Friday, March 14, 2025

Louisiana Sen. Dr. Bill Cassidy abandons guiding medical principle: First, do no harm (chapter 11)

Dr. Bill is chair of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP).  He voted to confirm RFKjr as secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.  He should have known better but couldn't find his spine.

Headline:  Wisconsin State Journal, 3/13/2025

David Wahlberg reminds us how Dr. Bill got snookered:
Wisconsin health officials are urging residents to make sure they are vaccinated against measles, with spring break travel coming up amid measles outbreaks in Texas and New Mexico, and other cases potentially exposing travelers in Los Angeles and Washington, D.C. 
“Getting the (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine, making sure you’re up to date, is a critical tool in your toolbox for keeping yourself safe and also others around you,” Dr. Jasmine Zapata, chief medical officer for community health promotion at the state Department of Health Services, said Wednesday. 
“As of now, there are no measles outbreaks in Wisconsin, and we want to make sure to keep it that way,” Zapata said. Two doses of the MMR vaccine, typically given around ages 1 and 5, are considered 97% effective against measles, which is highly contagious and can be deadly.[emphasis added]

Dr. Bill chose to preserve his political future over saving lives.  Unconscionable!

Related posts:
Chapter 1.  (3/10/2025)
Chapter 2.  (3/10/2025)
Chapter 3.  (3/10/2025)
Chapter 4.  (3/11/2025)
Chapter 5.  (3/12/2025)
Chapter 6.  (3/12/2025)
Chapter 7.  (3/13/2025)
Chapter 8.  (3/14/2025)
Chapter 9.  (3/14/2025)
Chapter 10.  (3/14/2025)

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