Wednesday, July 20, 2016

What Republicans (really) believe: America as a Christian nation, intolerant of other religious subgroups

Source:  We the People (Republican Platform 2016)
[emphasis added]

Dear GOP platform committee members,

Do you realize how laughably unbelievable that opening statement is?


Retiring Guy

P.S. Here's a clip from one of the top-grossing Hollywood movies of the period that made America great.  It is the '50s you want us to return to, right?

Related posts:
What Republicans believe:  Traditional marriage.  (7/20/2016)
What Republicans believe:  Education as indoctrination.  (7/20/2016)
What Republicans believe:  Prison reform.  (7/29/2016)
What Republicans believe: The Defense of Marriage Act (homophobia) should be the law of the land.  (7/20/2016)

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