Monday, September 9, 2024

Apparently, sexism remains alive and well in the media

1962.  Women drivers.

2024.  Women bosses.

AlterNet, 9/6/2024
One of them commented, "It's stressful to brief her, because she's read all the materials, has annotated it and is prepared to talk through it." And another told the Post, "You can’t come to the vice president and just ask her to do something. You need to have a why.” 
Leah Greenberg, co-executive director of Indivisible Team, finds those comments "bananas." In a September 6 post on X, formerly Twitter, Greenberg said of those quotes, 
"This is an absolutely bananas complaint to have about the Vice President of the United States."  
Author Dr. Linda Cureton said of the Post's reporting on Harris, "So, they don' like her because she is smart and prepared. Additionally, not much gets past her. One cannot baffle her with….. I've been there and done that." 
Journalist Fawad Hasnain posted, "Wait, so the complaint is that she’s *too* prepared? That’s wild! Isn't that what we’d want in a VP — someone who knows their stuff and asks the tough questions?" 
Former Village Voice columnist Michael Musto commented, "It's actually a fabulous endorsement."

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