Saturday, September 14, 2024

For nearly a decade, Republicans have hoped Trump would "act presidential". He has proven over and over again that he is incapable of doing so.

Headlinle:  The New Republic, 9/12/2024
Republicans have been hoping for years that one day Trump would eventually become presidential, leave behind his petty grievances, and focus on the important things. They thought he would do so after he was first elected president, and then again after the attempt on his life in July, but each time, he quickly dashed their expectations. Tuesday’s debate is only the latest evidence that he refuses to change.

Other Harris-Trump debate posts:
MAGA Team Drool's alternate reality: Christine Schiller wouldn't know honesty if it bit her in the ass.  (9/12/2024)
Why is the media talking to 81-year-old Newt Gingrich anymore?  He hasn't been relevant since 1994.  (9/12/2024)
Swing state voters debate watch:  Two people like the ranting, confused, fact-challenged old man.  (9/11/2024)

GET ME REWRITE: Demented carnival barker Donald Trump embraces a fawningly spirited Loopy Laura Loomer

Headline:  The New Republic, 9/14/2024
“What value do you feel that Laura Loomer brings to you?” asked another reporter. 
“She brings a spirit to us,” replied Trump. “We have very spirited people.”

Related posts:
Meet Loopy Laura Loomer,  debate coach of demented carnival barker Donald Trump.  (9/11/2024)
Day 1179 of GOP election denier hysteria.  (1/21/2024)

You can judge the character of Donald Trump by the company he keeps

Headline:  New York Timse, 9/13/2024

Evem Marjorie Taylor Greene thinks Loomer is a whackjob!
Ms. Loomer has made a number of constantly bullhorned racist, sexist, homophobic and Islamophobic comments in the past. She has described Islam as a “cancer,” used the hashtag “#proudislamophobe” and once seemed to celebrate the deaths of migrants crossing the Mediterranean. In 2018, after Twitter banned her for frequent anti-Muslim content, she handcuffed herself to the company’s headquarters in New York and wore a yellow Star of David similar to those Nazis forced Jews to wear during the Holocaust (Ms. Loomer is Jewish). 
After the billionaire Elon Musk bought Twitter, her account was reinstated, and she has since built up a following of more than 1.2 million people on the site (which Mr. Musk later renamed X) and has a web show. She often blasts out content praising Mr. Trump and viciously attacking anyone she might perceive as a rival. 
Two days before she traveled with Mr. Trump to the debate, she wrote in a post on X that if Vice President Kamala Harris, whose mother was Indian American, won the election, the White House would “smell like curry.”

Related posts:
Meet Loopy Laura Loomer,  debate coach of demented carnival barker Donald Trump.  (9/11/2024)
Day 1179 of GOP election denier hysteria.  (1/21/2024)

Scott Walker geography lesson: Wisconn Valley is now headquartered in Verona, Wisconsin

The centerpiece of this vision, announced in 2017 and heralded by then-President Donald Trump, was supposed to be Foxconn, a high-tech manufacturing company based in Taiwan. For $3 billion in state tax credits, southeastern Wisconsin would get 13,000 new jobs that paid decent factory wages. Since then, Foxconn dramatically scaled back its plans, agreed to far lower tax credits, and about 1,000 people are said to be doing contract assembly work.  
But it's unclear how Microsoft's new data center will change the surrounding area, because it will involve far fewer workers than a company like Epic, which employs about 13,000 people.
Scott Walker and Donald Trump got royally FOXCONNED!!

Related posts:
Wisconn Valley.  Voltage Valley.  File under 'Foxconned'.  (7/16)

GET ME REWRITE: Yes, Foxconn's $100 milion pledge to UW-Madison was nothing more than a cynical election ploy by Scott Walker.  (8/11)
The mysteries of Foxconn (season 2).  (5/12)
The collapse of Donald Trump's '8th Wonder of the World'.  (4/20)

GET ME REWRITE: Two gullible guys from Racine County still believe anything Foxconn tells them.  (10/23)

In his obsession with Wisconn Valley and Foxconn, Scott Walker ignores Madison's glowing technology report card (the continuing saga).  (12/9)

Keeping tabs on Foxconn Place in

Jeska Dzwigalski, your plate of crow is ready!

