Friday, February 14, 2025

Wisconsin GOP and its loathing of public education

Headline:  The Daily Cardinal, 2/14/2025

Assembly Speaker Robin Vos, R-Rochester, said there are no plans to increase funding to the University of Wisconsin-Madison to address a potential annual $65 million loss if a federal decision cutting research funding is implemented. 
UW-Madison’s provost said Monday the university would need further state funding or an increase in tuition to cover the costs. But Vos told The Daily Cardinal Wednesday night “it would be impossible for the state [of Wisconsin] to replace federal funding,” citing the need to maintain a balanced budget. 
“I think that a lot of the decisions that are being made in Washington to make sure that money is directed more toward research and less toward overhead might be a little painful in the short term, but they're going to be hugely beneficial in the long run as more money is directed into real research, and less money is directed into overhead,” Vos said.

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