Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Indiana avian flu: Another Jay County chicken farm, this one with 214,000 hens, reported to be hit with the virus

HeadlineWATT Poultry, 3/4/2025

Roy Graber reports:
In an email notice, the BOAH stated that the affected flock was in Jay County, and involved 214,000 hens. The detection, which was made on March 2, is still considered a presumed-positive case, as the flock has not yet been determined a confirmed case by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS). 
According to the BOAH, the farm has been quarantined, and a 10-kilometer control zone and a 20-kilometer surveillance zone are in place. Those zones include portions of Jay and Adams Counties.

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