Excerpt: Pew Research Center, 2/19/2010
Oh, yeah?  "The Internet" is now doing incalculable damage to the residents of Springfield, Ohio.

NBC News, 9/13/2024

"The Internet" has made millions of people very, very stupid.
The woman behind an early Facebook post spreading a harmful and baseless claim about Haitian immigrants eating local pets that helped thrust a small Ohio city into the national spotlight says she had no firsthand knowledge of any such incident and is now filled with regret and fear as a result of the ensuing fallout.

Plenty of crow to go around.
Liz Peek.  (9/1)
Rachel M. Cohen.  (8/31)
Andrew Powell.  (8/28)
Jason Whitlock.  (8/28)
Sam.  (6/7)
Paul Rosenzweig.  (5/30)
William Cooper.  (5/30)
Andrew Clyde.  (2/21)
Elise Stefanik.  (2/21)
Clay Travis.  (1/31)

Hayden Ludwig.  (11/1)
Pras Subramanian.  (10/30)
Frank Luntz.  (1/7)

Chris Matthews.  (11/16)
Daniel McCarthy.  (11/13)
Kevin McCarthy.  (11/13)
Mike Pence.  (11/12)
Dana Hall McCain.  (11/11)
Shane Goldmacher.  (11/10)

U.S. 40 Cross Section of the United States of America (Chapter 27: Taylorsville Dam)

That was then (1953).  

From chapter 27:
In western Ohio the red line representing U.S. 40 on the highway-map shows two curious jogs.  Near Taylorsville and again near Englewood, the road turns sharply south, west again, then as sharply north, back to the original line of the National Road.  
These jogs are caused by two dams of the Miami Conservancy District, erected after th great flood of March 1913, which inundated the city of Dayton, took 361 lives, and caused damage amounting to more than a billion collars.  
The Taylorsville Dam, shown here, is more than half a mile long, 415 feet wide at the base, and broad enough on top to accommodate U.S. 40 as a two-lane highway. 
This is now.  
Google Maps

Taylorville Dam is located 10 miles north of Dayton.
Photo by Retiring Guy: 1952 Rand McNally Road Atlas (arrow added)

Related post:
Chapter 1:  Beginnings.  (7/19/2024)
Chapter 2:  Coastal Plain.  (7/20/2024)
Chapter 5.  Six-Lane Highway.  (8/4/2024)
Chapter 6.  Bush River.  (8/5/2024)
Chapter 7:  Baltimore rows.  (8/6/2024)
Chapter 8:  Ellicott City.  (8/7/2024)
Chapter 9.  Frederick.  (8/8/2024)
Chapter 11.  Horrible example.  (8/16/2024)
Chapter 12.  Mount Prospect.  (8/17/2024)
Chapter 13:  Ridge and Valley.  (8/18/2024)
Chapter 14:  The Narrows.  (8/19/2024)
Chapter 15:  From Little Savage Mountain.  (8/27/2024)
Chapter 16:  Mason-Dixon Line.  (8/28/2024)
Chapter 17:  Fort Necessity (8/29/2024)
Chapter 18:  Braddock's Grave, (8/30/2024)
Chapter 19:  Toll House.  (9/2/2024)
Chapter 20.  Coal Mine.  (9/5/2024)
Chapter 21:  Wheeling.  (9/6/2024)
Chapter 22:  Cambridge, Ohio.  (9/9/2024)
Chapter 23:  S-bridge.  (9/10/2024)
Chapter 24:  Highway and tree.  (9/11/2024)
Chapter 25:  Mileposts.  (9/12/2024)
Chapter 26.  Tavern.  (9/13/2024)

What the Donald Trump/JD Vance GOP Nativist Clown Show unleashed in Springfield Ohio

