading:
Donald Trump asks Pittsburgh: ‘How’s Joe Paterno?’  (Philadelphia Inquirer, 4/14/2016)
Trump later clarified his comments through a spokesperson, who told CNN's Ashley Killough that the presidential candidate was referring to the bronze statue of Joe Paterno that formerly stood in front of Beaver Stadium “that they melted down.” 
The statue was taken down in 2012 in connection with the Sandusky scandal, and stored “in a secure location.” As Dan McQuade at PhillyMag notes, the notion that the statue was melted down appears to stem from an Onward State blog post from April Fool’s Day last year. 

Trump gets some breathing room in latest GOP presidential primary poll

CBS News poll shows change in Trump-Cruz gap.  (CBS News, 4/14/2016)
Trump continues to receive support from a wide swath of Republican primary voters. He leads among men, with 44 percent, compared to 31 percent for Cruz and 18 percent for Kasich. He also leads among women, 44 percent, to 29 percent for Cruz and 19 percent for Kasich. Republicans, independents, white evangelicals, and non-college graduates also prefer Trump.

Recent related posts:
GOP presidential candidates continue to float along in March national polls.  (4/6/2016)
No change in GOP Presidential race according to Pew Research poll.  (3/31/20160
Trump approaches, then recedes from 50% level in this month's national Presidential primary polls,  (3/30/2016)
#DumpTrump movement having no impact yet on national polls.  (3/22/2016)
Trump treads water while Cruz, Kasich gain in national polls.  (3/16/2016)
Dear Cameron, About Cruz closing the poll gap, it's a happening thing.  (3/8/2016)
So much for #NeverTrump if CNN has its way.  (2/29/2016)
How often do Republicans wake up in the night screaming, "Is this the best we can do?"  (2/23/2016)
Who's the outlier? In one day, Trump goes from +20 to -2, behind Cruz, in national polls.  (2/17/2016)
Rubio can't maintain momentum in latest national Presidential primary poll.  (2/5/2016)
If I were Donald Trump, I'd be shittin' my britches right about now.  (2/4/2016) 
Once Trump inches above the 40% level, his poll numbers start to recede.  (1/29/2016)
On the other hand, Trump continues to fly high in national Republican Presidential primary polls.  (1/26/2016)
No intersecting lines yet among top 4 candidates in January national Republican Presidential primary polls.  (1/23/2016)
Latest Monmouth Republican Presidential primary poll gives Trump a 19-point lead over Cruz.  (1/20/2016)
Recent Republican polls show candidates still drifting along.  (1/15/2016)
When you get right down to it, nothing has changed in Republican national polls in last month.  (1/12/2016)
Nationally, none of the top 4 Republican Presidential candidates is peaking at this time.  (1/11/2016)
Latest FOX News poll has subgroup margins of error that would embarrass the 1962 New York Mets.  (1/8/2016)

Kindle Oasis: Designed so you "get lost in an author's story"

Photo credit:  The Kindle Chronicles

As quoted in Kindle Oasis From Amazon Promises ‘Months and Months’ of Battery Life.  (The New York Times, 4/13/2016)

I like the print headline better:  "New Kindle Keeps the Focus on Reading".

Sliding down a banister: It's for the birds

Boring, right?

Admit it, you'd much rather see the video of this incident.

Another reason to tip your barber generously

Retired barber Anthony Ralys bequeaths $1,427,956.09 to the Athol Public Library, where his wife Katherine made regular visits for decades.

Photo credit:  Athol (MA) Public Library

A small-town barber and a million-dollar gift.  (Boston Globe, 4/13/2016)
Katherine’s husband, Anthony Ralys, was something of a mystery himself. A simple man with spare tastes, he never said much — a peculiar quality for a small-town barber — and guarded his money so carefully it was rumored the couple had never once been out to dinner

UPDATE: Donald Trump invites Rick Wiley back from Mexico

Or wherever Rick had been hanging out after parting ways with Scott Walker.

As quoted in Donald Trump hires ex-Scott Walker campaign boss.  (No Quarter Blog by Daniel Bice, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 4/13/2016)

'Decades'?  That's a stretch, Donald.  (Although his resume is varied -- and a bit checkered.)

Source:  Ballotpedia

'A very successful career in winning elections'?

