Monday, September 9, 2024

Norfolk Massachusetts immigration brouhaha: I hope the screamers don't consider themselves Christian

Headline:  Washington Post, 9/7/2024
In the aisle, people lined up for a turn at the microphone. “I am angry,” one woman said. Her son, who was disabled, had lost his health insurance, she told the state officials on the stage. “I’m an American citizen. Americans should get help first.” 
Shouting filled the room. 
Before the panel could respond, the next person approached the microphone and began to speak. “Answer the first question,” the woman who’d just spoken yelled from her seat. “Answer my question!” On the stage, the chair of the select board, Jim Lehan, rose from his seat. “Ma’am. Ma’am, please,” he said. “We’re gonna get nowhere if we act this way.” But the meeting went on just like that, for 20 minutes, 30 minutes, for more than an hour. Now another person was at the microphone, telling the state about her own son, who was 5 years old and allergic to bees. “What happens if Lucas gets stung?” she asked. What if the ambulances in Norfolk were busy at the shelter instead of tending to the town? “What do I say: ‘I’m sorry, Lucas, we tried’?”

Recommended reading for the residents of Norfolk.

One example

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