HeadlineTalking Points Memo, 9/13/2024
The claim of migrants killing domestic animals had been thoroughly debunked before it hit Trump’s microphone. One of the debate moderators, David Muir, immediately responded to highlight reporting from his television network indicating Trump’s shocking comments had no basis in reality. But despite the fact checking, Trump’s incendiary statements trended on social media and led some right-wing allies to rush to his defense. 
This fear campaign against Springfield’s Haitian immigrants contains echoes of some of the oldest xenophobic stereotypes. And, in this case, it has led to very real threats against the migrant community. 
The path the inflammatory rumors took from the fever swamps to the debate stage to an on-the-ground, Trump-fueled furor in Springfield is a new spin through a story arc that has become familiar in the MAGA era: The most out-there right-wing extremists — including, in this case, notorious neo-Nazis — and GOP politicians reinforce each others’ narratives, with real-world ramifications for everyday people. 
The trouble first began more than two months ago, when Republicans — including Trump’s running mate, Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) — began zeroing in on the town. Vance began to speak about Springfield in early July, bringing up the immigrants at a Senate Banking Committee hearing featuring Federal Reserve Chair Jay Powell.  [emphasis added]

Springfield is located 45 miles wst of Columbus and 80 miles northeast of Cincinnati.

Map, population, and electionsWikipedia

Its population peaked at 82,726 in 1960 and has since dropped 30%..  If there has been a corresponding drop in the number of dogs and cats, it's only because few people now live in the city.

And since 2000, the city has not experienced an extraordinary change in its demographics.

Springfield is the government seat of Clark County, where MAGA gained a foothold in 2016 and doubled down in 2020.

3rd party votes:  20.2% in 1992, 13.2% in 1996, 5.4% in 2016
(Alabama segregationist George Wallace 
received 12.3% of the vote in 1968)

New York Times, 9/12/2024
The mayor of the Ohio city at the center of a firestorm over immigration says that his town needs help — not the hate that has been stirred by politicians and extremists. 
“We are hurting,” the mayor of Springfield, Rob Rue, said in an interview with The New York Times on Thursday. 
The tensions over the growing Haitian population in Springfield exploded this week after former President Donald J. Trump used the presidential debate to spread debunked rumors that Haitians were stealing pets and eating them. 
On Thursday, bomb threats led to the evacuation of Springfield City Hall, two schools and the state motor vehicle agency’s local facility. 
Mayor Rue said that the threats, which came by email, were a “hateful response to immigration in our town.” 
“Obviously, the negative response and threats are very sad and hard to handle,” he said. “We want to move forward together, and it just makes it more difficult to do that when we have violent actions and threats.”

Governor from Hell Ron DeSantis continues to turn up the hat on his consitutuents. And himself.

Greetings from Nazi Florida

The Nation, 9/11/2024
According to multiple reports, DeSantis has been using his Department of Election Crimes and Security—a task force he ordered the Florida legislature to create in 2022 to investigate the false and unfounded claims of voter fraud that Republicans like to make whenever people of color vote in ways that displease them—to accost Florida residents in their homes. The action that triggered DeSantis’s ire appears to be a petition these residents signed to add Amendment 4 to the November ballot. Amendment 4 would codify the right to an abortion in Florida’s Constitution. The amendment seeks to undo what DeSantis did when he signed a six-week abortion ban into law in Florida. 
People who have been harassed report that state police officers have shown up at their homes and asked if they signed the petition—and then required them to show state identification before the officers would leave. In at least one case, a person was asked if a family member had signed the petition and warned that the relatives could be the “victim” of identity fraud.

Related posts:
What's the matter with Iowa:  Transphobia continues to run amok among GOP legislators as Kimmi the Clown smiles!  (1/26)

The crazy political hellfire that is Ron DeSantis's Florida:  GOP fights crime and inflation by restricting pronouns.  (5/4)

GOP gears up to fight crime and inflation by embracing anti-trans rhetoric like never before.  (11/5)