Let's take a look at the record:

  • 1998.  Loleta Didrickson loses her primary
  • 2002.  Jim Doyle, a Democrat, is elected Governor of Wisconsin.
  • 2004.  George W. Bush loses Wisconsin, although he wins re-election to the Presidency.
  • 2008.  Rudy Giuliani drops out 9 months before the Presidential election.
  • 2012.  Obama is easily re-elected to a 2nd term.
  • 2015.  Scott Walker suspends his campaign after tanking in the polls and blowing through all (and more) of his campaign cash.  

My guess is that Cruz and Kasich are very pleased with this choice.

Original 8/18/2015 post "Scott Walker's poll numbers wreak havoc on campaign manager Rick Wiley", begins here.

Scott Walker's campaign manager is receiving a lot of unsolicited travel advice.

Photo credit:  Ballotpedia

As quoted in Scott Walker campaign chair Rick Wiley: 'I'm not going anywhere'. (Capital Times, 9/17/2015)

In all likelihood, Rick Wiley IS going somewhere.

And Steve Miller has a suggestion.

More wreaking havoc:
Scott Walker wreaks havoc twice in Des Moines Register op-ed piece.  (9/16/2015)
Dear Scott Walker, While wreaking havoc, keep in mind that the Presidential executive order is not a Barack Obama invention.  (9/8/2015)
Scott Walker, the undoer.  (9/8/2015)
Scott Walker's growing list of things worth considering: U.S.-Canada border wall, wreaking havoc in Washington, tougher penalties for WEDC fraud.  (/8/2015)
On Thursday, look for Scott Walker to wreak more havoc on his Presidential campaign.  (9/7/2015)
After Donald Trump wreaks havoc on Scott Walker's campaign, Walker decides this would be fun to do elsewhere.  (9/3/2015)

A 'fairly regularly' occurring event certain to elicit breathless reporting from cable news

U.S. Navy video released yesterday.

You can listen here to Wolf Blitzer, in pants-wetting mode, throw logs on what little fire there is.

And then there's this U.S. Navy video from last year.

And this alternative perspective from Tyler Rogoway, editor of Foxtrot Alpha, writing in
Navy Responds To Claim Ship Was Scared Off By Russian Jets With Video.
Is an Su-24 a threat? Sure it is, in that they can carry some fairly wicked anti-ship missiles. But these attacks occur at standoff ranges, not within visual range. If anything, the Russian jet’s offering of free target practice was good training for the Ross’s crew, and passes like this one occur in international waters fairly regularly. And many of those, too, can carry anti-ship missiles like the Su-24.

It does appear that this week's buzz was much closer than last year's.

Related reading:
Expect the Russians to Keep Buzzing American Navy Ships.  (Defense One, 10/29/2015)
Canadian navy ship buzzed by 3 Russian jets.  (AP, 9/9/2014)
Russian aircraft buzz US Navy destroyer: How big a deal?  (Christian Science Monitor, 4/15/2014)
Russian aircraft buzzed U.S. Navy ship.  (11/17/2010)
Pentagon: Russia buzzed aircraft carrier Kitty Hawk.  (Amarillo Globe-News, 12/8/2000)

A closer look at Wisconsin's population loss: Green Lake County

The population of Green Lake County has an undulating history.  It increased 24% from 1860 to 1900, decreased 12% from 1900 to 1930, and then increased 37% through the end of the 20th century.  Since then, its estimated population has decreased 1.4%.  Still near the top of its form, so to speak.

Source:  Wikipedia + U.S. Census Bureau (2015)

As of July 1, 2014, 20.8% of Green Lake County's population is 65 and over compared to a state average of 15.2%.  Its 0-to-4 demographic is 5.5% compared to Wisconsin's 5.9%.  

Line graph from Comprehensive Plan Green Lake County Public Hearing Draft February, 2016

Notice the lines for the oldest decade cohorts.

