Thursday, August 22, 2024

Scott Walker's destructive University of Wisconsin System legacy continues to inflict damage

Headline:  Wisconsin State Journal, 8/22/2024
Nearly three dozen faculty at UW-Milwaukee's branch campuses will lose their jobs after the UW Board of Regents voted Thursday to use its decade-old policy allowing universities to lay off faculty members for the first time. 
The policy, made possible by the elimination of tenure protections from state law in 2015 [when Scott Walker was governor], allows the board to fire faculty whose programs have been eliminated or because of financial difficulty. Thursday's vote was 17-1, with only state Superintendent Jill Underly voting against. 
Regents lamented that they felt forced into the decision by what they described as inadequate state support of the UW system and the decision to merge branch campuses with four-year schools without a workable plan to keep the campuses viable.

Related posts:
Welcome to Scott Walker's Wisconsin legacy:  Trashing higher education edition.  (8/16)

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