Monday, February 17, 2025

COWER AND CAVE: Spineless billionaire Jeff Skoll uses Democrats as a scapegoat for his cowardice

Photo credit:  Rotten Tomatoes
Headline  New York Times, 2/16/2025

Lisa Lerer, Reid J. Epstein, and Theodore Schleifer write:
This month, Mr. Skoll, who has donated tens of millions to Democratic candidates and causes in recent years but said he did not vote in the 2024 presidential election, posted a photo on social media of himself standing with Mr. Trump backstage at the inauguration. On Friday, he had breakfast in Palm Beach, Fla., with Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, the minority leader, where they discussed the prospect of Mr. Schumer’s using Mr. Skoll to back-channel ideas to the president, Mr. Skoll said. 
Mr. Schumer recalls the conversation differently, according to an aide, Allison Biasotti. 
In an interview, Mr. Skoll acknowledged his unique position, saying he had heard from many others who were frightened to fund opposition to the administration [emphasis added]

Other chickenshits:
Tulsi Gabbard and a shocking detachment from reality @SenateGOP.  (2./13)

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