Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Georgia's Anti-Science Climate Denier Caucus

Photo course:

And what a surprise!

The group  is an exclusive club of 5 white Republicans.

Wonder what they have to say about this situation.

With Too Much Rain in the South, Too Little Produce on the Shelves. (The New York Times, 7/29/2013)

Particularly since much of Georgia was suffering from extreme drought just a year ago.

Apparently, the 5 gentlemen pictured above kept their mouths shut for this article.

Georgia officials give drought the silent treatment.  (Los Angeles Times, 9/16/2012)

And I suspect they continue to ignore observations such as these shared in the New York Times article.

“Nobody’s ever seen it this wet this long.”  Randy Ellis, a Georgia farmer.

“This is something that has never been on our radar"  Duke Lane Jr., Georgia peach and pecan grower.

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