Day 1415 of GOP election denier hysteria (Trump Big Lie Clown Show Circus Arizona Looney Tunes David Schweikert edition)

attack of the clown show zombies
Starring GOP arizona Congressman
David Schweikert
Representative David Schweikert is a conservative incumbent who has represented Arizona in the House since 2011 but only won reelection in 2022 by a very narrow margin. Democrats hope to flip his seat in 2024 since he’s considered vulnerable in a district that is becoming less conservative. In November 2020, Schweikert signed a congres- sional letter demanding an audit of ballots in Mar- icopa County, and two months later was among the 147 congressional Republicans who refused to certify President Biden’s electoral victory.
Day 938 (Doug McLinko)
Day 942 (Glenn Youngkin)
Day 944   (Janel Brandtjen)
Day 945 (Jeff Serdy)
Day 946 (Todd Graybill)
Day 947 (Kyle Ardoin)
Day 949 (Frank LaRose)
Day 951 (Garland Favorito)
Day 952 (Doug Logan)
Day 954 (Brian Pritchard)
Day 955 (David Cross)
Day 956 (Suzi Voyles)
Day 957 (Josh McKoon)
Day 958 (David Whipple)
Day 960 (Joe Oltmann)
Day 961  (Theresa Manzella)
Day 962 (Sandra Merchant)
Day 964 (Stuart Hadlund)
Day 965  (Kari Lake)
Day 966   (Andro Lerario)
Day 971 (Jason Snead)
Day 982   (Joseph Mastroianni)
Day 983 (Mike Lindell)
Day 984 (Robert Sutherland)
Day 985 (Charlie Kirk)
Day 992   (Stan Grot)
Day 996  (Tim O'Hare)
Day 998   (Shawnna Bolick)
Day 999  (Dave Williams)
Day 1000 (Mike Lindell)
Day 1003   (Janel Brandtjen)
Day 1004 (Dinesh D'Souza)
Day 1005   (Sonny Borrelli)
Day 1006 (Daire Rendon)
Day 1007 (70% of GOP voters)
Day 1011 (Peter Bernegger)
Day 1013 (Sidney Powell)
Day 1015 (Matt Maddock)
Day 1016 (Nick Sherman)
Day 1017   (Boris Epshteyn)
Day 1019 (Rudy Giuliani)
Day 1020 (Eric Burlison)
Day 1025  (Mark Finchem)
Day 1026 (Brian Schimming)
Day 1027 (Jenna Ellis)
Day 1030 (David Whipple)
Day 1031 (Jeffrey Clark, John Eastman) 
Day 1032 (Joe Oltmann)
Day 1033  (Kari Lake)
Day 1035 (Abe Hamadeh)
Day 1037 (Douglas Frank)
Day 1039 (Warren Daniel)
Day 1040 (Craig Berland)
Day 1041 (Jason Frazier)
Day 1042 (Tina Peters)
Day 1044 (Meshawn Maddock)
Day 1046  (Jim Womack)
Day 1049 (Devin LeMahieu)
Day 1051 (Shawn Still)
Day 1053 (Ron DeSantis)
Day 1054   (Kristina Karamo)
Day 1055 (Cathy Latham)
Day 1056  (Kari Lake)
Day 1057   (Janel Brandtjen)
Day 1059 (Warren Daniel)
Day 1064 (Mike Thompson)
Day 1065 (Scott Hall)
Day 1069   (Janel Brandtjen)
Day 1072 (Mike Lindell)
Day 1074 (Sharon Hewitt)
Day 1081 (Mike Lindell)
Day 1082 (Amanda Jennings Smith)
Day 1083  (Kari Lake)
Day 1084 (Bob Bachenberg)
Day 1085 (Sidney Powell)
Day 1086 (Kenneth Chesebro)
Day 1087 (Gym Jordan)
Day 1088 (Mike Lindell)
Day 1089 (Tom Emmer)
Day 1090 (Mike Johnson)
Day 1091 (Jenna Ellis)
