Monday, March 11, 2024

GET ME REWRITE: It appears that Trump's handling of the pandemic resulted in the deaths of many of his MAGA supporters


Headline:  New York Times, 3/11/2024
The chart tells two important stories. First, note that before vaccines were available, the cumulative death toll was similar in red and blue America. Although blue America wore masks more often, closed schools for longer and stayed home more, those measures turned out to be less successful than many liberals believed. 
After vaccines became available, a huge partisan gap in Covid deaths opened. Even today, when most Americans have had the virus and have some natural immunity as a result, unvaccinated people are at much more risk. 
Consider that about 95 percent of recent Covid-related hospitalizations in the U.S. have occurred among people who had not received an updated vaccine. This chart, based on data from Washington State, helps show the protective power of vaccines, especially for the elderly:

Related post:
Dear New York Times, How does my life look now?  Pretty much like it did in December 2019.  Best, Retiring Guy.  (3/11/2024)

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