Link to March 18 Daily Herald article.
Excerpt: The library implemented a variety of cuts last year after its funding was reduced by $300,000. As a result, it already is closed on Friday nights, department heads' salaries are frozen and there's less money to purchase books, periodicals and audiovisual materials.
Director Sarah Meisels said the library can't afford to cut many more resources because that's why people use the building. "The public expects to get something for their money," she said.
Any further cuts will have to involve staffing, she said. Full- and part-time employees might see their pay reduced by 10 percent and be required to take furlough days.
The closures are part of that because the building can't open to the public without proper staffing.
McLaughlin said the library already is closed on Sundays during the summer. She said more Sunday closures are likely.
The decision to be closed on Fridays was made, in part, because it's the least busy day of the week for the library.
Related article:
Outpouring of Support for Wheaton Public Library. (3/6/2010)