Tuesday, April 6, 2021

GET ME REWRITE: New York Times headline writer buys into GOP's old and narrow definition of infrastructure


GOP.  Stuck in the past.

Instructure is much more than roads and bridges

Headline:  New York Times
Definition:  Merriam-Webster (highlight added) 
But even some economists who have carefully studied that shift say the Biden plan stretches the limits of what counts. Edward Glaeser, an economist at Harvard University, is working on a project on infrastructure for the National Bureau of Economic Research that receives funding from the Transportation Department. He said that several provisions in Mr. Biden’s bill might or might not have merit but did not fall into a conventional definition of infrastructure, such as improving the nation’s affordable housing stock and expanding access to care for older and disabled Americans.
FULL DISCLOSURE:  Edward Glaeser is a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, a conservative, free-market, individual-responsibility, American "think tank".

Curious that the two reporters didn't think to ask for a comment from an American Society of Civil Engineers.(ASCE) spokesperson.

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