Saturday, December 12, 2015

5 days, 10 hours, 24 minutes and 16 seconds until the opening of 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens'

Artwork by Eddie 1998
Related posts:
10 days, 4 hours, 50 minutes and 11 seconds until.... (12/7/2015)
10 days, 2 hours, 55 minutes and 48 seconds until...  (12/7/2015)
9 days, 19 hours, 15 minutes and 55 seconds until...  (12/8/2015)
9 days, 8 hours, 43 minutes and 2 seconds until...      (12/8/2015)
8 days, 17 hours, 25 minutes and 22 seconds until... (12/9/2015)
8 days, 5 hours, 6 minutes and 31 seconds until...  (12/9/2015)
7 days, 2 hours, 44 minutes and 26 seconds until... (12/10/2015)

Georgia Republicans go gaga over Donald Trump; Ben Carson gets the cold shoulder

The behinders in the 12/12 WSB/Landmark poll:
  • 2% - Carly Fiorina, Mike Huckabee, John Kasich
  • 1% -  Rand Paul
Other stuff
Sez Channel 2 political analyst Bill Crane: "Donald Trump continues to defy all laws of political gravity," "Given the media blow up it's just shocking, surprising. It's stupifying, but I'm not again sure all of those people will vote."

Carson jilted, Trump bouncy-bouncy, many respondents just plain loony in latest North Carolina Republican primary poll.  (12/8/2015)
Ted Cruz snatches the lead from Trump in Iowa; Carson tanking.  (12/7/20151)
Chris Christie no favorite son in New Jersey; Donald Trump rules for now.  (11/18/2015)
Trump's poll numbers continue to seesaw in Florida; Rubio slips by Carson into 2nd.  (11/18/2015)
Carson continues ascent in Virginia, Bush going the way of Scott Walker; Rubio bobs.  (11/18/2015)
Georgia Republican primary voters don't have Trump, Fiorina, Bush on their minds so much anymore.  (11/16/2015)
Trump, Cruz on upswing; Carson, Bush on downslide in latest Texas Republican primary poll.  (11/12/2015)
As the polls churn in Arizona: Trump and Fiorina = big losers; Carson and Rubio = big winners.  (11/11/2015)

State Senator Alberta Darling is running for re-election and still running from her past

Republican Sen. Darling announces plans to run again.  (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 12/9/2015)

She was first elected to the Assembly in 1990, the Senate in 1992.

Note the 2 items that are no longer included in her original Wisconsin Blue Book biography.

(highlights added)

Other Darling posts:
Good question, Albert Darling. So why the lack of transparency in Wisconsin? (7/3/2015)
Joint Finance Co-Chair Alberta Darling (R-River Hills) is not too busy to schedule a $500 per person fundraiser during budget season.  (5/27/2015)
No matter how you slice it, Alberta, it's still stinky cheese.  (5/23/2015)
Alberta Darling and John Nygren, co-chairs of the 'powerful' Joint Finance Committee, join Scott Walker in a chorus of 'Blame Jim Doyle'.  (4/30/2015)
Alberta Darling and John Nygren take their cues from the bossman Scott Walker.  (2/19/2015)
ALEC tools Leah Vukmir and Alberta Darling go off the deep end.  (9/22/2014)
Alberta Darling's tailor-made news release.  (1/30/2014)
Once upon a time, Alberta Darling was a moderate Republican.  (8/12/2013)
Imagine Alberta Darling telling her Republican constituents, "You're my tools!"  (6/16/2013)
Alberta Darling and John Nygren sing along with Jiminy Cricket.  (3/30/2013)
Alberta Darling (R-River Hills) is still drinking the Kool-Aid.  (11/12/2012)

Rebecca Bradley rewrite: Scott Walker's political preference for me is irrelevant

Rebecca has not just 1 but 2 bridges for sale!

