Monday, January 9, 2017

The dependably predictable President-elect with the emotional maturity of a 6 year old slams Meryl Streep

On the drive home from yesterday's exhilarating Packers' playoff win over the Giants, one of the car's occupants noted, "Twitter is really lighting up over something Meryl Streep said at the Golden Globes."

After a few minutes of searching, he learned the reason why.  I'll use a quote from a Washington Post article I just read earlier this morning to illustrate.

Photo credit:  Wikipedia

"I wonder what Trump will have to say on Twitter," Mike mused.

"Oh, something along the lines of 'most over-rated actress of all time'", I offered.

An easy guess, considering the dependably predictable flame-thrower who will soon occupy the White House.

As for that exhilarating Packers game.....

Related post:
Making America cowed again:  Meet the next President of the United States.  (1/9/2017)

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