Sunday, February 16, 2025

Trump-lovin', rural, agriculture-dependent Huron County Michigan takes a big hit courtesy of President Musk

Election results:  Wikipedia
3rd party votes:  24.8% in 1992, 12.8% in 1996, 4.2% in 2016
(Alabama segregationist George Wallace 
received 8.9% of the vote in 1968)
Headline:  Huron Daily Tribune, 2/14/2025

Experts expect the automobile, manufacturing, and agriculture industries to be hit hardest in Michigan. This raises concern for those in Huron County, as it is one of Michigan's top agriculture counties and continues to be the main source of income for the majority of residents[emphasis added]
Huron County certainly has the MAGA demographics.

Read up, Huron County!  Trump is just not that into you,

New York Times, 2/13/2025
David Brooks writes:
If America elected a populist as president, you would expect him to devote his administration to addressing these inequities, to boosting the destinies of working-class Americans. But that’s not what President Trump is doing. He seems to have no plans to narrow the education chasms, no plans to narrow the health outcome chasms or the family structure chasms. He has basically no plans to revive the communities that have been decimated by postindustrialization.
Why is that? The simplest answer is that Trump really seems not to give a crap about the working class. Trump is not a populist. He campaigns as a populist, but once he has power, he is the betrayer of populism.  [emphasis added]
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