From Retiring Guy's postcard collection

As quoted in Bradley:  Political preferences irrelevant to judicial decision.  (La Crosse Tribune, 12/11/2015)

Other Rebecca Bradley posts:
Dear Scott Walker, What do you say about this kind of Rebecca Bradley contraception nonsense?  (12/5/2015)
Brad Courtney pimps out Rebecca Bradley.  (12/4/2015)
Republicans use rule of law dog whistle to get signatures on Rebecca Bradley's nomination papers in non-partisan Supreme Court race.  (12/3/2015)
Rebecca Bradley recklessly alludes to how Scott Walker has politicized her Wisconsin Supreme Court race.  (11/19/2015)
Rebecca Bradley responds to JoAnne Kloppenburg comment with her 'rule of law' dog whistle.  (11/19/2015)
Rebecca Bradley and the company she keeps (The David Clarke edition)  (11/8/2015)
This Rebecca Bradley headline must be from The Onion.  (10/26/2015)
It's all about the money: Rebecca Bradley on political and election processes.  (10/20/2015)
On the topic of Rebecca Bradley, Scott Walker speaks loudly, clearly.  (10/19/2015)
5 days on the Wisconsin Supreme Court and already Rebecca Bradley is receiving awards.  (10/17/2015)
Rebecca Bradley asks issue advocacy groups to observe 'rule of courtesy'.  (10/16/2015)
To which the packed audience responded with a loud, unified chorus of "THAT'S DEBATABLE!!"  (10/12/2015)
Rebecca Bradley talks in code at her christening ceremony.  (10/9/2015)
UPDATE: Scott Walker's Supreme Court appointment: Is it all about the money or who gets the money?  (10/9/2015)
Rebecca Bradley hopes Scott Walker will punch her $1,350 ticket to a seat on the Wisconsin Supreme Court.  (10/5/2015)

Scott Walker shows us how to deflect (Taking no responsibility, chapter 2)

Merriam-Webster (highlight added)

As quoted in Scott Walker: DOC reviewing safety at all prisons in wake of criminal investigation at youth prison.  (, 12/11/2015)

Deflecting us from these headlines

Not that Walker's statement is completely without merit.  (As it applies to everyone's safety.)

Ray Decker, a retired teacher at Lincoln Hills, said the institution had become increasingly chaotic over the past several years. 
"In the last year, two years, I did have some fear that I would have a student or a group of students come after me," said Decker, who added that management gave little support, even creating a hostile working environment. "It created an atmosphere of fear. Fear for everybody there."   [emphasis added]
However, Scott Walker has yet to address or even acknowledge any specific concerns about the management of Lincoln Hills.  In fact, he has stated that the facility is now safe "in terms of personnel and policy changes."  Sounds like a management statement of support to me.

Related WIDOC posts: 
As usual, Scott Walker takes no responsibility.  (12/11/2015)
In the news: Lincoln Hills School for Boys, Wisconsin Department of Corrections.  (12/11/2015)

Friday, December 11, 2015

As usual, Scott Walker takes no responsibility

As quoted in Lincoln Hills probe focuses on sexual assault, abuse, misconduct.  (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 12/10/2015)

But in Walkerville....

As quoted in Scott Walker: 'I believe' Lincoln Hills juvenile corrections facility is safe today.  (, 12/11/2015)

And how will these concerns be addressed?

In the news: Lincoln Hills School for Boys, Wisconsin Department of Corrections

Lincoln Hills School for Boys (Wisconsin Department of Corrections)

Link to 46-page document

Page 5.  The majority of youth placed at LHS/CLS (Lincoln Hills School for Boys/Copper Lake School for Boys) are from minority groups including African-American, Latino, AsianAmerican, and Native Americans. In addition, a majority of the youth are sent here from the more heavily populated counties of the state, particularly from those in the southeastern part of the state (including the counties of Milwaukee, Racine, Kenosha, Rock, and Dane).  [emphasis added]

The facilities are located in Irma, 215 miles northwest of Milwaukee.

A world of difference

Trump continues to reign supreme in New Hampshire polls; Christie moves into 2nd

The behinders in the 12/6-8 WBUR/MassINC poll:
  • 3% - Carly Fiorina
  • 2% - Rand Paul
  • 1% - Mike Huckabee
  • 0% - Lindsey Graham, Rick Santorum, George Pataki
Other stuff:
  • Percentage points difference between favorable/unfavorable rating since Sept. 12-14 WBUR poll
    • -21  | Ben Carson
    • -20  | John Kasich
    • -13  | Carly Fiorina
    •   -3  | Jeb Bush
    •   -2  | Donald Trump
    • +10 | Ted Cruz
    • +15 | Marco Rubio
    • +21 | Chris Christie

