Thursday, August 8, 2024

Chickenman Project 2025 leader Kevin Roberts on in vitro fertilization: He would call it another agenda item of the "Party of Destruction"


Project 2025 uses the phrase "fertility awareness" 7 times without describing what it means.

Planned Parenthood to the rescue.

(red box added)

Media Matters has obtained a galley copy of Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts’ forthcoming book, Dawn’s Early Light: Taking Back Washington To Save America. The book recently garnered headlines due to Republican vice presidential nominee JD Vance's foreword, in which he lauds the stature and influence of Heritage and suggests that his agenda can act as an “essential weapon” in the “fights that lay ahead.

Related posts:
August 2024
July 2024
June  2024
Q & A:  What is Project 2025?  A conservative hetero white male wet dream.  (6/30)    

April 2024

March 2024

February 2024
Want Donald Trump to serve a second term as president?  Want to have access to reproductive health care?  You can't have both!  (2/20)

January 2024
abortion access.  (1/30)


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