Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Indiana avian flu update: Bird shelter pauses intake services

Headline:  WSBT, 3/1/2025
"Our main concern is that bird flu is a Zoonotic disease, so that means that it can be transferred from animals to humans and humans to animals. And unfortunately, because of that, we are on intake hold with Avian and that's simply just to protect the animals we already have here, as well as our volunteers," Marshman said. 
Marshman adding there are symptoms that can alert you that a bird might have avian flu and to keep your distance. 
She adds that the Indiana Department of Natural Resources suggest to leave those birds alone. 
"They'll have runny eyes. Their eyes could be matted closed. They're lethargic. I mean, just the fact, if you can see a bird on the ground and walk up to it, and it's not showing any sort of fear trying to get away. Those are all signs or symptoms that could be bird flu," Marshman said

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