Recent New Hampshire primary posts: 
Chris Christie puts all of his eggs in one basket.  (12/3/2015)
Trump remains solidly in 1st place in New Hampshire; Chris Christie on the rise.  (12/3/2015)
Donald Trump has won 24 New Hampshire Republican Presidential primary polls in a row.  (11/22/2015)
Carson drops to 4th in New Hamphire, tied with Bush; Trump still in 1st.  (11/19/2015)
Donald Trump maintains comfortable lead in New Hampshire; Rubio 2nd; Bush still struggling.  (11/18/2015)
Outlier? Carson falls to 6th place, behind Cruz, Rubio, Bush, and Christie, in latest NH poll.  (11/15/2015)
New Hampshire Republicans seem to be tiring of the Donald Trump Show.  (11/4/2015)
"Oh, wow!": Four Republican candidates peaking in New Hampshire. (11/2/2015)
New Hampshire Republicans not warming up to Ben Carson. (10/26/2015)
The two most recent New Hampshire Republican polls do little to change the picture out there.  (10/20/2015)
Donald Trump takes a commanding lead in New Hampshire -- but then it's a Gravis Marketing poll.  (10/10/2015)
It certainly looks as though the thrill is gone for Donald Trump in New Hampshire.  (10/4/2015)
Carson sacked for a 10-yard loss in New Hampshire.   (9/26/2015)
Donald Trump is losing steam in New Hampshire.  (9/16/2015)

Dear Meng Pu, Just so you know, it's not one big block party in America

As quoted in Living a Frontier Dream on the Outskirts of China’s Capital.  (The New York Times, 12/8/2015)

Related post:
Welcome to Jackson Hole, China.  (12/11/2015)

Welcome to Jackson Hole, China

Living a Frontier Dream on the Outskirts of China’s Capital.  (The New York Times, 12/8/2015)
Over the past decade, more than a thousand families have settled into timber-frame houses with generous backyards, on streets with names like Aspen, Moose and Route 66. On Sundays, some worship at a clapboard church that anchors the genteel town square, outfitted with bronze cowboys and a giant Victrola that sprays water. 
“America represents wilderness and freedom, and also a big house,” said Qin You, 42, who works in private equity and owns a six-bedroom home that features a koi pond, a year-round Christmas tree and what he proudly described as “American-style” electric baseboard heating. His parents live in the house and he goes there on weekends. “The United States is cool,” he says.

What's your design pleasure?

Related reading:
The Clone of my Hometown in China.  (The Atlantic, 12/3/2014)

Meet the members of the Wisconsin Public Records Board

Peter Sorce is a member of the Washington County Board of Supervisors.

Related posts:
Dear Beth, Journalists have a sacred oath to respond to this betrayal of the public trust by Scott Walker.  (12/11/2015)
Danger, Will Robinson! Scott Walker talks about openness, access, and transparency.  (12/8/2015)
Open records and Scott Walker's concerns with constituents' privacy.  (7/5/2015)
Scott Walker does David Bowie.  (7/4/2015)
Open records and Scott Walker's irresolute response.  (7/4/2015) 
When it comes to transparency, ALEC wants to have it both ways.  (7/4/2015)
You have to wonder what dictionary Joint Finance co-chair John Nygren is working from.  (7/3/2015) 
Assembly Speaker Robin Vos's definition of transparency: All the self-serving Republican news releases I see fit to print
Good question, Albert Darling. So why the lack of transparency in Wisconsin? (7/3/2015)

Dear Beth, Journalists have a sacred oath to respond to this betrayal of the public trust by Scott Walker

Photo credit:  LinkedIn

As reported in State board may have overstepped authority on open records.  (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 12/10/2015)

Related posts:
Danger, Will Robinson! Scott Walker talks about openness, access, and transparency.  (12/8/2015)
Open records and Scott Walker's concerns with constituents' privacy.  (7/5/2015)
Scott Walker does David Bowie.  (7/4/2015)
Open records and Scott Walker's irresolute response.  (7/4/2015) 
When it comes to transparency, ALEC wants to have it both ways.  (7/4/2015)
You have to wonder what dictionary Joint Finance co-chair John Nygren is working from.  (7/3/2015) 
Assembly Speaker Robin Vos's definition of transparency: All the self-serving Republican news releases I see fit to print
Good question, Albert Darling. So why the lack of transparency in Wisconsin? (7/3/2015)

From the library crime files: Time to update your LinkedIn profile, Barbara

We need a closed entry, please.

Photo credit:  LinkedIn

As reported in Former New City Library employee accused of stealing nearly $124,000.  (, 12/10/2015)

Ah, it's the old EBSCO accounting trick!

No mention made if any of the funds were used for a gym membership.

