Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Another huge outbreak of bird flu in Indiana: 1,340,000 hens younger than a year old

HeadlineInside Indiana Business, 3/17/2025

Alex Brown reports:
The Jay County case involves a commercial egg production facility specializing in pullets, or hens younger than a year old, with a flock of 1.34 million birds. The Adams County case involves a commercial duck breeding operation with 3,400 birds. 
The flocks in both cases have been placed under quarantine, and officials have set up a 10-kilometer (6.2-mile) control area and a 20-kilometer (12.4-mile) surveillance zone around each operation.  
It is the 11th case of the virus in Jay County since early January. In the first 10 cases, more than 4.2 million birds have been depopulated in the county as a result of the virus.

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