Sunday, May 22, 2011

BadgerLearn, a Collaborative Learning Space

What's it all ABOUT?

BadgerLearn is a joint project under active development by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction’s Resources for Libraries and Lifelong Learning (RL&LL), Wisconsin Library Services (WiLS) and the Wisconsin Public Library Consortium (WPLC). Our immediate vision is to be a place where librarians can discover & access resources of professional value. Some examples of the resources you'll currently find here include:
  • Streaming tutorials about OverDrive e-book use
  • Archived BadgerLunch webinars
  • Streaming tutorials about Adobe Digital Editions
  • Tutorials for productivity tools such as MS Word and Excel
BadgerLearn's ultimate vision is to be a sort of co-op where library staff can use existing resources and share new resources they develop with the greater community. By reducing the need to re-invent the wheel, librarians can spend more time doing what we do best: serving our users.

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