Other New City Library posts:
New City library board hires interim director.  (5/10/2013)
Meet the micromanaging majority of the New City (New York) Library Board.  (5/5/2013)

Thursday, December 10, 2015

7 days, 2 hours, 44 minutes and 26 seconds until the opening of 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens'

Artwork by Eddie 1998
Related posts:
10 days, 4 hours, 50 minutes and 11 seconds until.... (12/7/2015)
10 days, 2 hours, 55 minutes and 48 seconds until...  (12/7/2015)
9 days, 19 hours, 15 minutes and 55 seconds until...  (12/8/2015)
9 days, 8 hours, 43 minutes and 2 seconds until...      (12/8/2015)
8 days, 17 hours, 25 minutes and 22 seconds until... (12/9/2015)
8 days, 5 hours, 6 minutes and 31 seconds until...  (12/9/2015)

The company he keeps: Ted Cruz honored to earn endorsement of religious bigot

As quoted in Why Bob Vander Plaats chose Cruz over Trump, Rubio, Carson.  (Des Moines Register, 12/10/2015)

As quoted (twice) in Five Things To Know About Iowa GOP Kingmaker Bob Vander Plaats.  (Right Wing Watch, 4/9/2015)

Related post:
The Company He Keeps: Scott Walker is one of 9 Presidential candidates attending the July 18th Family Leadership Summit in Ames, Iowa.  (7/14/2015)
Iowa Republicans have irrevocably made up Scott Walker's mind on the matter of a Kenosha casino.  (2/12/2015)

With poll results like this, expect lots more noise from Trump

Source:  Real Clear Politics

The behinders in the 12/4-8 CBS/New York Times poll:
  • 4% - Rand Paul
  • 3% - Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, John Kasich
  • 1% - Carly Fiorina
  • 0% - Rick Santorum, George Pataki, Lindsey Graham
Other stuff:

  • 34% of Republican respondents say they have their mind made up
  • Scaredy-cats if Hillary Clinton is elected President
    • 65% Republicans
    •   6% Democrats
    • 32% Independents
  • Scaredy-cats if Donald Trump is elected President
    • 13% Republicans
    • 63% Democrats
    • 41% Independents

Recent related posts:
Trump holds steady in 1st, Cruz regains 2nd, and Carson resumes his slide in latest Republican poll.  (12/8/2015)
Trump still in 1st in latest national poll; Carson, Rubio, Cruz duke it out for 2nd place.  (12/7/2015)
Trump maintains lead, Carson continues to fade, Bush a real nowhere man in latest national poll.  (12/2/2015)
It's a 4-way contest for the Republican Presidential nomination in 2 latest polls; Trump comfortably in 1st.  (11/22/2015)
Republican Presidential candidates tread water in national polls.  (11/19/2015)
A passel of polls lately, all of em' touting Trump's tenacity.  (10/20/2015)
Republican Presidential primary race is turning into a snoozefest.  (10/20/2015)
More of the same, pretty much, in latest Republican Presidential primary poll.  (10/19/2015)
Clearly, the manufactured glow of Carly Fiorina's September 16th performance is fading.  (10/12/2015)
For now, Investors' Business Daily poll looks to be an outlier as Trump is back in 1st place.  (10/7/2015)
 Blathering his way to oblivion, Donald Trump falls out of first place in latest poll.  (10/4/2015)
Nothing to write home about in latest Republican Presidential primary poll.  (10/3/2015)
Another ho-hum Republican Presidential primary poll.  (10/1/2015)
The September polls have not been kind to Donald Trump.  (9/27/2015)
Scott Walker down to zero in latest Republican primary poll -- behind Rick Santorum, no less.  (9/20/2015)
Ben Carson closes the gap with Donald Trump in latest Republican primary poll.  (9/15/2015)
Scott Walker joins the bottom feeders in latest national Republican primary poll.  (9/14/2015)
CNN/ORC poll gives Scott Walker a pity-pat, lifts him out of behinder bin.  (9/10/2015)
Scott Walker slides to 3% in latest national poll; has 8th place all to himself.  (9/3/2015)
Scott Walker is likely to BLAME CANADA for his latest poll showing.  (9/1/2015)

And you wonder why we get nothing but fluff from the mainstream media!

Photo credit: Wikipedia

As quoted in CBS Chairman Les Moonves Loves GOP Attack Ad Spending: ‘Go Donald!’.  (The Wrap, 12/17/2015)

Our mainstream media.  Servicing Super PACs all day and all of the night thru Tuesday, November 8, 2016.

