Thursday, February 13, 2025

What's the matter with Iowa? Rampant GOP homophobia

Headline:  Des Moines Register, 2/12/2025 
A number of LGBTQ Iowans and LGBTQ rights groups came to the Capitol on Wednesday to oppose the bill, while religious and conservative groups spoke in favor of the legislation. 
Berry Stevens, a 14-year-old high school freshman who uses they/them pronouns, told lawmakers it is "infuriating" coming to the Iowa Capitol "over and over again to beg for your protection." 
"It is because of bills like this that kids like me struggle with bullying, mental health crises and higher suicide rates than the general population," they said. "You should be protecting us, but instead you’re endangering us. How are you able to look me in the eye and say that you want to get rid of me?"

GET ME REWRITE: Running scared, Mickey Mouse legacy network CBS bows down, releases fawning Trump poll

Let's play 'Connect the Dots'.

Top headline:  WBHM
Censored political cartoon by Ann Telnaes:  NPR
Bottom headline:  CBS News

CBS has a long history of kowtowing to Trump.

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Good riddance to Leslie Moonves, Donald Trump enabler.  (9/7)

GET ME REWRITE: FCC chair Brendan Carr enforces white male privilege as official White House policy

HeadlineNew York Times, 2/12/2025

Benjamin Mullen writes:  
The investigation into Comcast is the latest in a series of moves by Mr. Carr to bring media companies under regulatory scrutiny. Appointed chairman of the F.C.C. by President Trump, Mr. Carr has ordered investigations into PBS and NPR, examined an interview that “60 Minutes” conducted with former Vice President Kamala Harris and announced an inquiry into the San Francisco radio station KCBS for its coverage of immigration enforcement actions. 
While Mr. Carr has ordered investigations into several media entities, the inquiry into Comcast is the first focused solely on D.E.I. His investigation into PBS and NPR focused on corporate sponsorships of news programming, and his inquiry at CBS News is focused on a “news distortion” complaint. Mr. Carr said in his letter that he was starting his D.E.I. push with Comcast because the company covered “a range of sectors regulated by the F.C.C.,” including cable and high-speed internet.