Friday, September 6, 2024

Trump's cognitive decline: And the gibberish just keeps on comin'

As quoted in
Newsweek, 9/6/2024

"They have a tremendous military power...."

How stupid and ill-informed is Donald Trump?  Very!

Reuters, 12/30/2023
The purges are a setback for Xi who has pumped billions into buying and developing equipment as part of his modernising efforts to build a "world-class" military by 2050, with Beijing's outsized defence budget growing at a faster pace than the economy for some years. 
The recent downfall of generals and military equipment suppliers, however, has punctured some of this aura, and raised questions over whether there has been adequate oversight over these massive military investments as China vies with the United States in key areas, including Taiwan and the South China Sea.

Related posts:
September 2024
Donald Trump's cognitive decline:  It's no WEAVE, folks, it's just plain WEIRD!  And very concerning.

July-August 2024
Meet Donald Trump, "colossal moron" (taxes and tariffs edition).  (8/19)
Donald Trump:  "Losing his marbles" and in need of help. (8/8)

January-June 2024

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