Friday, December 6, 2024

Just 1433 days to go until Election Day 2028: Time for some folks to get a life!

 Headline:  Race to the WH

RacetotheWH is tracking the latest Presidential Primary polls for the 2028 election. We combine them into a weighted polling average, for both the national polling and the polling in each state. As more state polls become available, you can explore our interactive polling map, which highlights the leading candidate in every state with at least one poll.

Countdown to 2028:
November 2024
Day 1460.  Philadelphia Inquirer launches 2028 presidential election guessing game campaign.  (11/8)
Day 1456.  (11/12)
Day 1455.  (11/15)
Day 1453.  (11/16)
Day 1452.  Sports metaphor malpractice in journalism at NBC News edition.  (11/17)
Day 1451.  (11/18)
Day 1449.   And here's the first of many useless 2028 presidential polls(11/20)
Day 1448.  "It's a done deal!" proclaims Newsweek (11/21)
Day 1447.  Dear Western Journal, it's the polling silly season (11/22/
Day 1443.  Fentanylizing of the pollsters(11/26)
Day 1440.  Return of the post-election silly season for pollsters. (11/29)
Day 1439.  Adding AOC to the mix.  (11/30)

December 2024
Day 1438.  NewsNation limits the field.  (12/1)
Day 1437.  More AOC buzz.  (12/2)
Day 1435.  NPR makes sure Andy Beshear  gets into the mix  (12/4)

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