Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Remnants of LifeSkills Academy, Wisconsin Voucher School Boondoggle

The school's website is no longer available, but you can still access its rarely visited Facebook page.

For the historical record, let me share how LifeSkills Academy promoted itself.

Taron and Rodney Monroe's favorite song?  My guess is "Paper Moon".  And I suspect they always sing along to the lyrics that have to do with the circus guys.

As reported by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

January 14, 2014.
Milwaukee voucher school LifeSkills Academy closes 'in the dead of the night'.   (School received more than $2 million in public funds since 2008.)

January 15, 2014. Leaders of closed Milwaukee voucher school are now in Florida.  (School administrators Taron and Rodney Monroe foreclosed on a 5-bedroom, 3.5-bath home in West Bend.)

LifeSkills is a case study in "The Voucher Boondoggle in Wisconsin".  (The Progressive, 6/13/2013)

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