Friday, October 30, 2015

Fairway Market, "Like No Other Market" -- until Whole Foods opened a store in the neighborhood

Fairway Slumps as Epicure Options Grow.  (The New York Times, 10/29/2015)

As Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services analyst Diya Iyer notes. “Fairway has had some expectations issues.” 
The New York supermarket wars are just one of Fairway’s problems. A leveraged buyout of the chain by a private equity firm has contributed to a heavy debt load of $250 million. An overambitious store-opening strategy — it vowed to open 300 stores across the country — drained its cash flow and has caused ratings agencies to downgrade its debt. Its stock has plummeted, declining 86 percent since it went public in 2013.
Fairway currently operates 15 stores in the New York City metro area.

Other grocery store posts:
The A & P: Yesterday and today.  (8/13/2015)
Plains, Kansas, in search of a grocery store. (12/31/2014)
"The Future of Grocery is" Accelerated Checkout: What could possibly go wrong????!!!!  (12/23/2014)
Full-service grocery store to open in Florence County.  (5/28/2014)
Battle of the evaporated and condensed milks.  (10/29/2013)
The Shape of the 21st Century Library, by Howard Besser (1996): Notes, Quotes & What-Not, Part 1 (Other Insitutions Are Changing: The Rise of Large Stores and Chains).  (11/20/2012)

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