Tuesday, September 10, 2024

GET ME REWRITE: Demented carnival barker Donald Trump riffs on Al Capone at Mosinee rally

Headline:  Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 9/8/2024
"You know, he's the ultimate criminal," Trump said of the late Chicago gangster Al Capone. "I got indicted more than him. My parents are up there. They're great people. They're looking down at me right now: 'I can't believe this has happened to my son. He's been indicted more than Al Capone.'" 
Trump has been indicted four times. 
Capone was indicted at least six times. "He would take that man sitting right in the front row … Look at him. He's tough as hell. (Capone) would take him out to dinner; if he didn't like him, you were gone. You would never be found again. You'd be in the foundation of a building. You would form the foundation of a building in some place in Wisconsin. Now, Alphonse Capone led a very vicious, violent life, but according to the statistics, I am a much worse person than Alphonse Capone. I don't think so."

Which is why the inevitable happened as Trump continued to spew hot air.
As Trump's speech went over 1.5 hours Saturday afternoon, many attendees began leaving the Central Wisconsin Airport. 
The back of the crowd had greatly thinned by 3 p.m., as Trump continued to talk. Those who remained were still lively, though, cheering and clapping.

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