Sunday, July 10, 2016

Unmarried 63-year-old state senator Steve Nass feels uncomfortable about gay sex

It's 1956 somewhere.

As quoted in Senator warns UW class essay could on gay sex could impact budget.  (Star Tribune, 7/7/2016)

UW-Madison information on Sociology 134
“Participation will likely feel uncomfortable at times – both as a speaker and as a listener – but productive conversation is the goal. It is crucial that we all remember that every person is living with a race and ethnicity (and sex, gender, sexual orientation, class, size, belief system, nationality, etc), and each person’s individual perspective is relevant to our conversation." 

Related posts:
Wisconsin State Senator Steve Nass throws hissy fit over lack of action on AB450.  (3/14/2016)
UW nemesis Stephen Nass shreds what little is left of his credibility.  (1/23/2016)
State Senator Steve Nass (R-Whitewater) takes a potshot at WEDC: Let it sink.  (11/21/2015)
'Enough is enough', Steve Nass gripes: Wisconsin's Joint Committee on Finance has not met in 26 days (and counting).  (6/24/2015)
Wisconsin fall election preview: Senate District 11.  (9/22/2014)
Curiouser and curiouser: Rep. Nass' letter to Reps. Fitzgerald and Vos.  (6/9/2011)

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