Monday, September 2, 2024

During Donald Trump's disastrous presidency, stocking the federal judiciary with far-right judges was mostly a guy thing

In fact, totally a guy thing as far as the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals is concerned.


HeadlineAmerican Progress, 5/15/2024
Traditionally, U.S. Courts of Appeals serve as gatekeepers to the U.S. Supreme Court, keeping district court judges in check.1 Circuit court panels, typically comprising three judges randomly selected from a pool of often ideologically diverse jurists, are supposed to review district court decisions with a degree of caution and procedural care.2 Many circuit courts have high standards when reviewing a case where the outcome could profoundly affect the entire country.3 The U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit, however, has recently proved to be an outlier in any type of effective gatekeeping, with disastrous results for stable jurisprudence and the American people. 
In recent years, the 5th Circuit, which serves Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi, has allowed extremist lower court judges to issue sweeping, politically fraught rulings that advance right-wing policy positions[emphasis added]

Related post:
Further adventures in GOP judge shopping: Bought and paid for Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals strikes down Biden-era 80/20 labor rule.  (9/2/2024)

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