Friday, January 31, 2025

GET ME REWRITE: Amazon doesn't pay their grocery workers a living wage

Obviously, Jeff Bezos cares much about about First Felon Donald Trump than he does his workers.

Censored political cartoonNPR  
Headline:  New York Times, 1/27/2025
Store employees said they hoped a union could help negotiate higher wages, above the current starting rate of $16 an hour, and better benefits. Some longtime employees, who have been with Whole Foods since well before Amazon bought the chain in 2017, said reductions in benefits and cuts in staffing levels when Amazon took over, among other changes, had been sources of frustration. [emphasis added]


Related reading:

Investopedia, 1/3/2025
A living wage is often substantially higher than the legal minimum wage. The living wage at the federal level was $25.02 per hour for a family of four with two working adults at the close of 2022, the last year for which statistics are available. Two working adults earning $20 an hour each or $41,600 a year wouldn't reach this threshold to adequately support themselves and their two children.  [emphasis added]

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