Thursday, September 12, 2024

Sorry, guys, blaming the moderators is a indefensible cop out

Trump had plenty to time to make his points.
His pitiful performance shows what happens when an entitled, easily distracted, thin-skinned megalomaniac tries to wing it.

Bar graphRoll Call, 9/11/2024
Headline:  Washington Post, 9/11/2024
Other Republicans just blamed moderators for poor questioning, even though Trump spoke for more minutes than Harris and had ample opportunities to drive home those points.

Other Harris-Trump debate posts:
MAGA Team Drool's alternate reality: Christine Schiller wouldn't know honesty if it bit her in the ass.  (9/12/2024)
Why is the media talking to 81-year-old Newt Gingrich anymore?  He hasn't been relevant since 1994.  (9/12/2024)
Swing state voters debate watch:  Two people like the ranting, confused, fact-challenged old man.  (9/11/2024)

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