Excerpt: “What you have is an economy that is forcing people to share,” said Joseph N. DiVincenzo Jr., the county executive in Essex County, N.J.
And what librarians have developed over the years is a model for collaboration -- of working together and sharing resources and creating efficiencies. If you haven't yet started to make this point with your group of "influentials", you need to develop a message NOW.
We have lots of success stories to share:
- Public access computer systems
- Interlibrary loan: physical delivery of materials
- Interlibrary loan: document delivery
- Access to online databases
- Access to materials in digital formats
- E-reference services (IM/chat)
- Long-range planning (e.g., COLAND report on future of Wisconsin libraries)
- Continuing education
- Special needs (e.g., regional library for blind & physically handicapped)
- add your additional examples here
In addition, you'll want to be sure your county and local elected officials hear this message repeatedly (but not overbearingly) before their next round of budget deliberations. The trickle-down effect of cuts in the state budget is already underway.
There's never been a more important time to advocate for libraries.