Monday, March 3, 2025

GET ME REWRITE: Royal Purple not paying attention to support of Brittany Kinser by Trump-loving, far-right Moms for Liberty

HeadlineRoyal Purple, 3/3/2025
Kinser, meanwhile, is touting her support for school choice programs as she tacks to the right. She has worked as a special education teacher in Chicago during the early 2000s and the principal of a public charter school in Milwaukee and, until January 2024, served as CEO of Milwaukee education nonprofit City Forward Collective. 
She has previously called herself a “Blue Dog Democrat” and donated to U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin’s 2024 reelection campaign.
Brittany also donated to two Democratic Assembly candidates during the same week in May 2024.  Call it performative.  In other words, done so she can say, "Look at me, I donated to  Democrat."  Definitely a wolf in sheep's clothing.

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