Day 1094 (Jim Marchant)
Day 1095 (Donald Trump)
Day 1096 (Mike Johnson)
Day 1097  (Seth Keshel)
Day 1098 (Doug Basler)
Day 1099 (Amy Kremer)
Day 1100 (Gabrielle Hanson)
Day 1101 (Mike Lindell) 
Day 1102 (Harrison Flo\yd)
Day 1103 (Steve Scalise)
Day 1104  (Kari Lake)
Day 1105 (Deborah Flora)
Day 1107 (Rick Weible) 
Day 1110 (Jenna Ellis)
Day 1112   (Dan Scorvino)
Day 1114 (Mark Zuckerberg)
Day 1115 (Patrick Henry)
Day 1116   (Jim DeMint)
Day 1117 (Peg Cage)
Day 1118   (Sonny Borrelli)
Day 1119  (Kristina Karamo)
Day 1121 (Ron Hanks)
Day 1122 (Tom Crosby, Peggy Judd)
Day 1123 (Nancy Landry)
Day 1124 (Ken Buck)
Day 1125 (Burt Jones)
Day 1128  (Kari Lake)
Day 1129 (Cleta Mitchell)
Day 1132 (Klete Keller)
Day 1133 (Andrew Hitt)
Day 1135 (Alan Hostetter)
Day 1136 (Robert Spindell)
Day 1137 (Donald Trump)
Day 1158 (Leah Anderson)
Day 1160 (John Eastman)
Day 1161 (Rob Natelson)
Day 1162 (Earl Wright)
Day 1163 (Dave Williams)
Day 1165 (Liz Harrington)
Day 1166 (Mike Lindell)
Day 1167 (Kris Kobach)
Day 1168 (Elise Stefanik)
Day 1171  (Gilbert Fonticoba)\
Day 1172 (Bob Bartlesmeyer)
Day 1173 (Robert E. Norton II)
Day 1174 (Sandra Merchant)
Day 1176 (Carlos Ayala)
Day 1177 (Mark Robinson)
Day 1178 (Iowa GOP caucusgoers)
Day 1179 (Laura Loomer)
Day 1180  (Kristina Karamo)
Day 1181 (Stefanie Lambert)
Day 1182 (Debbie Kouzounas)
Day 1183  (Marylyn Todd)
Day 1185 (Jim O'Connor)
Day 1186 (Max Burns)
Day 1187 (Brandon Beach)
Day 1188  (Gina Swoboda)
Day 1189 (Peter Navarro)
Day 1190 (Calvin Hayden)
Day 1191 (Terpsehore Maras)
Day 1192 (Anthony Kern)
Day 1193 (Russ Andrews)
Day 1194 (Ron Hanks)
Day 1195 (James Little)
Day 1196 (Wendy Rogers)
Day 1197  (Michael Whatley)
Day 1198 (Mike Lindell)
Day 1199 (Wes Allen) 
Day 1200 (Robert Spindell)
Day 1201 (Lynn Fitch)
Day 1202 (Heather Honey)
Day 1206 (Chuck Gray)
Day 1207 (Wendy Rogers)
Day 1208 (Raul Labrador)
Day 1210 (Jim Marchant)
Day 1211 (Max Burns)
Day 1213 (Jeffrey Clark)
Day 1214 (William Hyde)
Day 1215 (Terry Brand)
Day 1218 (Michael Sparks)
Day 1219 (Justin Heap)
Day 1220 (Lisa Michaud)
Day 1221 (Jake Hoffman)
Day 1222 (Tina Peters)
Day 1223 (Jim Troupis/Kenneth Chesebro)
Day 1224 (Mike Lindell)
Day 1225 (Tina Peters)
Day 1226 (Daire Rendon)
Day 1227 (Matt and Meshawn Maddock)
Day 1228 (Michael Whatley and Lara Trump)
Day 1229 (Matt Snorek)
Day 1231 (Mike Lindell)
Day 1232  (Jessica Pollema)
Day 1233 (Dawn Keefer)
Day 1234 (Brandon Gill)
Day 1235 (Peter Navarro)
Day 1236 (Christina Bobb)
Day 1237 (Christina Bobb)
Day 1238 (Stephanie Lambert)
Day 1239  (Mark Kampf
Day 1242 (Shawn Still)
Day 1243 (Leah Anderson)
Day 1244 (Ronna McDaniel)
Day 1248 (John Eastman)
Day 1249 (Doug Ringler)
Day 1250  (Kari Lake)
Day 1251 (Justin Heap)
Day 1252 (Donald Trump)
