Monday, February 13, 2017

UPDATE. Still on board the Trump crazy train, creaky Tommy Thompson spouts some coffee-shop wisdom

Quoted in Tommy Thompson gives Donald Trump an 'A' as president.  (, 2/12/2017)

Said.  Still waiting on does.

Above quoted found in The 155 Craziest Things Trump Said This Election.  (Politico, 11/5/2016)

Original 9/29/216 post, "Dear Tommy Thompson, I think you mean -- ha ha ha....I, I, I, I...-- the crazy train", starts herel

Donald Trump in Waukesha: Hillary Clinton would 'put the Oval Office up for sale'.  (, 9/29/2016)
Earlier in the article, wafller Thompson is referred to as "previously a staunch supporter of former presidential candidate Gov. John Kasich".  The former governor likened the real estate mogul who has never been elected to any public office to President Ronald Reagan. But the state’s top Republicans, Gov. Scott Walker and U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson, were not at the rally that was held in the same venue where Walker in July 2015 announced his own presidential bid that lasted just 70 days.

In the Merriam-Webster definition, 'staunch' has an element of 'firmly fixed', 'not subject to change' loyalty.

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