Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Officially, Wisconsin gun deer harvest is down 63% since 2000 peak

Source:  Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (1966-2015, 2016-2017)

Unofficially?  (The steepest drops during the past decade, however, took place before the GOP took full control of state governement and relaxed regulations, including the elimination of a minimum hunting age.)

Wisconsin gun deer harvest dips near 35-year lowx.  (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 11/28/2017)
 A general decline in hunting, both in Wisconsin and across the nation, has been predicted by sociologists for more than a decade as Americans lead more sedentary lifestyles and spend less time in traditional outdoors activities. 
The state Legislature has relaxed deer hunting regulations in recent years, too. Deer no longer need to be tagged or taken to a physical registration station. 
Especially on private land, it is now easier than ever in Wisconsin for someone to shoot a deer and not register it.

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