Day 1256 (Dave McCormick, Doug Mastriano)
Day 1258 (Laura Hobbs)
Day 1259 (Donald Trump)
Day 1261 (Shawn Smith)
Day 1262 (Peggy Judd)
Day 1263 (Mike Johnson)
Day 1266  (Otto Kauss)
Day 1267 (Rudy Giuliani)
Day 1269  (Tom Hamner)
Day 1272  (Kari Lake)
Day 1274 (Mark Meadows, Rudy Giuliani)
Day 1275 (Jenna Ellis)
Day 1276 (Scott Perry)
Day 1277  (Peter Bernegger)
Day 1278 (Christina Bobb)
Day 1279 (Liz Harris)
Day 1280 (Jake Hoffman)
Day 1281 (Anthony Kern)
Day 1282 (Donald Trump)
Day 1283 (Scott Mussi)
Day 1284 (Bill Conrad)
Day 1285 (Ronda Kennedy)
Day 1286 (Stephanie Phillips)
Day 1287 (Barry Lindemann)
Day 1288 (Vincent Rego)
Day 1289 (Stephanie Scott, Stefanie Lambert)
Day 1290 (Cyndia Haggard)
Day 1291 (Tim Scott)
Day 1292 (Rudy Giuliani)
Day 1293 (Mac Werner)
Day 1294 (Patrick Morrisey)
Day 1295 (Mac Werner)
Day 1298 (John Eastman)
Day 1299 (Rudy Giuliani)
Day 1300 (Ron Johnson)
Day 1301  (Marco Rubio)
Day 1302 (Cole Heisey)
Day 1305 (Derrick Evans)
Day 1306 (Ted Cruz)
Day 1309 (Patrick Colbeck)
Day 1310 (Dennis Linthicum)
Day 1311 (Samuel Alito)
Day 1315 (Lara Trump)
Day 1316 (Kenneth Chesebro)
Day 1317 (Julie Adams) 
Day 1318 (Jim Troupis)
Day 1319 (Beverly Pop)
Day 1320 (Robert Beadles)
Day 1322 (Michael Roman)
Day 1327 (Jenna Ellis, Cleta Mitchell)
Day 1330 (Bill Canda)
Day 1331 (Scott Deacon)
Day 1332  (Boris Epshteyn)
Day 1333 (John J. McGuire)
Day 1334 (Dave Williams)
Day 1335 (Patrick Byrne) 
Day 1336 (Justin Heap)
Day 1337 (Donald Trump)
Day 1338  (Shelby Busch)
Day 1340  (Ron Hanks)
Day 1350 (Pam Travis)
Day 1352 (Amy Kremer)
Day 1353  (Carla Andriola)
Day 1354 (Stefanie Lambert)
Day 1355 (Ashe Epp)
Day 1356 (Holly Kasun)
Day 1357 (Shawn Smith)
Day 1358  (Gina Swoboda)
Day 1359 (J. D. Vance)
Day 1360 (Patrick Byrne)
Day 1362 (Nancy Landry)
Day 1364 (Tina Peters)
Day 1365 )Garland Favorito)
Day 1366 (David Lara)
Day 1367 (Josh Barnett)
Day 1368 (Michelle Ugenti-Rita)
Day 1369 (Tina Peters)
Day 1370 (Victoria Bishop)
Day 1371 (Justin Hap)
Day 1373 (John McGuire
Day 1374 (Dave Williams)
Day 1376 (Valentina Gomez)
Day 1377 (Denny Hoskins)
Day 1379 (Janice Johnston)
Day 1380 (Julie Adams)
Day 1381 (Tina Peters) 
Day 1383 (Marjorie Taylor Greene)
Day 1384 (Tina Peters)
Day 1385  (Janel Brandtjen)
Day 1386 (Timothy Ramthun)
Day 1387 (Meshawn Maddock)
Day 1388 (David Hanna)
Day 1389  (Jeff Good Morning)
Day 1390 (Josh McKoon)
Day 1392 (Alfie Oakes)
Day 1393 (David Kalin)
Day 1394 (Bridget Thorne)
Day 1395  (Patricia Poprik)
Day 1398 (Janelle King)
Day 1399 (Hans von Spakovsky)
Day 1400 (Himself)
Day 1401 (Wes Allen)
Day 1404 (Stuart Ulsh and Randy Bunch)
Day 1405 (Peggy Judd)
Day 1406 (Jefferson Davis)
Day 1409 (Jon Burns)
Day 1410 (Kim Monson)
Day 1411 (Scott Perry
Day 1412 (JD Vance)
Day 1414 (Himself)