Tuesday, March 4, 2025

What's the matter with Iowa? Kimmi the Clown sets up her constituents for financial catastrophe

Headline:  Des Moines Register, 3/4/2025

When it comes to the GOP, cruelty and heartlessness are always on the menu.

Sen. Zach Wahls, D-Coralville, opposed the bill. He said he wanted to ensure that the state would still have enough money to pay the benefits that "families are going to depend on when a bad time hits." 
"I worry that the changes that are proposed in this bill will not necessarily deplete the trust fund in a year or two years," he said, "but will, unfortunately, put us on a trajectory where the trust fund could be depleted and where you would actually have to raise taxes on employers, potentially during times when things are in a deteriorating economic position." 
Sen. Tom Townsend, D-Dubuque, criticized changes Iowa has made to its unemployment system in recent years, including a 2022 law that cut the maximum number of weeks Iowans can receive benefits from 26 weeks to 16[emphasis added]

Related posts on Kimmi's own DOGE proposal:

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