Sunday, September 1, 2024

Liz Peek, your plate of crow is ready!

Top headline:  The Hill
Bottom headline:  New York Times

Danger, Liz Peek.  Rasmussen has been thoroughly revealed as a fraud when it comes to polling.

A recent Rasmussen poll indicates that in a recent survey of 1,080 likely voters, “45% of respondents trust Democrats more to handle abortion, while 43% trust Republicans more.” That narrow 2-point advantage is within the margin of error (3 percentage points), and down from a 4-point lead in January. Last November, Democrats held a commanding 11-point advantage.

Plenty of crow to go around.
Rachel M. Cohen.  (8/31)
Andrew Powell.  (8/28)
Jason Whitlock.  (8/28)
Sam.  (6/7)
Paul Rosenzweig.  (5/30)
William Cooper.  (5/30)
Andrew Clyde.  (2/21)
Elise Stefanik.  (2/21)
Clay Travis.  (1/31)

Hayden Ludwig.  (11/1)
Pras Subramanian.  (10/30)
Frank Luntz.  (1/7)

Chris Matthews.  (11/16)
Daniel McCarthy.  (11/13)
Kevin McCarthy.  (11/13)
Mike Pence.  (11/12)
Dana Hall McCain.  (11/11)
Shane Goldmacher.  (11/10)

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