Tuesday, October 3, 2023

GET ME REWRITE: New York Times reporter Peter Baker ignores Jennifer Rubin's admonition to mainstream media

Not a single mention of the Freedom Caucus.  Yet another example of journalistic malpractice.

HeadlineNew York Times, 10/1/2023

Here's what Rubin wrote in a recent subscriber-only op-ed.
If possible, the Republican Party has descended further into chaos, conspiracy-mongering and contempt for the intelligence of the American people. While mainstream media outlets follow the latest shiny object the GOP throws in their path (e.g., Hunter Biden’s indictment, a bogus impeachment inquiry), consider how far removed from normal, responsible governance House Republicans have strayed. We’ve become so accustomed to their antics that the extent of their irresponsibility and sheer lunacy often gets overlooked. And, sadly, the mainstream political media does not level with Americans that Republicans’ conduct is unprecedented.  [emphasis added]

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