Think about it.  Why would media execs want to get money out of politics?  It would seriously damage their bottom lines.  

As Moonves is also quoted as saying, "Super PACs may be bad for America, but they’re very good for CBS.”

From the reporting, it sounds as though Moonves was in a joking mood, but that certainly didn't stop him from speaking the truth.

Loving Donald Trump: "He's speaking our minds!"

Photo source:  LinkedIn

As quoted in Donald Trump found his vice presidential running mate.  (Death and Taxes, 12/10/2015)

"He's speaking our minds!"  I'm sure the same thing was said and thought about....

Strom Thurmond (leading a revolt of Southern Democrats against President Truman's "damnable proposal" on civil rights)

Joe McCarthy (honing the politics of fear)

George Wallace  ("And I say segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever!"  (Followed by applause, whoops and cheers from the assembled crowd, who undoubtedly were thinking, "He's speaking our minds!")

Donald Trump did not approve this message

Or so I imagine.

New York Public Library.  Free English classes.

Meet John Dohm, Jaguar-driving hothead

I have no idea what kind of Jaguar John drives.  The video simply serves to set the stage for this post.

Jaguar driver charged with hitting, injuring 2 bicyclists.  (, 12/10/2015)
A short time later, the same car, a black Jaguar, tried to pass the cyclists again, but this time hit one of the bicycles, causing the rider to hit the other cyclist, and both fell off their bikes.

Fitchburg police ask for charges against driver for allegedly running cyclists off road.  (Capital Times, 10/2/2015)
According to online court records, Dohm’s record includes two drunken driving convictions, the last of which stemmed from a 2005 incident, and two convictions for driving with a revoked license.

Sober or otherwise, Dohm has recently made 2 large political contributions.

Dohm was involved in an early brouhaha.

Prosecutor used charges to leverage civil suit, complaint alleges.  (Wisconsin State Journal, 1/9/2010)
The criminal case stemmed from an incident in September 2008 in which Dohm, armed with a pellet gun, climbed into what he said he thought was a deer stand but which his neighbors, Robert and Lorraine Shillingstad, said is their children's treehouse. It sits on the edge of some woods behind the two families' houses - million-dollar estates on 30-acre lots on Purcell Road.   [emphasis added] 
The structure, a two-story deck surrounded by railings with an enclosed room, overlooks a horse arena in the Shillingstads' backyard as well as land owned by another neighbor, who'd given Dohm permission to hunt there.

Trump maintains comfortable lead in 2 latest South Carolina polls

The behinders in the 12/5-8 FOX News poll:
  • 5% - Jeb Bush
  • 2% - Lindsey Graham, Rand Paul, Chris Christie
  • 1% - Carly Fiorina, Mike Huckabee, John Kasich, Rick Santorum
  • 0% - George Pataki
Other stuff:    For you and your family, does it feel like the economy is getting better or getting worse?
  • Likely Democratic voters: 53% vs 31%
  • Likely Republican voters:  23% vs. 61%

Recent state polls:
Carson jilted, Trump bouncy-bouncy, many respondents just plain loony in latest North Carolina Republican primary poll.  (12/8/2015)
Ted Cruz snatches the lead from Trump in Iowa; Carson tanking.  (12/7/20151)
Donald Trump pads his lead in South Carolina.  (11/22/2015)
Donald Trump has won 24 New Hampshire Republican Presidential primary polls in a row. (11/22/2015)
Based on latest Iowa poll, Trump can say anything he wants, Carson not so much.  (11/22/2015)
Chris Christie no favorite son in New Jersey; Donald Trump rules for now.  (11/18/2015)
Trump's poll numbers continue to seesaw in Florida; Rubio slips by Carson into 2nd.  (11/18/2015)
Carson continues ascent in Virginia, Bush going the way of Scott Walker; Rubio bobs.  (11/18/2015)
Donald Trump maintains comfortable lead in New Hampshire; Rubio 2nd; Bush still struggling.  (11/18/2015.
Georgia Republican primary voters don't have Trump, Fiorina, Bush on their minds so much anymore.  (11/16/2015)
Trump, Cruz on upswing; Carson, Bush on downslide in latest Texas Republican primary poll.  (11/12/2015)
As the polls churn in Arizona: Trump and Fiorina = big losers; Carson and Rubio = big winners.  (11/11/2015)

