- beef stroganoff
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- food pyramid
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- mascarpone
- po'boy
- samosa
Retiring Guy arrives late to Cheerios 80th birthday party. (7/13)
Wheaties 100 Years of Champions limited edition collector series. (4/27)
Grape Nuts. (2/22)
Kix just keep getting harder to find. (1/23 update)
Cheez-It horns in. (1/10)
This box wants to party with you. (6/4)
Blueberry Cheerios. (5/16)
Snap, crackle and redpop. (2/26)
Kellogg's Honey Oat Frosted Flakes. (2/19)
Kellogg's All Bran fights for shelf space. (1/22)
Cheerios adds to its long list of flavors. (12/31)
General Mills offers two flavors of Dippin' Dots. (11/28)
Kellogg's vanilla latte Frosted Mini-Wheats. (10/1)
Nutter Butter. (6/24)
Still a little bit of shelf space provided for boxes of Big Biscuit Shredded Wheat. (4/3)
Chocolate Frosted Flakes. (3/30)
It's just peachy, part 2 (with probiotics). (3/26)
It's just peachy (Cheerios). (3/25)
Snap, Crackle and Pop shrug off competition from Fancy Friends Cereal Treats. (2/23)
Lucky Charms wants you to have a daily dose of yellow 5 and blue 1. (3/9)
The takeover of Mom. (3/1)
Hoopla over rainbow marshmallows added to Lucky Charms. (2/22)
Kellogg's Donut Shop in your choice of flavors. (2/14)
Just a spoonful of sugar helps the shredded wheat go down. (2/6)
General Mills offers yet another flavor of Cheerios -- chocolate and peanut butter. (1/30)
I suspect this special edition Cocoa Puffs isn't exactly flying off the shelves. (1/16)
What's really going on with this General Mills blend. (1/10)
Giant size bargains to kick off the new year. (1/3)
Satisfy your craving for chocolate. (12/22)
Pumpkin Spice runs amok. (11/7)
Danger lurks. (11/2)
Dan G. wets himself over Special K Blueberry with Lemon Clusters. (9/20)
Limited Edition Mocha Crunch. (7/16)
Kellogg's Frosted Flakes with Marshmallows. (2/1)
A marriage between General Mills and Girls Scouts of America. (1/19)
Alpha-Bits is getting squeezed out. (11/23)
Special K continues to branch out. (10/23)
Wedding bells chime. (10/5)
The price of convenience (22.54 cents per ounce). (8/19)
Make up your mind already! (8/14)
Remember Nabisco Shredded Wheat? (7/13)
Features Batman and Superman. (7/7)
Post wants you to have ice cream for breakfast. (6/30)
Kellogg's wants you to put out the box at bedtime. (12/20)
Decline in cereal sales bite into Kellogg's results. (Fortune, 10/30)
Americans aren't eating their Wheaties. (CNN Money, 9/18)
Cereals Begin to Lose Their Snap, Crackle, and Pop. (The New York Times, 9/10)
Why Don't Americans Like Breakfast Cereal Anymore? The once-loved product whose sales went soggy. (Adweek, 8/14)
I imagine General Mills has done the research, but what if this is the case? (7/1)
Maybe it's the rainbow colors. (7/1)
They still call it 'breakfast cereal'. (2/14)
Cereal killers: Americans' new breakfast habits. (CNBC, 8/2)
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