Friday, March 14, 2025

GET ME REWRITE: 9 spineless regents of University of Minnesota cower and cave

HeadlineMinnesota Star-Tribune, 3/14/2024

Erin Adler reports:
The regents' resolution, which passed 9-3, was introduced in mid-February and addresses who can officially speak for the U and what kinds of issues they can talk about. It’s part of a broader trend of universities nationwide debating issues related to academic freedom, especially since the 2023 attack on Israel by Hamas-led militants and Israel’s response, which was followed by campus protests and public outcry. 
In Minnesota, the resolution comes after some state lawmakers requested that U groups remove statements they’d posted — many of which supported Palestine — in 2023 from departments' websites. 
Regents Robyn Gulley, Bo Thao-Urabe and Mary Turner voted against the measure.

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