Tuesday, September 17, 2024

What's the matter with the New York Times? David Leonhardt goes on the defensive

David, I realize your focus here is on presidential elections, but that doesn't excuse overlooking the 2022 midterms polling debacle, when Robert Cahaly snookered hundreds of reporters into covering a non-existent 'Red Wave".  It was an outbreak of journalistic malpractice.

Headline:  New York Times, 9/17/2024
Fanatasy polls @trafalgar_group 

Including the New York Times' Shane Goldmacher.

New York Times, 10/25/2022 (two weeks before the election)
Some have speculated that voters, who polls show are generally unhappy about the direction of the nation, have no one to blame but Democrats in those states. Others have hypothesized that abortion — the issue that Democrats have used to mobilize the party base and win over moderate women — is less salient in states that have enacted their own abortion protections. 
In a blue state, where you hear no stories of anyone getting prohibited from getting an abortion, it just doesn't play,” Mr. Frias [Republican national committeeman in Rhode Island] said.

I hope that Mr. Frias was served up a well-desrved plate of crow.

Live by the polls, die by the polls
Dear Newsweek: Please place an election season embargo on Trafalgar polls.  They are nothing more than a GOP wet dream.  Just like 2022.  Best, Retiring Guy.  (9/1)
Dear Eric Mack:  Remember the so-called 2022 Red Wave?  Trafalgar polls are nothing but a GOP wet dream.  Best, Retiring Guy.  (9/1) 
Trafalgar's Robert Cahaly:  Just what you'd expect from a "pollster" who promoted a nonexistent "Red Wave" in 2022
Dear Sean Hannity:  Trafalgar's Robert Cahaly deals in GOP wet-dream fantasies.  If he sez Trump is up 2 in Georgia, he's actually down 5.  Best, Retiring Guy.  (8/2/2024)

December 2023

November 2023

October 2023

February 2023
January 2023
RULE #1: Never take a Trafalgar poll at face valve (RNC chair election edition).  (1/27/2023)
Day 61 of Robert C. Cahaly's self-imposed exile.  (1/7/2023)
FiveThirtyEight reports Trafalgar poll with a straight face.  (1/6/2023)

December 2022

November 2022
And then there were those Trafalgar fantasy polls.  (11/21/2022)
Since Election Day, we have been listening to 'The Sounds of Silence" by Robert C. Cahaly.  (11/16/2022)
Looking forward to Trafalgar's first fantasy poll of the 2024 GOP presidential campaign shit show.  (11/16/2022)
Senate race in Arizona.  (11/15/21022)
Senate race in Colorado.  (11/14/2022)
Senate race in Nevada.  (11/15/2022)
Senate race in Vermont.  (11/11/2022)

What's the matter with The New York Times?
September 2024

August 2024

July 2024

June 2024

May 2024

January 2024




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