Saturday, October 19, 2024

GET ME REWRITE: Use of phrase 'border crisis' should be permanently embargoed by news media

HeadlineTexas Monthly, Novmber 2024
In a 2023 analysis by The Wall Street Journal, the counties that participated most actively in Operation Lone Star during its first two years saw the greatest increase in the number of border crossers over that period. 
This could have been predicted. For more than a century the threat of arrest—whether by Border Patrol agents in green uniforms or Texas state cops in white Stetsons—has not stopped undocumented workers from moving north. Recently Latin American migrants have kept coming, for the same reason millions of Scots, Irish, Germans, Eastern Europeans, Italians, and Russians first arrived at Ellis Island. The U.S. economy—the most powerful engine of wealth in human history—has been built on successive waves of foreign-born workers and entrepreneurs. The current border crisis is a symptom of a much deeper transformation in the U.S. and across much of the Western Hemisphere. It won’t be solved by tough-talking politicians posing next to coils of razor wire. There are greater forces at play. [emphasis added]
One of those forces is the worsening economic and political calamity across much of Latin America and the Caribbean.

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