Related posts:
A closer look at Forest County.  (4/13/2016)
A closer look at Douglas County.  (4/12/2016)
A closer look at Door County.  (4/11/2016)
A closer look at Dodge County.  (4/10/2016)
A closer look at Crawford County.  (4/8/2016)
A closer look at Columbia County.  (4/7/2016)
A closer look at Clark County.  (4/6/2016)
A closer look at Buffalo County.  (4/5/2016)
A closer look at Bayfield County.  (4/4/2016)
A closer look at Barron County.   (4/4/2016)
A closer look at Ashland County.  (4/3/2016)
A closer look at Adams County.  (4/3/2015)
The majority of Wisconsin counties have lost population since 2010.  (3/28/2016)
Where Wisconsin's population growth is taking place (2010-2015).  (3/27/2016)
Dane County: Wisconsin's population growth engine. (3/27/2016)
 U.S. Census Bureau population estimates: Nearly half of Wisconsin counties lose population.  (3/27/2016)
Wisconsin population projections, 2010-2040: Top 10 counties by % decline and growth.  (5/14/2015)
Top 10 Wisconsin Counties by Percentage of Population Growth, Loss (2010-2014).  (3/27/2015)
Wisconsin counties:  Population 65 and older.  (10/24/2014)
Wisconsin trivia: What was Wisconsin's 2nd-largest city in 1910?  (/9/1/2014)
Dane County tallies 39% of state's population growth since 2010.  (3/27/2014)
2012 U.S. Census population estimates: More gains than losses among Wisconsin's largest communities.  (5/28/2013)

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

The Fast and the Furious 9: Trump experiences some shrinkage

For the lagging Democrats, it's The Fast and the Furious 8.

Other state polls:
The Fast and the Furious 8.  (4/12/2016)
Kasich, Cruz continue to duke it out for 2nd, Clinton maintains double-digit lead in NY.  (4/11/2016)
Trump, Clinton lead in New York Presidential primary polls.  (4/10/2016)
Presidential primary focus moves East: A look at latest polls from NY and PA.  (4/7/2016)
Trump continues to hold onto a slim lead in GOP California primary polls.  (4/5/2016)
Trump all but untouchable in New York GOP Presidential primary polls.  (3/31/2016)
Latest GOP Pennsylvania primary poll shows tight race between Trump and Kasich.  (3/24/2016)
Everybody gets a boost in latest Arizona presidential primary poll.  (3/22/2016)
Chris Christie no favorite son in New Jersey; Donald Trump rules for now.  (11/18/2015)

This Coolest video is from 2014

Two years and  more than a few broken promises later, we have this headline.

Coolest, the company that pulled in $13 million in funding to build a cooler, and then repeatedly delayed shipping the product to its backers while simultaneously putting it up for sale on Amazon [for $399 -- highway robbery alert], has fucked up once again. According to an update sent to its Kickstarter backers that was spotted by Motherboard, Coolest is offering backers who haven't received the cooler yet (around 66 percent of them) the option of paying an extra $97 for "expedited shipping" for a product they already paid for.

An audience equivalent to the population of New Mexico watches Trump Family Town Hall

Guess the rest of us had much better things to do with our time.

Donald Trump Family Town Hall Draws 2.15 Million Viewers.  (The Wrap, 4/13/2016)
CNN, desperate for eyeballs.  The New York Town Hall, hosted by Anderson Cooper, averaged 2.154 million total viewers in its time slot, Fox News followed with 1.992 million and MSNBC had 1.213 million.

Apparently, the Lenawee County Economic Crimes Unit buzzsaw needs a steady stream of victims



Det. Kellogg tells the couple that, in addition to the library's costs, they must each now pay a $105 diversion fee to avoid prosecution.

Bob Kellogg is the guy Burke Castleberry hired in 2014 to run the county's economic crimes unit.

The Tecumseh District Library's policy webpage does not include a link to a circulation policy.

The library has a public relations element in its strategic plan.  This economic crimes unit overkill has, generally speaking, helped move forward the strategy of increased library awareness. 

UPDATE: NC governor Pat McCrory puts lipstick traces on piggish document

Link to unsmudged copy of HB2

North Carolina Governor Tries to Step Back From Bias Law.  (The New York Times, 4/12/2016)
In his previous efforts to defend the law in the court of public opinion, Mr. McCrory argued that out-of-state interest groups and news organizations were stripping the law of its context and besmirching North Carolina’s reputation. Mr. McCrory complained about “a vicious, nationwide smear campaign” in late March.

An instrumental track from Phenomenon (1974), my favorite UFO album.  (Obviously, I take issue with this review.  But then Eduardo was 4 years old when the album was released.)

Original 4/10/2016 post, "North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory, arms folded defensively, continues to defend bill that legalizes LGBT discrimination". begins here.

Photo credit:  State of North Carolina

As quoted in Thanks to North Carolina’s anti-LGBT law, 13 conventions have decided to take their business elsewhere.   (DeadState, 4/10/2016)

As reported in Understanding HB2: North Carolina’s newest law solidifies state’s role in defining discrimination.  (Charlotte Observer, 3/26/2016)

Every time I drive past this building, I answer 'yes' to the question, 'Is it bigger than a breadbox?'

