Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Got milk? For now, perhaps, but just wait til First Felon Donald Trump gets deep into his mass deportation thing

Headline:  Dairy Herd Management, 1/27/2025
Growing Reliance on Immigrant Workforce Dr. Robert Hagevoort of New Mexico State University, in his presentation at the DairyCattle Reproduction Council (DCRC) Annual Meetings in Arlington, Texas, in mid-November, suggests that the figures from the NMPF report, dating back to 2015, may even underestimate the current reliance on immigrant labor.  
“Dairy herd sizes have grown considerably and so have the number of employees on the farm,” he says. [emphasis added]
Reflecting on past immigration policies, Jaime Castaneda, executive vice president of policy development and strategy for the NMPF, points out that immigration issues are not new to the industry. He references President Obama’s administration, which saw significant immigration enforcement actions, resulting in the deportation of 2.7 million individuals over eight years. As a result, President Obama was often labeled the “Deporter in Chief.” 
Fast forward, and with newly re-elected President Trump’s tenure, there is an anticipation of stricter immigration policies.

Related reading:
Farm Progress, 2/7/2018

Related post:
Wisconsin dairy farmers risk their livelihoods by voting for Trump in 2024.  (7/16/2024)


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