Thursday, May 11, 2023

"Anti-woke" ax to grind: Meet the panel of the Medical College of Wisconsin's Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion symposium

Yup, 4 white men!

“Hosting the symposium at MCW generated many passionate viewpoints and the conversation about it became unacceptably disruptive,” [Holly] Botsford [Medical College of Wisconsin nouthpiece] added. “Those conditions were not conducive to a meaningful dialogue, and MCW leadership made the decision that the situation could not be rectified before the planned symposium.”  
 In an April 30 letter sent to Raymond, also posted online by Sailer, college faculty wrote they were opposed to the university hosting “this pseudo-academic and potentially harmful meeting.” 
“The presence of this organization on campus directly impacts our students, especially those who are routinely subjected to discrimination and the effects of racism,” according to the letter. “Discourse that is politically motivated and not rooted in evidence adds nothing to the MCW learning community and makes our learners feel unsafe.”

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