Thursday, February 5, 2015

Go Big, Go Bold, Go Batshit: Scott Walker and the Creation of the "Drafting Error" Fairy Tale

Once upon a time, there was a governor, a specialist in the strategy of "divide and conquer", who wanted to be President.

Walker wants removal of 'Wisconsin Idea'.  (Wisconsin Radio Network, 2/4/2015)

"Here" being De Pere, one of the first stops on his tour.

An overwhelmingly negative reaction made Walker realize what a putz he is.  (OK, wishful thinking.)

Other big and bold posts:
Scott Walker's budget strategy: Go big, Go bold, Go bash UW.  (2/4/2015)
Divide and conquer: The foundation of Scott Walker's big and bold ideas.  (2/4/2015)
Scott Walker's Syria strategy: Go big, go bold.....go boots, start walking!  (2/2/2015)
Go big, go bold, go borrow.  (1/31/2015)
Koch Brothers go big, go bold, will spend $889 million to buy 2016 elections.  (1/27/2015)
The Koch Brothers bring you "The Big and the Bold".  (1/24/2015) 

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