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Donald Trump fills in the blanks

As quoted in Trump: 'I'm doing good for the Muslims'.  (CNN, 12/9/2015)

8 days, 5 hours, 6 minutes and 31 seconds until the opening of 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens'

Artwork by Eddie 1999 (The Orange Period)

Related posts:
10 days, 4 hours, 50 minutes and 11 seconds until.... (12/7/2015)
10 days, 2 hours, 55 minutes and 48 seconds until...  (12/7/2015)
9 days, 19 hours, 15 minutes and 55 seconds until...  (12/8/2015)
9 days, 8 hours, 43 minutes and 2 seconds until...      (12/8/2015)
8 days, 17 hours, 25 minutes and 22 seconds until... (12/9/2015)

Hal Rogers, Andy Barr, Evan Jenkins have a coal-fired vision for America

Smog So Thick, Beijing Comes to a Standstill. (The New York Times, 12/8/2015)
An exciting day for some "war on coal" U.S. Congressmen.  By 4 p.m., walking the dim streets was like strolling through a coal mine. The municipal air quality index read 308, rated “hazardous” by United States standards — a level at which people should not set foot outdoors. Because of industrial coal burning, Chinese cities regularly have air of that quality, among the world’s worst.  [emphasis added]

Photo source U.S. Congress
Photo sourceU.S. Congress

Text sourceAljazeera America
Photo sourceU.S. Congress

Climate change dunce Ted Cruz should join an expedition to the melting glaciers of China and Tibet

As quoted in Ted Cruz derides climate change at hearing.  (Dallas Morning News, 12/8/2015)

Cruz mouths a popular Republican meme.

In the news the following day.  More facts and evidence!

Chinese Glacier’s Retreat Signals Trouble for Asian Water Supply.  (The New York Times)
The extreme effects predicted of global climate change are already happening in western China. Glacier retreat here and across the so-called Third Pole, the glaciers of the Himalayas and related mountain ranges, threatens Asia’s water supply. Towns and villages along the arid Hexi Corridor, a passage on the historic Silk Road where camels still roam, have suffered floods and landslides caused by sudden summer rainstorms. Permafrost is disappearing from the Tibet-Qinghai Plateau, jeopardizing the existence of plants and animals, the livelihoods of its people and even the integrity of infrastructure like China’s high-altitude railway to Lhasa, Tibet.

Related posts:
What the heck! Another Republican spouting nonsense about climate change.  (12/6/2015)
The newest Republican meme: Mock climate change by linking it to ISIS.  (12/2/2015)
Meet Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Tex.), chairman of the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology.  (11/28/2015)
The 3 contenders for Speaker of the House speak out on climate change.  (10/6/2015)

The Koch Brothers have to be pleased with waterboy Scott Walker's record on the environment in Wisconsin

As quoted in Walker Rejects Criticism About State's Water Protection Efforts.  (Wisconsin Public Radio, 12/8/2015)
After 45 former DNR staffers sent a letter to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency criticizing how the state is running its water protection program, the governor said he's proud that the number of DNR enforcement actions against property and business owners is on the decline.

Please keep in mind that Walker has no use for the EPA.

As reported at  Scott Walker calls for dramatic rollback of EPA's role in regulating polluters.  (Wisconsin State Journal, 7/28/2015)

Related article:
DNR enforcement actions down under Scott Walker.  (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 3/27/2015)

Related posts:
Scott Walker telegraphs that Wisconsin DNR will likely ignore UW, USDA and other findings.  (11/14/2015)
Scott Walker, Koch Brothers' waterboy, promotes the dismantling of the Environmental Protection Agency.  (7/28/2015)

Central Wisconsin Tea Party representative on Marshfield School Board sez 'Begone, Kermit!"

School board member wants Muppets book banned.  (Marshfield News Herald, 12/9/2015)
Carney, who was elected to the School Board in April, has previously raised concerns with the school's kindergarten through sixth grade social studies curriculum. As part of objecting to the Henson book in July, Carney also claimed the curriculum takes away teachers' autonomy and "downplays American exceptionalism" by focusing too much on global affairs.

As quoted in Changes to social studies curriculum prompts protest.  (Marshfield News Herald, 7/14/2015)
Meet Mary Myopia.  A Marshfield School Board member threatened not to enroll her child in the district last week over new standards for social studies classes that dictate how teachers should prepare children to be world citizens.

Carney was elected to the school board in April 2015.

