Monday, November 21, 2022

And then there were those Trafalgar fantasy polls

Poll numbers@Trafalgar_Group
Screenshot:  Financial Review, 10/21/2022
Mr Cahaly, whose outfit identified a “silent majority” support base for Mr Trump in 2016, said this new group could be hiding a margin of between 1.5 per cent and 5 per cent for the Republicans at the election, which determines which party runs Congress. 
Mr Cahaly’s theory is that more conservative voters suspect government and activist agencies are targeting them using polling database information, and therefore shy away from voicing their voting intentions to pollsters.

Like every election, the 2022 midterm taught us some things about the political landscape.  
It taught us that the polls can still be pretty good.

And don't forget this doozy....

Sources:  New York TimesKMBC that pollsters and pundits had completely dismissed as Election Day approached, having entered the 'red wave' echo chamber.

Related posts:
Since Election Day, we have been listening to 'The Sounds of Silence" by Robert C. Cahaly.  (11/16/2022)
Looking forward to Trafalgar's first fantasy poll of the 2024 GOP presidential campaign shit show.  (11/16/2022)
Senate race in Arizona.  (11/15/21022)
Senate race in Colorado.  (11/14/2022)
Senate race in Nevada.  (11/15/2022)
Senate race in Vermont.  (11/11/2022)

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