Photo by Retiring Guy

What are we looking at?
The headquarters of the Total Administrative Services Corporation (TASC) at 2301 International Lane, near the Dane County Regional Airport.

The etymology of 'bigger than a breadbox'.
Bigger than a breadbox.  (The Grammarphobia, 2/12/2008)

The full episode of the weekly installment originally broadcast on January 18, 1953.

No TV in our house back then, but Dad would read to my brother and I from TIME magazine.

Dear Donald Trump, Your outreach to Scott Walker isn't working; it's a problem

As quoted in Donald Trump's 'kinder, gentler' version: Kirsten Powers.  (USA Today, 4/12/2016)

When the show is on the other foot.

As quoted in After trashing Scott Walker, Trump now floats him as running mate.  (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 4/11/2016)

The reaching out 'splats' of Donald Trump

House Speaker Paul Ryan doesn't much like Gary Lewis and the Playboys

Sorry, GOP guys and gals, he doesn't want to be 1st on your list.

As quoted in Paul Ryan to GOP: 'Count me out' for 2016.  (, 4/13/2016)

A closer look at Wisconsin's population loss: Forest County

The population of Forest County peaked in 1940, which was followed by a precipitous 36% decline during the next 2 decades. Since then, it's been a series of ups and downs.  The county has lost nearly 10% of its population since 2000.

Lumbering in Forest County can be traced back to 1842.  Currently among the top 10 counties in output of forest products, it remains an important part of the economy.

Source:  Wikipedia + U.S. Census Bureau (2015)

As of July 1, 2014, 21.8% of Forest County's population is 65 and over compared to a state average of 15.2%.  Its 0-to-4 demographic of is identical to Wisconsin's 5.9%.  

Related posts:
A closer look at Douglas County.  (4/12/2016)
A closer look at Door County.  (4/11/2016)
A closer look at Dodge County.  (4/10/2016)
A closer look at Crawford County.  (4/8/2016)
A closer look at Columbia County.  (4/7/2016)
A closer look at Clark County.  (4/6/2016)
A closer look at Buffalo County.  (4/5/2016)
A closer look at Bayfield County.  (4/4/2016)
A closer look at Barron County.   (4/4/2016)
A closer look at Ashland County.  (4/3/2016)
A closer look at Adams County.  (4/3/2015)
The majority of Wisconsin counties have lost population since 2010.  (3/28/2016)
Where Wisconsin's population growth is taking place (2010-2015).  (3/27/2016)
Dane County: Wisconsin's population growth engine. (3/27/2016)
 U.S. Census Bureau population estimates: Nearly half of Wisconsin counties lose population.  (3/27/2016)
Wisconsin population projections, 2010-2040: Top 10 counties by % decline and growth.  (5/14/2015)
Top 10 Wisconsin Counties by Percentage of Population Growth, Loss (2010-2014).  (3/27/2015)
Wisconsin counties:  Population 65 and older.  (10/24/2014)
Wisconsin trivia: What was Wisconsin's 2nd-largest city in 1910?  (/9/1/2014)
Dane County tallies 39% of state's population growth since 2010.  (3/27/2014)
2012 U.S. Census population estimates: More gains than losses among Wisconsin's largest communities.  (5/28/2013)

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Ivanka Trump: Liar or idiot?

Photo credit:  Wikipedia

(Highlights and text box added)

The passionate Sarah Palin: So what does she believe anyway?

As quoted in Sarah Palin Endorses Anti-Climate Change Film.  (Variety, 4/11/2016)

In 2007, she used an administrative order to create an Alaska Climate Change Sub-Cabinet. Her administrative order cites the rapid warming of Alaska and other northern latitude areas and identifies it as a wide-ranging problem for the state. 
“Climate change is not just an environmental issue,” the order reads. “It is also a social, cultural, and economic issue important to all Alaskans. As a result of this warming, coastal erosion, thawing permafrost, retreating sea ice, record forest fires, and other changes are affecting, and will continue to affect, the lifestyles and livelihoods of Alaskans,” the executive order says.

Related post:
Former Alaska governor, VP candidate, and science illiterate Sarah Palin doesn't read much.  (4/12/2106)
Former Alaska governor, climate change denier, and science illiterate Sarah Palin does the Hustle.  (4/12/2016)