The most recent post on  the Central Wisconsin Tea Party Facebook page is from March 3, 2015.

8 days, 17 hours, 25 minutes and 22 seconds until the opening of 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens'

Artwork by Eddie 1999 (The Orange Period)

Related posts:
10 days, 4 hours, 50 minutes and 11 seconds until.... (12/7/2015)
10 days, 2 hours, 55 minutes and 48 seconds until...  (12/7/2015)
9 days, 19 hours, 15 minutes and 55 seconds until...  (12/8/2015)
9 days, 8 hours, 43 minutes and 2 seconds until...      (12/8/2015)

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Donald Trump refuels in New Hampshire; Carson and Cruz join The Behinders

The behinders in the 11/30-12/7 CNN/WMUR poll:
    • 6% - Ted Cruz
    • 5% - Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina
    • 2% - Rand Paul
    • 1% - Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum
    • 0% - Geoge Pataki, Lindsay Grahan
Other stuff:
  • Best chance to win in November 2016
    • 34% - Donald Trump
    • 17% - Marco Rubio
    •   7% - Chris Christie

Related posts: 
Chris Christie puts all of his eggs in one basket -- New Hampshire style.  (12/3/2015)
\Trump remains solidly in 1st place in New Hampshire; Chris Christie on the rise.  (12/3/2015)
Donald Trump has won 24 New Hampshire Republican Presidential primary polls in a row.  (11/22/2015)
Carson drops to 4th in New Hamphire, tied with Bush; Trump still in 1st.  (11/19/2015)
Donald Trump maintains comfortable lead in New Hampshire; Rubio 2nd; Bush still struggling.  (11/18/2015)
Outlier? Carson falls to 6th place, behind Cruz, Rubio, Bush, and Christie, in latest NH poll.  (11/15/2015)
New Hampshire Republicans seem to be tiring of the Donald Trump Show.  (11/4/2015)
"Oh, wow!": Four Republican candidates peaking in New Hampshire. (11/2/2015)
New Hampshire Republicans not warming up to Ben Carson. (10/26/2015)
The two most recent New Hampshire Republican polls do little to change the picture out there.  (10/20/2015)
Donald Trump takes a commanding lead in New Hampshire -- but then it's a Gravis Marketing poll.  (10/10/2015)
It certainly looks as though the thrill is gone for Donald Trump in New Hampshire.  (10/4/2015)
Carson sacked for a 10-yard loss in New Hampshire.   (9/26/2015)
Donald Trump is losing steam in New Hampshire.  (9/16/2015)
Donald Trump continues to rock New Hampshire Republicans' world.  (8/26/2015)
Speaking of panic, I see that Scott Walker is now in 8th place in New Hampshire.  (9/13/2015)
The latest from New Hampshire: Outlier poll or more evidence that Scott Walker's numbers are ebbing.  (8/11/2015)
Donald Trump cruises to another win.  (8/4/2015)
Trump stomps the competition in New Hampshire; Kasich moves up to tie Walker for 3rd
.  (7/28/215) 
Donald Trump surges into 1st place in New Hampshire.  (7/27/2015)
Jeb Bush Experiencing Some Serious Slippage in New Hampshire.  (4/16/2015) 
Big spikes for Scott Walker, Donald Trump in most recent New Hampshire poll.  (4/13/2015)
New Hampshire Republican Presidential primary voters are having trouble making up their minds.  (3/31/2015)
Another day, another New Hampshire Presidential primary poll.  (3/28/2015)
New Hampshire: Jeb Bush holds slim lead among crowded GOP pack in NBC News/Marist poll.  (2/17/2015)

Dear Jeb Bush, Money can't buy love of potential Republican primary voters

Jeb Bush Blows Millions on TV Ads, But Has Little to Show for It.  (The Wrap, 11/19/2015)

Little?  Less and less, clearly.

Source:  Real Clear Politics

Ask the expert:
How Jeb Bush will win in 2016.  (The Hill, 4/29/3014)
But first he must win the New Hampshire primary. From there on out, it will be a cakewalk to the Republican nomination, and a useful and creative one as well for the Democrats who will likely lose anyway in 2016.

Cupcake Bush is currently in 7th place in New Hampshire

So Scott Walker, why is there a comma after 'obtain'?

(red arrow added)

As quoted in Governor Scott Walker Delivers Remarks at La Crosse Area Development Corporation Meeting.  (Office of the Governor press release, 12/8/2015)